Renters insurance
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Does anyone know of any companies that will insure against loss of revenue due to non paying tenants ?
Hi, Mapfre for sure does, as does Lineadirect but you have to have full disclosure and make sure the rental is "legal" with regards to registration (fi required) and payments of tax. Otherwise any insurance company will direct you to the small print when it comes to a claim and possibly refuse to pay out. Good luck.
_______________________ Andy R Garcia
A good few years ago my company insured millions of pounds worth of student/professional let properties in the UK, all were fully legal (believe it or believe it not ) but I can't recall any with loss of rent cover in respect of the tenant not paying their rent. I would be very interested to know the sort of premium charged in Spain for this type of cover.
This message was last edited by Hephaestus on 22/09/2015.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
here is the link for the mapfe page:
They tend to be one of the most expensive providors and with this type of insurance they are very keen to get as much information prior to acceptance, so its not 100% guaranteed they will assume all risks. Regards.
This message was last edited by argarcia on 22/09/2015.
_______________________ Andy R Garcia
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