Benefits Street

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25 Jan 2014 11:03 AM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

I have been watching the Benefits street programme and if nothing else it has highlighted the situation regarding the sham our handout system is in the UK the system in Spain is tougher I believe and thats fine.

I am glad the goverment is cracking down on these social underclasses and what gets me is why are most of them are so fat and can afford to smoke surely if you had little money you would be thin and not be able to afford to smoke

Also I am pleased to see the UK goverment are getting tougher on Immigration if you dont contribute then you dont get attitude we should be more like Australia if you are not qualified and can add real value to the ecconomy then go away 

Love Hugh


Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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25 Jan 2014 11:54 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Talk about bad luck the other night, I came home when this was on so I did get to see 10 mins of it, made me sick,  it's a TV show so we know is hammed up a little,  but this does go on in the real world, and on the same scale.

Bugger me if the same show wasn't on again the other night and of course muggings here got another 10 mins of it, I saw the bit where the young child was being sworn at, and the bit later on when the other young child was wandering around picking on what looked like a chicken leg while the fat cow sat smoking in the background,  now of late here in the UK much has been said about young kids being abused / neglected and in to many cases have been killed, by the parents, or by some low life shit of a mothers boyfriend, and then it came to light later on that social services knew, but for the most ignored the kids....So you might ask have all these services seen this programme, and if so are they checking up on these kids.

Also it might seem beneficial to the government, in the light of how many are on the benefit fiddle to have been told of this show by staff, or perhaps read about it in the media, or even watched it, but it seems no, on the news last week a lady stopped Clegg in the street and asked him about the show, meaning in other words, "What you going to do about these people?"....…His reply was he didn't watch much TV, or seen the media, and no he hadn't seen the show.

So their you have it, now you all know why not much gets done to stop this benefit fiddling happening all over the country...Because they don't see it, it aint happening, so it's not as bad as us tax payers make it out to be.

If anyone thinks the UK government is getting tough on these people best you think again, the words have been tough sounding alright, no action has been done and probable wont be, because most of what they want done is against the Human Rights Bill, as proved in todays papers about the crap bloke that raped a pregnant lady repeatedly in her own home, did 10 years in the pokey, probably 4, no kids here, no wife here, but cant be deported due to the Human Rights Act....The Judge said, in not so many words...He was a nice guy now.


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25 Jan 2014 2:06 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Baz:-   So their you have it, now you all know why not much gets done to stop this benefit fiddling happening all over the country...Because they don't see it, it isn’t happening, so it's not as bad as us tax payers make it out to be.

If I lived  in the UK, I would be pleased to know that the government do not get their 'facts' from any TV program, which Baz as you say,  'are hammed up'   i.e. not the truth but an exaggerated version to suit the agendas of the makers of the show.   Bit like those about the 'Costa Del Crime' that they are always on about, when we know there is much less crime (especially violent crime ) here than in UK, but from the TV shows you would never believe it.


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25 Jan 2014 5:41 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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I wonder if the media would get the same reaction if they did show the genuine poor.

Granted we do have the fiddlers, rich and poor.  There are families out there who do live hand to mouth but it would not be good viewing  so no profit for the real scroungers living off the misery of others.I never saw any of them with a moat or boathouse. none of them take a taxi to the lords to sign  in and have 200 smakers in the bank after having a free drink in the bar and then catch another taxi 10 mins later to go the the club then go to his directors office for a nod before going to his second home. by firat class train.

All the scoungers should be locked up and all their illgotten gains taken off them rich and poor they are all costing the honest ones a hell of a lot

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25 Jan 2014 9:22 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

If I lived  in the UK, I would be pleased to know that the government do not get their 'facts' from any TV program, which Baz as you say,  'are hammed up'   i.e. not the truth but an exaggerated version to suit the agendas of the makers of the show.   Bit like those about the 'Costa Del Crime' that they are always on about, when we know there is much less crime (especially violent crime ) here than in UK, but from the TV shows you would never believe it.

So where then do the government get the facts from?  Because we sure as hell cant believe what the government tells us about all the good things that are happening now in the UK which the man in the street cant see.

