Almeria villages / recommendations

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20 Nov 2017 4:36 PM by Zddavis0805 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can advise

i am looking to purchase a villa within an hour of Almeria Airport, but within walking distance to local village for restaurants/ tapas bars etc but I don’t want to be near a ‘brits abroad’ village! I know it sounds awful but I want my villa to be my haven, where I can drop my case and walk down to tapas bars and relax!

can anyone make any recommendations on areas please


thank you!!

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20 Nov 2017 5:35 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

If you speak fluent Spanish should not have a problem finding a Spanish village... otherwise you will have to join a expat community ...all expats seem to enjoy the same as what you want . without speaking the language that well.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 20/11/2017.

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20 Nov 2017 6:40 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

A week ago today I traveled with a man and van from the UK we traveled to Murcia the first drop was a place called Canare , the  nearest place was Cehegín both small villages and both about 1hour from Murcia city, well if this is what people call the real Spain good luck to you, in the middle of know where, nothing in the village that I seen, it did have a small bar, and that’s  all I saw, In the last 10 years I have had a few place in Murcia on Golf Resorts, yes people come on here and slag them off, but god after seeing what I seen last week. I won’t be moving any time soon, if I need a pint of milk at 9pm I can walk to the Spar, if I need a doctor 5 mins away, if I need a big supermarket 10mins. If I need the coast 10 mins away. We all get the same sun. Think longer and hard about some of these villages,

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20 Nov 2017 8:52 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

I live in Murcia, in a small but typical Spanish farming village population of abt 1000 people 5 minutes by car from a fabulous golf course and 15 minutes from the coast and a big city both accessed via a well maintained dual-carriageway.

Just in our main thoroughfare we have  3 banks, a farmacia, 6 bars !!! Italian restaurant and bakery. 3 hardware shops, 2 family owned supermarkets, hairdressers/ barbers , 2 clothes shops, a Gasolinera and an estancia. Off of 2 side roads we have more shops, plus a medics and social centre.  Plus a wonderful Sunday market.  In fact it has everything and more than any urbanisation and at a fraction of the cost. 

I would be the first to admit the ordinary Spanish village is not of picture postcard material but what it lacks in beauty it makes up with by the friendliness of our hosts. Many of whom actually speak excellent English which considering very few foreigners live there was totally unexpected when we first discovered our utopia. 

So real Spain is there, newworld, it just needs discovering and Cehegin, where many Brits now  live, is not.



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20 Nov 2017 9:21 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

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Look at Bedar !!

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20 Nov 2017 10:23 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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Turre is a small town, near to Bedar and Mojacar.

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21 Nov 2017 7:29 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Last time I went up the hill to Bedar the only facilities were a superb restaurante and an estate agents and it Turre/ Mojacar / Vera and surrounding areas are commonly  known by the Spanish as " little Britain " because of the many outlets catering for their needs.....which, to my understanding, is what op doesn't want.

All I can advise OP it to take your time and research because there are places from Andalusia to Murcia that doesnt yet have a Brit shop/ bar.

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21 Nov 2017 4:24 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Newworld, I would say the example you give is in the wrong part of Murcia and in any event does not fall within the OP's specification.  Having said that the house prices in the villages you mention are going to be bargain basement, they are near some major wine making centres and they still get the same Spanish sun, so not all bad.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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21 Nov 2017 4:39 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Well I can only suggest that after you went up “ the hill” you didn’t take much notice of your surroundings 

Bedar has 4 restaurant/ bars 2 Supermarkets a Bank, Pharmacey, Dictors Gym, Weekly Market an upper and lower square, Public Swmming Pool

And oh yes an estate agent 

Sounds like what the OP was asking for ?!?!



This message was last edited by David W on 21/11/2017.

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21 Nov 2017 4:41 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

Turre/ Mojacar / Vera and surrounding areas are commonly  known by the Spanish as " little Britain " because of the many outlets catering for their needs.....

Shows what I know then smiley. I have always liked Vera, Garrucha, Mojacar, because they are still Spanish inclined. You still need to know a little Spanish to get along, although yes, there are one or two British type bars around for if you get a little home sick wink, but they certainly aren't Brits abroad areas. Many times I have struggled along in my pigeon Spanish to get my point across, although Google translate and inclusive roaming is now a godsend!! Plenty of chiringuitos along the coast and off the sea front, there are more Spanish cafes/ restaurants than you can swing a cat at.


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21 Nov 2017 5:38 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Never said I disliked these places just stating a fact as noted  by my Spanish friends and, on our many visits, ourselves as over the last 10 years the hearing the Spanish language is rare.

Covering the Vera and Mojacar area there is an  Iceland supermarket, Irish Rovers, Beachcomber Bar plus loads and loads of other Brit bars advertising fish and chips and Sunday roasts, not just a "couple" as you would have us believe. And why...because it is a Brit 2nd home hot spot.

