Paying 600 euros cash to traffic police

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28 Dec 2013 9:19 AM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

In recent months several of our friends have been stopped by 'police' in a police car, given a breathlyiser test (fails if more than 1 glass of wine), had their driver license taken, and were then asked to pay 600 euros in cash on the spot, no receipt given.  If they didn't have enough cash, they were escorted to a bank machine, in one case to the man's home to get the money.

Is this legal?  Normally when a traffic violation has occurred, a ticket is written and the offender has a few days to pay the appropriate authority and gets a receipt for the payment.

How did you or would you handle this situation?  


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28 Dec 2013 10:00 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

How many cash machines allow you to take out 600 € most have a daily limit of 300€ ??

I would have insisted on being taken to the station and I would certainly have refused to pay any money on the spot

In all honesty I would question the accuracy of these stories may have soem truth but also Chinese whispers come to mind.

How many oft hem have been back to the police to make a complaint or question the actions, how many have been to a solicitor

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Dec 2013 10:08 AM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

As I know these friends for several years, some do not know the others and they have all independently told us about this event, I don't doubt the veracity.  We've heard it too many times now.  In one case, the person's DL was confiscated and not returned to him (was expired but still...).  This also happened to renters of ours.  All of the people reported this experience are over 55, if that matters.

We were told that these police do not let the driver leave.  They take his driver license and blockade the car.  Then how do you insist on going to the local police station?  Especially if you don't speak Spanish? One problem that I see is that none of the people who have told us about this happening speak Spanish.  They were afraid and just paid up. In one case 300€ was paid, in another, the couple's lawyer spoke to the police who let them go, in 2 other cases they were asked to pay €600, one of them was escorted by the police to his home to get the cash.


This message was last edited by icaru on 28/12/2013.


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28 Dec 2013 10:26 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Since March this year, it has been illegal to pay traffic fines in Spain by cash. The only methods are to dial 060 and pay by credit card, at a post office or Santander branch or to pay it online.
After being here for over 10 years, I have had one parking fine and one caution for speeding (40 in a 30 zone). The parking fine was some 8 years ago and an official receipt was issued after paying cash. The caution was to tell me the limit had recently been reduced due to a medical centre being built.
I note all the accounts are "as told by a friend" or "the friend of a friend". Since March of this year, has anyone first hand knowledge of being asked to pay a fine by cash?
Oh, and you can withdraw €500 in one transaction twice a day on a Spanish debit card.Of course, if you only have a UK card you are limited to £300 or around €350 depending on exchange rate.

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28 Dec 2013 10:51 AM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

Thank you Mariedav, that is what I wanted to know.  I am surprised that it was ever legal to pay a policeman in cash.  Our friends didn't mention when this happened to them, maybe it was before March.  Out of curiosity, I will ask them.


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28 Dec 2013 11:15 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

There are many things you can do.

1. Simply refuse to pay and sit down on the kerb or the road

2. How do they get you home or to the cash point if they blockade you in

3. At the cashpoint put the wrong PIN number in 3 times and the machine will swallow your card. If bank is open go in and ask for help

4. If they take you home say you have no cash and wait - what can they do

5. Create a scene shout and scream for help as loud as you can especially at home or the cashpoint

6. If you do not speak Spanish then act ignornatly and repeatedly say no understand

7. If you can use you mobile and call someone

Sorry but if people have paid then they were very silly - yes they may be afraid but sometimes you should simply make a stand (non violent or abusive of course!!).

Did any of these people report this, did they not the reg of the car or the police name or number

All a bit far fetched for me - sorrywink


This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 28/12/2013.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Dec 2013 11:32 AM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

Tadd1966 I agree with you generally and your ideas would be what I would probably do. I do speak Spanish, don't know if it would be better to pretend 'no understand' or insist on my rights in Spanish.

Were it not for the fact that I have known these people for quite a while, I too would doubt the truth of these stories. But as we personally have had some unhappy attempted road jackings (6 months apart, had our tires shot twice near Barcelona, motorbike pulls alongside, offers help), I would not be surprised at a new scheme to get cash.  Personally, I think these 'police' might have been thieves, not police at all.

On point 2, the man said that one of the two 'policemen' got into his own car, and the other followed them in the police car to his home.

There are always new ways to rob people, this might be one of them.  


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28 Dec 2013 11:38 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


If this is 100% true then I agree with you they were probably not police but these people were just very silly to hand over money as I said many things they could have done

If this did happen as you say then I have sympathy with them to a point but............................


