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Friends are soon to join us, a charming couple. It is a dilemma for someone who eats normally, our friend’s wife has a very strict eating regime. A first visit to Spain she is ultra pickie and has very little to eat by health preference.
I see no reason to conform by ordering for her expensive restaurant 3-course meals, most of which will remain untouched. Will likely explain to the waiter as I am sure it won’t be their first such query.
I am just wondering how others approach the issue. Split meals or just one meal… something different chosen off the menu, just the starter perhaps?

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
What does she eat?
Most restaurants would be happy to modify a menu if you say she has an allergy to something, that always works... if you say she doesn't like it they'll probably say sorry that's what there is today... if she's not a big eater I often just order two starters instead of a starter and a main meal if I'm not that hungry...
This pickie (smile)
I usually eat two times a day. Morning breakfast and then lunch in the afternoon from 1pm to 6 pm.
Usually in the evening I can drink tea or eat fruit - apple, apricot, cherry.
for lunch I eat porridge with a salad, (but without mayonnaise).
My portion of 100 grams of porridge ( or fish or meat) + 100 or 150 grams of salad.
For me, it is desirable not to eat too much, because I would have problems with my stomach.
I am writing this because you're ordering your menu for us.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I am a pickie eater due to type 2 diabetes. I dont like eating out because restaurants mainly serve food full of sugars and fats. If she just sticks to salads I'm sure she can cope
_______________________ Omarell
I must try porridge followed by a salad for lunch.
I wonder, does she make her porridge with water or milk or half and half ? Does she have it with Lyles Golden Syrup or sugar or, as in Scotland, with salt.? Does she have a kipper salad to follow or does she prefer pickled herring? You are certainly going to have your work cut out feeding this guest. Good luck.
Just to add. I read this three times before I realised that it read 'Pickie' eater. I thought it said 'PICKLE' eater.
She sounds like my Mum, like Omarell she is diabetic and has to really watch her sugar levels so eating anywhere is a problem.
However a small fillet of fish and a small salad should be fine and I think any restaurant can sort that out. If you give them a good enough reason they'll even sort it out with a smile.
Sandra, I have my porridge with salt, wouldn't have it any other way! :)
Ha Ha! The best of posts; informative and amusing, interesting and understanding. I should have labelled it ‘fussy eater’. Porridge? I am a fan but like Ian, water and salt (despite the blood pressure) hazards. I just wish the lady would eat a full plate of steak and chips. Slim? I have seen more meat on a butcher’s pencil than on her . . . and she worries about her weight! Oh well, thanks for ………….. Dare I say it? Feedback?

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
:) Sounds like you have a dilemma on your hands Mike......... but at least the remedy won't break the bank!
Just imagine it was the other way round you might have a serious problem on your hands.....
"I eat five times a day, must have fresh organic fruit, kobe beef and fresh seafood (never frozen) everyday otherwise I'm just not myself... (seafood could be substituted for Sushi, if it is fresh) and of course all that must be followed with champagne...not sparkling wine"
I would thank your lucky stars you're getting away with such a "light" meal !!! :)
I've seen fussy eaters in my time but your guest takes the biscuit LOL I assume it is not just a weight issue but she must have some health disorder.... by the sound of it her stomach's not used to solids : tea, porridge, leaves,fruit ..... So whenever she eats something outside her diet it must be like digesting a brick.
May I suggest a bowl of Gazpacho and a slice of bread: cheap, easy to weigh and just what the doctor ordered, but with a Spanish touch! 
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
And people call me a fussy eater, just because I don't usually eat meat!!!
Just a thought, Mike. If she eats porridge at lunch, what does she eat for breakfast?
Here’s me thinking our upper storey plumbing was all the same. I shall treat my food processing plant in future with more respect. I have a slight pot but this is the for same reason a camel has a hump. It is natures way of getting me through the famines. Don’t mock, anything is possible. Breakfast? Yes, low maintenance indeed as for breakfast one Weetabix is fine so I must get some in. Her energy is phenomenal so it shows just how little fuel the body actually needs

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Having a fussy 14 year old (though having said that, he will eat any kind of fish, how ever it comes. Eye balls and teeth are considered a bonus!)
I suggest you get your friend to take a look at the dishes being served to other tables. She may see some thing that takes her fancy.
Keep having fun.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Just read you amusing thread. How did things go?
Problem solved; she was not really interested in dining out. And, the lady’s appetite was not as pickie as had been made out. I think she was setting up her defences at the thought of being persuaded to go native. How much Serrano ham and other stuff can you stand? On an end, note, her appetite was better than mine. She complained that she had put on weight. Women!

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Great news. Merry Christmas.