Rea' s like Price Brown, Mojacar Estates plus many of the shops in the Centro Commercial are now run by Brits or Germans. And this is just the tip of the iceberg as the list I could write, if I cared to look at the ads in the free tnewspapers, is endless.

Turre isn't much different. 

In fact this is , apart from the excellent food and service,  why we like El Gnomo Feliz , in Puerto Rey, in order to practise our Spanish.

Not denying there are still Spanish inhabitants in the area , many of whom no doubt speak good English now but, sorry, quite frankly am amazed by what you have written.


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21 Nov 2017 6:06 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

but, sorry, quite frankly am amazed by what you have written.

I'm not!! It would appear we disagree, which is fine as life in agreement would be dull, but I also do feel you exaggerate a little.

The idea of the thread was to give locations in the Almeria region. These are being given, it is then up to the OP if they are too English or not wink.

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21 Nov 2017 6:10 PM by Zddavis0805 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Thank you so much for everyone’s comments this is very helpful. I have been sent places from an estate agent today in an area called San Juan de los Terreros but I have no idea of the area! Your comments are really helpful, I was in Mojácar but many years ago before the brits moved in so it’s good to understand it has changed and prices have rocketed. To be honest whilst I don’t want to be in a Spanish only town, it’s good to have a mix of both worlds. We were in Roquetas De Mar in June this year and it was just lovely but was that because it’s out of season I don’t know. I would hate to spend my hard earned money on a villa, then to walk to local amenities to see it’s no better than Benidorm with lads abroad!

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21 Nov 2017 6:16 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

OP Quote.. "i am looking to purchase a villa within an hour of Almeria Airport, but within walking distance to local village for restaurants/ tapas bars etc but I don’t want to be near a ‘brits abroad’ village! " unquote

Not only are  of the places you mentioned marksfish " villages" but all have a high percentage of Brits. My estimate would be 50/50.

Suggest OP read Almeria News ,online, to get their interpretation of the population mix.


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21 Nov 2017 6:53 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Zddavis0805, Am well acquainted with San Juan de Los T.  

Mar de Pulpi is the new urbanisation there. Very very smart and  attractive. In fact am amazed how quickly and how much building has been done in the last couple of years. Next to the complex facing the sea is the superb Entravista restaurante. Not cheap but there is menu del dia  is 12€.  

Further along the coast, towards Cuevas, there is the popular ( by all nationalities) restaurante La Frontera @ Pozo.

Unfortunately San Juan is very much a 2nd home resort so many outlets are only open during the season. The Germans and Belguims originally bought in the area and later property sold to Brits. Many Brits are still there...quite frankly be hard to find anywhere in Spain without us,.....but unlike, other areas discussed on this thread, they are in the minority and to my knowledge there isn't a single Brit bar or shop.

However, whilst investigating this area you might like to visit Aguilas. It is only a few miles further, northwards, along the coast.

This IS REAL Spain. Brits don't even come on holiday here and where neither a Brit newspaper or magazine will be found and truth it was Aguilas that confirmed this was the area for us

The coastal road from San Jaun to Garrucha via Cuevas also has some nice seafront villages which might also be worth investigating.

Would  be interested to know what you think of this area. Good luck in your search.


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21 Nov 2017 6:58 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Admit that was true David W but the Miramar was shut that day and because this attractive villaage has narrow, steep cobbled roads suitable only for pedestrians or donkeys it was quickly off to pastures new via Bedar el pinar which I understand is now a Brit enclave....pity.

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22 Nov 2017 8:27 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

You can keep the so called peace and tranquillity the Spanish Villages have to offer ...and the old farm house's that are out in the middle of nowhere ...why on earth OAPs especially from the UK would even think about buying these places beat's me ...why do people want to imposed exile apon themselves ....with no essential services at hand....I bought a Villa on Camposol 10 year's back and at the age of 62 ....I am fast realizing the importance of living in a community.… by what it has to offer ...we have a endless list of community services all run by volunteers and donations made by the good people of Camposol ...I can make one phone call to our Camposol emergency help line's and have a ambulance /Doctor/Police/or just a friendly face for some help and advice at my door.

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22 Nov 2017 8:50 AM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


What is REAL SPAIN? 

Is there a FALSE SPAIN? 

Expat snobbery if you ask me


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22 Nov 2017 8:50 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Each to his own, but IMHO folk who lack experience but reckon they want to "live the dream" in a rustic old finca miles from anywhere should rent one first through the winter - that'll be likely to colour their judgment! 

They may then prefer to live with reality.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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22 Nov 2017 9:22 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I can tell you what the real Spain is in 2017 .... It consists of Nice cars ..Villas with pools and so on ..not donkey's or sombreros/tapas bars or maracas you may find these sort of things when you go to a once a year fiesta but that's it if you are a OAP with not to many years left ...then start living the dream will have enough time for peace a solitude when you end up in a old peoples home...I am not a snob not by a long chalk.. But I am totally realistic .
This message was last edited by windtalker on 22/11/2017.

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