Of course any TV show can be made to look good or bad depending on what they want to show, but the truth is these places exist, these people exist,  what would it take for Clegg or Cameron to say "I don't believe this TV show, lets see for ourselves" after all they both tell us everyday that they are cutting back on rubbish families like this, cutting back on benefit scroungers, making layabouts get work.

The government people are much like the Queen,  she thinks England smells of fresh paint due to the massive paint job done on everything and everywhere she goes.  They don't get out in the real world, the one that honest tax payers have to live in daily, and try to make ends meet everyday.

The UK has no go areas, the cops say we don't have these, the government tells us business is booming, the high street tells the truth, they government says unemployment is down, the news tells us every week of a major business going bust, 1500-3000 out of work.

I would love the government to get their facts from a TV show like this, instead of getting them the national Statistics Office and putting a swing on them just to suit what they what to tell us.




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25 Jan 2014 9:39 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Baz, that would not make what they call, good tele, and the ones they film have no shame the same as the tax avoiders who say they give to charity, eg the arts that we cannot afford to see, they don't say how much tax they avoid being chatitable they are just as bad as the shamelss benifit  frauders

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28 Jan 2014 3:09 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

In last nights episode Fungi, who lives in a hovel, showed off his new smart phone.

The unemployed couple had no money for food so went to the food bank and were delighted with their bulging bags.

They were all chain smoking and had a can on the go most of the time-how much  of their benefit money did it use? More than enough to buy food, I bet!

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28 Jan 2014 4:23 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Plus the sky package, plus the broadband deal, all has to come out of what the tax payer has to pay, no where else, £360 a week single person and £500 a week a married couple can get on the benefits...When they know the system, and they all know how to. 

How can a pensioner get, what, £140ish a week to live on when crap like this is handed out twice as much  for doing nothing?

Try talking to one of these people and ask why or how they have these items like I have done, (Q) "How can you afford these things on just your benefits?"....(A) "Well you have them so why shouldn't I"....(A) "Yes, but I work to pay for what I have'...(A) "Whats that got to do with it?".

At that point I had to walk away, with the scummer shouting back "Go on, walk away, your just like the rest of them dont like what you dont want to hear," I turned to walk back and he went.

Rubbish, nothing but pure rubbish, the lot of them.

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28 Jan 2014 6:23 PM by SPANISH DRAGON Star rating in POWYS,WALES,UK. 36 posts Send private message


You may have heard the latest.The people that featured in this programme have complained to the TV company, their argument being that the documentary did not send out a true message?

Dont worry,I am with you lot on this one but just when you think the goverment are going to tighten the reigns to control immigration.......they have invited in the Syrians,made an exemption for them over some deal that Britain has made because they just had to poke their noses in once more,

I suppose the positive side to this will be they wont have to look far for the terrorist,they are already in Britain now with more invited to follow on ??

Spanish Dragon

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31 Jan 2014 4:34 PM by Marmalagueña Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I can't bear to watch progs like this simply because they show a deliberately bad side to people on benefits.  I've known friends on benefits who have gone without food so that the kids get a meal, while their ex-husbands are swanning around on foreign 2 or 3 foreign holidays a year.

Of course there are scroungers in society, but hey get this:  there are scroungers amongst the working population too!  I bet you know someone who wanders round at work wiht a bundle of papers in their hand, who does nothing all day, and gets paid well for it!

I asked myself this once: "what happened to "the scroungers"  BEFORE  the benefit/welfare system?   THEY DIED.  Not just from starvation or thirst or hypothermia, but from infection and disease.  There no antibiotics as well as no benefits, medical science was very limited.

So, it isn't the benefits system that's created this underclass of unemployed people, it's medical advance.  Trouble is, what can any government do about it?  If benefits are withdrawn, people will steal to get what they want.

Would YOU employ one of these "scroungers"?  If not, why should anyone else?

This is my first post, and I'm not usually so serious, but it's a subject I've thought long and hard about. I love social history, Spanish and English. 


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