Residents Associations in Spain ? What are the negatives or the positives?

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07 Mar 2013 9:23 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message


I have met lots of people in Spain that advise... "Stay Clear of Residents Associations".  My experiance is that they do "some good" but sometimes they are let say .. not so good as they attract  people on a "power trip that have nothing better to do"..  What do you think are they good or bad or dosnt it matter at all ?.


This message was last edited by aliton on 07/03/2013.


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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08 Mar 2013 3:24 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Camposol would have been very much the poorer without the  unpaid work put in by community minded people. I hate to think how it would have deteriorated if there had been no CRA. To give up precious time going to meetings, researching, discussing, supporting etc means you have to be an unselfish sort of person, with excellent community spirit.Of course it is made up of many different personalities, views will clash, but generally as long as they are  working for the good of all, that doesn't matter as there is stimulated discussion and ideas.In  all associatioins no doubt there are problems like primadonnas, and people that cannot get on with others, but with the CRA, I would say we are lucky to have such a nice bunch!

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08 Mar 2013 3:28 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 I agree with Camposol.  On our first property, the gardens and pool areas were left unfinished by the builders who did a runner.  The residents got the benches, the pools and the garden area really well done.  The same with the water and electric as we had pipes all over the place left by the builders.  The residents, by attending meetings and so on, got the electric company and the water company to do all the bits needed.  Without the actual residents, it would be a poor place but is now very nice.

Yes, you are bound to get the bigheads who think they are the King or Queen of the Urb but they normally disappear off and can easily be ignored.  I think the Playa Flamenca residents association has had the place really tidied up due to lobbying the town hall which couldn't be bothered to do it by themselves.  

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08 Mar 2013 7:43 PM by aliton Star rating. 331 posts Send private message


Yep, I agree its a great way to get things done and build community spirit and friendships. I was wondering if somethimes Spanish Local Councils see them as a threat to the town halls authority because its maybe not common practice in Spanish Villages where the major holds some power.


  Fomer member revisiting r.




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03 Feb 2014 6:25 PM by Redrose Star rating in Norwich. 233 posts Send private message


We are in the process of setting one up....grateful for all advice...we have lots of good advisors at present...but you can never have enough good advice,


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03 Feb 2014 7:14 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I agree with Camposol residents associations are a great thing and a good way of getting things done but you have to make a clear set of rules that sets out the reason for the association .

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