Almeria villages / recommendations

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22 Nov 2017 9:36 AM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


I take your point

Spain is Spain , UK is UK etc

Wonder how many immigrants in UK look for the REAL UK



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22 Nov 2017 10:02 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Steve C the real UK is easy to find ...its called the DHSS/NHS ....Don't start me of on that one ...I am only in Camposol for a week and I am going to enjoy what I came to for...and then it's back to work for another 6 weeks before I get the chance to do it all again.😁
This message was last edited by windtalker on 22/11/2017.

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22 Nov 2017 10:16 AM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

I sometimes struggle to agree Windtalkers but his last few post are spot on, I have had 3 properties in Spain over the last 10 years all on golf course, I now have a property on the Mar Menor Golf Resort in Murcia, and what a great community they have here mainly British but also people from other countries and my next door neighbor is Spanish. I have everything I need very close to hand,people who are getting older should think long and hard before moving to a isolated village, I was living in Cumbria 2 years ago in a lovely village Temple Sowerby just outside Penrith and this village had good access to the byepass a doctors & pub, but other villages around have nothing you can get cut off in bad weather and also have no shops, doctors etc and this is why people with no proper transport leave the village and move nearer to Penrith, So would you move to a isolated village in the UK, if you wouldn’t why would you do it in Spain.

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22 Nov 2017 10:42 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

REAL SPAIN is  like a comfortable pair of old shoes. NO Fancy dressings covering up the plain and simple wares .

Apply this to the environment and populace of true a  Spanish community and you have help and assistance in spades without the need for a BRIT establishment catering for ones needs.

But no wonder folk on here who prefer a purpose built UK environmental way of  life, but in the sun, don't understand how others might live when the brain tells them the opposite is living in a finca out in the sticks. Miles away from humanity.

False Spain ....are the purpose built , for The Brit , golf or OAP communities..... Assume that is  Expat  snobbery and  "lack of experience" !! I am accused of........WOT !!! Utter rot you men write.🙄🙄🙄..

As my husband has just said to me these 3 guys should be braver, rid themselves of the herd instinct and definitely get out more and discover REAL Spain.

Most English folk who chose to  live in Spanish village, like ourselves, knew exactly what they wanted and were brave enough to do it. To live surrounded by our indigenous neighbours.

No old fincas but modern, individually designed,  houses on large plots not forced to listen in to a neighbours conversation tarmaced roads with streetlights and ALL main services and many within 5 min walking distance to a village and the numerous facilities it has to offer.




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22 Nov 2017 10:55 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Isolated villages !!!!!! Camposol and ALL the golf complexes we have visited are far more  isolated regarding transport links, facilities and hospitals than where I live

Within a 10 minute drive of my village I have access to 2 main line railway stations, 3 excellent hospitals and shops for every commodity one could desire...except for a shop or bar catering for a Brit or any other foreigner.

So methinks whose brains need testing now....🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


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22 Nov 2017 10:58 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

After reading the last post enough said ..I rest my case.

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22 Nov 2017 10:58 AM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

So what is a true spanish community and how would you say that to a spaniard who do live in some of the areas you talk about. Would you tell them they are not REAL spaniards?

Is benidorm REAL Spain?


No such thing as REAL or FALSE Spain just the views of a few 

Would you apply the same logic in the UK


People who turn their nose up at the so called expat communities and shout how great they are because they have immersed themselves in this ficticous REAL Spain is the expat snobbery I was referring to

Each to their own



This message was last edited by Steve C on 22/11/2017.

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22 Nov 2017 10:59 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Have to thank OP  ✋👍✋because this is the best discussion, even though the guys will always remain blinkered knowalls when up against a female,  we have had for ages.😘😘

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22 Nov 2017 11:12 AM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

Oh dear what has gender got to do with this? 

You can live where you choose 

You can socialose with who you choose

You can speak whatever language you choose

You can dress how you choose

You can eat what you choose

Nothing to do with REAL or FALSE Spain or UK neither exist except in the minds of a few

Fact remains Spain is Spain 

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22 Nov 2017 11:36 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

you say that to a spaniard who do live in some of the areas you talk about. Would you tell them they are not REAL spaniards?

See no reason why a Spaniard shouldnt buy a holiday home on golf resorts.

Is benidorm REAL Spain?

