How to report loose dogs.

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10 Apr 2014 1:03 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Hi all.

My husband turned up at our house in Spain last night, only to be met by a group of loose dogs snapping at his heels. He is going to talk to the owner as soon as he can get hold of him to ask him to take them elsewhere, but as it is quite likely the neighbour will refuse, what is the best way forward? The house is in a small village with an Ayuntamiento and a half-time policia local. Thanks.


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10 Apr 2014 3:53 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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Hi eggcup I would take photos and a video of the dogs loose at the next chance you have and report it to the local police if the neighbours don't pay any attention. However I would try and reason with them first they would be exceptionally stupid to argue with that...



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10 Apr 2014 5:27 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Thanks Ian. Do you or does anyone else know what the fines are for this? (in case we need to use this as a threat) The neighbour concerned has taken up with a bad bunch (one day I'll be telling his story...) and thus is a bit of a loose cannon at the moment. His adult step-son is picking fights with all and sundry, so we have to watch our step.


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10 Apr 2014 6:34 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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Hi Eggcup

It depends on where you live but in Valencia and Barcelona its €1500.

So I would imagine its definitely over €1000 euros in most areas of Spain.



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10 Apr 2014 7:38 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Thanks Ian. I'll let him indoors know.


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11 Apr 2014 2:53 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I am sure you will be aware that in Spain when you make a complaint to the police, the person concerned is given a copy of your complaint.

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11 Apr 2014 4:50 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

My husband has given him an ultimatum, to get rid of the dogs by Monday or he's reporting it, so he knows where he stands. They were barking through the night, are living on the street and aren't exactly friendly. The owner said, 'Yes they keep me up, too.' 'But you're responsible for them,' my husband replied. Apparently he had them somewhere else in the village and the neighbours there complained so he's brought them to our street.


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11 Apr 2014 6:09 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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That will be interesting please keep us posted!  :-) Can't he keep them indoors, especially during the night?

I really don't understand people who keep dogs in the streets.



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11 Apr 2014 8:32 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Yes, Ian. It is hard to understand the mentality. He is going around scrounging off anyone he can, saying he's fallen on hard times, but he can feed four dogs? My other neighbour has lent him and his wife and wayward stepson money, a bombona, food and never had any of it back. They even had a wedding with a big do and then didn't pay the restaurant. The Guardia Civil, Trafico were up today knocking on their door about God knows what. And when I was over in February I saw two officers in the street for the first time ever. It's very interesting to me how the man has changed. Before he took up with this woman and her son he seemed like a nice guy.Who's to say whether he was a nice guy who became a baddy or was always a baddy and it's only now it's come out?

According to our sources his new wife has bled him dry and the son has stolen whatever he can from them. It's a sad tale, but not that unusual. Someone else in the village apparently got together with a lottery winner, spent all his money and then dumped him! 

Anyway, whatever the psychology, he had still better sort out the dogs who are a canine version of neighbours from hell. Although, interestingly again, apparently no other neighbours have confronted him; it took the guiri to come and do something about it. They take 'live and let live' too far in our village and/or they're scared of boyo who likes to have run-ins with the locals (he's not from around there).


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12 Apr 2014 3:28 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Latest update: Apparently, the reason he keeps dogs in the street is that it's the 'costumbre.' Yeah, it's the custom to be a selfish b*rstard. Been told for the third day in a row now. He said he'd taken them somewhere last night and tied them up (!) but they escaped and came back. Then he suggested that my husband 'phone someone to have them taken away... (i.e. arrange it and pay for it)


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12 Apr 2014 4:01 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

eggcup It's a sad tale, but not that unusual

Well, not if you''re writing scripts for Eastenders, I suppose.

I'm fascinated by this. Telly really is pretty bad at the moment so it's keeping me on the edge of my seat . Only excitement we get round here is if someone puts up the wrong colour awning and we go and watch the urb president turning puce.


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15 Apr 2014 3:42 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Latest update:

My husband went into the Ayuntamiento yesterday as this was his last day before returning to the UK and explained the problem and suggested that, as a first step, the policia local (there's only one part-time officer) and the Mayor go and talk to the man about the dogs living on the street. If that doesn't work, he said, he will file a denuncia. 

He explained that when he arrived last week just before mid-night they began to snarl and show their teeth to him as he passed. 'We could get the dog-catcher,' the clerk said, 'but if we do, he/she will round up all the loose dogs.' She saw this as a reason for not acting (and, in fact, there are a few dogs who may be living rough who don't cause any bother - they lie in the sun and you beep and they stroll out of the way).

My husband then pointed out how the village wants to attract visitors to the area, to rent the local houses, provide employment to locals, spend money in the shops, bars, etc. and they will not be keen if there are aggessive dogs living on the street (the man doesn't even leave any water out for them). ~This seemed to yield a more positive response. He also pointed out how other neighbours are also annoyed.

Let's see if they actually do do anything. It is difficult for us to monitor as we are now back in the UK. We will ask friends to keep us posted. As his lady-wife is getting him to gradually sell up everything he owns, hopefully he will find a buyer for the little house in the village and buzz off. She will, of course, then leave him, having bled him dry (possibly feeding her son's drug habit) and our neighbour will be homeless like the dogs...


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15 Apr 2014 4:00 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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Let's hope the council takes action...however something tells me it will be forgotten in 48 hours or maybe it has already been forgotten :-)  keep us posted!



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