Almeria villages / recommendations

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28 Nov 2017 8:51 AM by jane b Star rating in Bedar, Almeria. 222 posts Send private message

jane b´s avatar

Very interesting comment Amahold about population size.  It can be a good guide but also the demographics are important too. If it is a large population but mainly retired or unemployed locals or people engaged in low pay activities, it is unlikely to be able to support many businesses

It is true that Bedar has less than 1000 residents but thanks to the makeup of the population it supports four bar/restaurants (three of them Spanish family businesses and one run by a Belgian - no British bars), bank, chemist, baker, two small supermarkets and a thriving gym,


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28 Nov 2017 10:25 AM by amahold Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Hi Jane,


Thanks for that reply, I was not going to go into to the demographic, it was intended as a starting point in deciding here to live in pure ecenomic form, however by implication all populations have their individual demographic.

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28 Nov 2017 7:12 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

What ever you do not buy anywhere that does not have a regular Bus or Taxi service ...this is often the case all over Spain ...I have a place on Camposol that has approximately 4,500 properties on the site and has no Taxi or Bus service ...this is affecting the house Price's and the Holiday rentals... You will also find that the majority of resorts /Village's throughout Spain do not have any ...what I would call essential services ...all the resorts and Villages that I know of are suffering through local government incompetence not granting the appropriate people that want to supply these's OK to say ..I have a car so it does not matter ...then you get sick and can't drive or you want to go out for a meal and a few drinks ...the things that you take for granted in the UK are no fun in Spain.





This message was last edited by windtalker on 28/11/2017.

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28 Nov 2017 8:25 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Windtalker, for someone who doesn't live in Spain just the occasional visit to a still mostly illegal Brit Urb, you know more about this vast country than even the indigenous folk.

On a different note Bedar and San Juan were on A Place in the Sun, today. Wondering if OP saw it. Very interesting.



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28 Nov 2017 9:01 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Floella I have owned a villa in Spain for 10 years .. in fact I am hear at the moment ....I spend approximately 6 months per year living in Spain I don't really understand what you are trying to say ..** EDITED - Against forum rules **..out of 4.500 properties on Camposol only 25 are illegally built on a rambler ...the council are in the process of rerouting the rambler at the moment .and have pledged to make the affected properties legal..but of course someone like yourself that does not live on Camposol and has no access to the residents association web site would not know this ...** EDITED - Against forum rules ** my post I have stated fact's ... through experience not hearsay ...Camposol covers a area of 6 KLM  and is 20 years old and is  bigger than most towns and villages in Spain ...and still the local council will not grant a local bus or taxi license ..** EDITED - Against forum rules **






This message was last edited by windtalker on 28/11/2017.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 11/28/2017 9:53:00 PM.

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28 Nov 2017 9:42 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

What seemed like a dream has turned into a nightmare for many buyers. There are 3,500 houses without first occupancy licence, 550 are built on a river bed, where two years ago flooded the homes which the Ministry for the Environment wanted to demolish. This is the landscape which has trapped thousands of Britons wanting sun and golf at a cheap price.

 ******** has a marked sense of justice, ‘I worked 15 years as a judge in Britain, and this cannot happen’. This is Camposol.
In 2012 she arrived at this corner of Murcia with Jeff her retired husband from Nestlé. They purchased a small house with swimming pool to live in retirement. The place is sunny, has a golf course and fish and chips, no need to speak Spanish here.
There are nearly 4,000 homes, 80% in British hands. It is a village. 

It is certain when J and S arrived not all the streets had been asphalted; some houses were in ruin, abandoned, and in their escritura (deeds) said their house was still under construction, despite being completed years before. But it was bearable until 24 September 2014; a flash flood carried away their new car and seriously damaged their home. ‘My husband was fed up with the water. The yellow containers used in the construction were washed away as if normal’ as they showed where the water flowed.