Old Benidorm town where vest wearing, lager swilling over weight folk encouraged to dine on a Sunday roast or fish and chips is outlawed....definite is.🙀

No such thing as REAL or FALSE Spain just the views of a few 

Would you apply the same logic in the UK.

definilty. Any logical person would.  London and most other major towns and cities in UK are now multi racial only recognised because of old monuments therein. The fact  is Brits in Spain probably eat more of their culteral meals than when in Birmingham et al.

People who turn their nose up at the so called expat communities and shout how great they are because they have immersed themselves in this ficticous REAL Spain is the expat snobbery I was referring to

Nowhere in my postings have I condemned community/ urbanisation living. Indeed my replies have been in response to those of you who show your bigoted and mocking attitude towards those who prefer a different way of living in Spain.

And then you have the audacity to say.....

 " Each to their own"


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22 Nov 2017 11:43 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Steve C, don't give up your day job, darling 💋💋💋💋💋💋

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22 Nov 2017 11:50 AM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


Yes we all live in a mutli ethnic world and we should embrace it as we are all the same and that is REAL

Enjoy your life in your ficticous REAL Spain while others simply enjoy living and visiting Spain



This message was last edited by Steve C on 22/11/2017.

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22 Nov 2017 1:35 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I unashamedly don't want REAL Spain, with the greatest repect I don't want to live in a large mainly British urbanisation either.  I've got a lot of friends on Camposol and I really admire the community spirit there, but not for me.  I know my limitations and something between the two makes sense - coupled with good central heating and walking distance to restaurants/bars.

Steve C - cannot agree the need to embrace anything!  On the subject of embracing I particularly dislike the Spanish way of embracing/kissing people they don't know.  A smile with a nod from distance is fine, (most of the time) wink.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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22 Nov 2017 1:42 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


Better to embrace than fight, sneer,  discriminate etc

If you don't want to be embraced simply step back and smile or nod. Not all spaniards embrace and kiss all the time and some just like you don't like it

It is also common in many other countries 

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22 Nov 2017 2:03 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Floella my wife is on your side far as Vest wearing is concern... she just said.. she is not going out drinking lager with me again until I buy a new string vest because she is sick of looking the egg yoke stains on the one I am keep wearing.😂

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22 Nov 2017 2:19 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

LOL! Always had a funny feeling we had bumped into one another Windtalker........have a photo of a guy proudly wearing a yellow speckled string vestie

So yet another difference between our areas of Spain.

Here definitely NO embracing or kissing upon meeting, unless one is family or a Brit  instead it is a strong handshake a nod of the head and saying...encantado/a



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22 Nov 2017 2:53 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

No kissing and hugging? The real Spain? Everywhere I go people that I've only met once or twice insist on the double cheek kiss. Even the lady in a shop we have used a few times greets me with one of those. I do get the encantada bit in but con mucho gusto to the blokes, though.

Oh, and towns that have a mixture are fine. Agreed, many places are very expat heavy but even some of those places have retained the Spanish feel and way of life. The one thing that does annoy me is people trying to change the area so it's more like UK. Pointless moving here if you want that. But I think having somewhere to get the odd thing you miss (like a pork pie once every few months) is not such a bad thing. 


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22 Nov 2017 3:09 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


Good post but what exactly is a "Spanish feel and way of life"

Surely it can't be an exact science can it? Millions if Spanish can live the same way or feel the same except when embracing each other 

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22 Nov 2017 3:33 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Believe it or not, That's how it is here Mariedav. So correct children speak in the 3rd person ( su ) to elders.

On your other point, couldn't agree more. Have to admit to waiting more than 10 years for Britsins favourite meal,an Indian restaurant, to open here. Hopefully it will survive because Murcian Spanish prefer Chinese to Indian fare. 

Even pop down to Mojacar playa when fish and chips is required and visit Iceland in Vera ( instead of Santiago de R ) for meat pies but as "China town " took over many areas in English cities when stores like this open one can bet the region will over time be swalled  up by a different culture. Happening all the time in UK.

Is change a bad thing? Not necessarily. But when hears more English spoken than the idioma of the host country it is time IMO to make an honest appraisal of the situation because unfortunately it isn't reversible.

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22 Nov 2017 4:26 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message

So all murcia spanish prefer Chinese to Indian food

Does that apply to every single murcian spaniard or just a stereoype generalisation 

Is it really a irreversible problem in certain areas what language you hear and why is it a problem?

Look at Wales and the resurgence of the Welsh language

Many don't like change but it is inevitable and I repeat we should embrace it and live in peace 

I would much rather see the removal of pretentious snobbery of "my spaniards friends" or "the REAL Spain" etc




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