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Dec 2013 1:31 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

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Worthy of note also is that ALL official Guardia Civil Trafficos vehicles used in on the spot vehicle and driver checks have non standard number plates. Traffico vehicles have the letters 'PGC' as the alphabetical part of the registation number. To the best of my knowlege there is no 'on the spot fine' penalty for driving under the influence. The driver would not be allowed to continue to drive, be it home or to a cash machine and as has been pointed out under no circumstances are the police allowed to take cash. Penalties involving fines can be paid only via the Internet, by calling 960, at an Oficna de Correos or at a branch of Banco Santander.




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28 Dec 2013 2:02 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                            This is obviously a scam.  As said here, if one is breathalyzed and over the limit,  then they are not permitted to drive until they are below the limit, and they cannpt pay on the spot. It's a court appearence. 

I have searched on the internet and cannot find anything about this happening, which I am sure would be reported if occurring with any degree for frequency.  I therefore, also believe you may have had your leg pulled.

If one is legally stopped and refuse to cooperate they will be arrested and taken to a police station.  If that does not happen it’s a scam.

NB   One glass of wine or a can of beer can put one ‘over the top’ in Spain.  That part is correct.

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28 Dec 2013 2:06 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Another point worthy of note that no one seems to have picked up on... it's Dec 28th... Spains version of April Fools Day...



This message was last edited by foxbat on 28/12/2013.



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28 Dec 2013 2:17 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Foxbat, well spotted.

Holy Innocents' Day, 28th Dec in Spain,  is as you say, the same as April Fool’s Day.




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28 Dec 2013 4:38 PM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

Note:  I am not Spanish, didn't know about that, and am talking about things that happened in the past months.  Sorry, good try but no joke!


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28 Dec 2013 4:44 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


It appears clear that your friends have been scammed which is no joke as it is not nice for anyone

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Dec 2013 7:59 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

Foxbat-Penalties involving fines can be paid only via the Internet.


I've paid speeding fines a couple of times in cash, been given a receipt, and have no reason to suspect anything untoward.

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28 Dec 2013 8:14 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Not since March 2013.  No cash to the police.

From Abaco (and loads of other websites)

If you are unfortunate enough to incur a fine then there are several ways in which you can pay it:

  • By telephone calling 060
  • On the DGT website at
  • In any local post office
  • At any branch of Santander Bank

Until the 4th March it was possible to pay your traffic fine in cash at any Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department (DGT), Trafico, in Spain. This has now been restricted to making payments by credit card. However, it is still possible to pay in cash at the bank or post office.

Just look up spanish traffic fines and you will get the new legislation from loads of different sources.

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28 Dec 2013 8:47 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

GuyT quote... Foxbat-Penalties involving fines can be paid only via the Internet.

As mariedav pointed out The police have not been able to take cash payments since March 2013.

For further information see

Back about 18 months ago I was stopped by the GC on a motorway off ramp slip road where previously a 40kph limit sign had been erected some 400 metres after crossing the hatched line separating the motorway and the off ramp slip road.

Knowing that it was there and had been for years, I was braking from a motorway speed of around 110kph down to the requisite 40kph only to realise to my horror that the local authority had moved the limit sign to a point 200 metres closer to the motorway. I passed the newly moved sign at around 65kph as did the dozen or so cars behind and in front of me... GC and local authority were having a revenue earning session and had set up a small remotely controlled radar device at the newly positioned limit post. The controlling vehicle and others were parked just out of view in a garage driveway.

Everyone in the traffic stream was stopped, everyone was fined... 150 Euros if paid in cash or by CC immediately or 300 Euros if more than15 days elapsed. I didnt have the cash but there was a cash machine close by. The GC followed me to the machine and watched from a distance as I made the withdrawal. I handed over 150 bucks and was given a machine printed receipt.

Many protests were made about the newly posi tioned limit sign. I spoke to several other 'victims' in the weeks that followed. The GC were in that same location at varying times for two weeks. We estimate that they must have collected in excess of 25 to 30000 Euros...



This message was last edited by foxbat on 28/12/2013.



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28 Dec 2013 9:02 PM by icaru Star rating in Kalkan Turkey. 46 posts Send private message

icaru´s avatar

Thanks to everyone for the useful information.  Puts our concern to rest.  I know about paying online, have paid 1 speeding ticket online myself.  That's one of the reasons I think our friends were victims of thieves, not police.  But I didn't know about 060, good info.  Again, thanks.


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29 Dec 2013 9:48 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Maybe some do not know.  The emergency assistance number in Spain (it works across the EU including UK, alongside 999) is a free call from all phones.  One should be able to get assistance in English and the operator with assist in liaising between the caller and the emergency service.

If one believes they have been stopped by bogus police, call 112 there and then. I have no doubt the police will be delighted to attend and arrest the bogus cops who are defiling their good name.


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29 Dec 2013 6:12 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar
My Advice

Dont speed and pay more attention to the road signs

And do not drink and drive

No excuse

It was only one drink Mr ossifer honest

Yeh ok

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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