They then discovered their home had been built above a river bed, a dry river bed until the torrential rains at the end of the summer in the Mediterranean when the water turning into a torrent. ‘I am a victim of flooding, no accident, this is a result of corruption and negligence’ added S

Then they had had enough; they started to get angry and so the Britons gathered a damning report on the estate which they presented to the regional parliament last May.
‘The promoter, Justo and Manoli, under the auspices of Group Masa, were in breach of law in their construction of 3,472 homes in Camposol, but neither the Town Hall or any other authority intervened to avoid this inhuman violation of human rights’ the explained. ‘550 houses are constructed on the riverbed, another 234 suffer serious structural problems, another 585 have problems with their water supply and 1,597 houses are on unlit roads covered in potholes. Only a handful has an official licence of first occupancy. The rest supposedly are uncompleted or have no legal papers.

Enough potholes, ruinous properties, unfinished pavements and roller coaster streets; although not everything is so terrible, those constructed in the first phase are living comfortably and nearly all the houses are occupied, most have a small swimming pool. They don’t want bad publicity, but Phil Gelling, President of the Camposol Residents Association, can take you through a museum of horrors. A flooded car parked outside a house where and the street drainage system full of mosquitoes and smelling bad. ‘The woman owner was fed up and returned to live in England’ said the veteran British resident with an off plan purchase in 2002. 

Despite being a village with 5,000 people on the census (over 8,000 in the summer) there are no gardens, and no public sports facility. There are no litter bins and no street sweepers. But it is not dirty; the neighbours have organised groups of volunteers to maintain plants at the edge of the roads and collect donations.

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28 Nov 2017 10:01 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

The Nightmare that is Camposol

July 11 2016

3,500 unlicensed houses in the desert – thousands of Britons have purchased property in Mazarrón, and now they are fed up – without deeds, one in ruins and others built on a river bed, the British consulate has promised to mediate.

........and Windtalker you have the brazen faced nerve to accuse ME of talking ¥¥¥¥ when not only has nothing been done but the situation has worsened.

Must admit you are certainly true to your name tag.

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28 Nov 2017 10:13 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Baz 1946 this is Spain all over ...corruption and negligence by local government's is the norm ...and yet the so called EU stands by and does nothing.

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28 Nov 2017 10:22 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Can we please have ONE thread in which  this particular urbanisation doesn't get a mention especially as this

supposed " utopia" is quite the opposite to the requirements of OP?  😁

Second thoughts I will probably win the lottery before this happens.........

ca la vie....

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28 Nov 2017 10:32 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Floella I thought your part of Spain was utopia... I am confused now ...Camposol like many other part's of Spain is not utopia far from it....I often wonder if you are a British subject ....when reading your past posts you seem to hate everything British... I wonder why ...especially as we British back in the UK will welcome you back to look after you in one of our free of charge OAP home's.

This message was last edited by windtalker on 29/11/2017.

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29 Nov 2017 9:23 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message


Floella I thought your part of Spain was utopia... I am confused now ...Camposol like many other part's of Spain is not utopia far from it....I often wonder if you are a British subject ....when reading your past posts you seem to hate everything British... I wonder why ...especially as we British back in the UK will welcome you back to look after you in one of our free of charge OAP home's.

This message was last edited by windtalker on 29/11/2017.

This is some misoginistic and possibly racist rant.......great pity when some stoop so low 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀

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29 Nov 2017 10:33 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

In cases where urban illegalities where involved, there is wonderful Case Law by our Supreme Court now, where banks are made liable. Fight it!


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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29 Nov 2017 3:06 PM by jane b Star rating in Bedar, Almeria. 222 posts Send private message

jane b´s avatar

Re Place in the Sun yesterday - for those who do not yet know Bedar please be assured that €1.6million is not a typical price for a house here!!!   Anyone wanting a balanced view of the Bedar property market, both village houses and campo villas, please feel free to pm me!!



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30 Nov 2017 6:36 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Alicante today and not only another ghastly million £ house but houses selling like hot cakes....yeh...a 4 bed out in the deepest campo for £68 maybe......

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