The Comments |
I like going into the various Spanish forums - but as of late find it sad that some appear to be taken over by a set number of people. There's an 'interesting' thread that I know Bobaol has contriubted to on 'the other side' - its a shame but I rarely allow myself to now post on the other forum due to this fact. Whatever (serious to you) question you may ask, it gets taken over by the various other members there who deem it necessary to chit chat during your question, of which you dont seem to get an answer or worse still, ridiculed.
In its day it was a very good and informative forum and the very people who are now 'taking over' are the very people who were extremely helpful. I find it sad that anyone who tries to break into this circle of friends, gets pounced upon and verbally beaten up.
Bobaol I would have supported you but all it would equate to us me being pounced on too. I have voiced this concern to another forum and then got verbally abused (well near enough) by another member who chose to ask me to apologise because I slagged off that forum - I did apologise because I am big enough to do so but I still stood by what I said. I got slated for side tracking off the very question that someone had posed because I asked why my post was different to the one which was showing (and mine got wiped away because I wanted to tell people what a good job I had received by two people). I got very confused (genuinely).
I like this forum - its kept at a sensible pace - and it welcomes everyone, however, I do know people from the other forum use this one and they seem all to be quite sensible here.
Anyway, that said, I just wanted to get it off my chest but find every single forum valuable in the information it gives and thank this one and the other one for helping me when I have had to have help. Its just a shame it does get to this - lets hope this one never gets to the stage where people feel silly/afraid to ask a question for fear of being mocked.
And this isnt a posting to try and fan flames with anyone, its a genuine concerned post and just me expressing my feelings for what they are worth!
Well said tornado and I still have no idea about the roofing stuff after quite a few answers over there.. 
I agree with the comments here.
I have been berated on this forum before because I don't contribute enough, but every time I log on and see a thread title that I think I could add value to, I have to trawl through the masses of chit-chat of the very same group of 'hardcore' members that are having a go at me for my lack of posts!
I still wish to contribute, but by then I dare not, because I simply don't know if my comments will have already been covered in amongst the dross, and I would then undoubtedly cop more flack for not reading threads properly, or for duplicating the content of somebody else's answer....
......All very frustrating.  .
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I have posted some questions and contributed where I have been able. I must admiut that I have never been pounced on. Indeed I posted a 3 things you miss question and all the answers were very heartfelt and honest. I tend to use this forum for my needs...and it has suited them perfectly as we move towards the sale of our house and our goal of jumping the good ship normality to live in spain.
I have found some of the regular chaps (and chapeses) to be very good at delivering me what I need to make sound you mention bobaol...he has been a real help...
I think you have to ignore the white noise, just like when you are in the pub...or in work...and get the info you need, mind you if I do get any abuse then someone is going to get it with both barrels..but that has happened yet and longer may that continue :-)
Roll on June 2008......
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Read my Blog...
Laury cant remember what your roofing question was - I'm struggling at the moment as I have a very poorly laptop - but if you post it again here I can ask around for you - I may not be of any help but hey, its worth asking anyway.
Thanks to you all for your posts - PKnott - I'm glad you havent been berated in anyway - it does happen tho and its a shame - I know the people on that forum are probably genuinely helpful people and dont mean to come over as they do - but when you ask an innocent question and just get taken on an a tidal wave of words and banter its really frustrating.
However, that all said, I have had some brilliant help from that forum and I certainly dont want to be seen to be slagging it off - just a concern that's all that maybe it ought to change its path - we all hve to look at doing things differently from time to time.
Actually... after reading your post in here, I went back and made a sharp comment about not getting an answer and they suddenly appeared to help.
brilliant - and that's the sorry thing, you can get answers on there - why does it need to have all the thread drifts - I purposely did a thread drift the other week and I got absolutely slated by the 'locals' and they couldnt see that that's what they do.
I am pleased you have got your answer tho - well done
I agree with all you have said Tornado, I don't look in on this site as much as I used to for the very same reason, but agree with you that all the help I have had has been fantastic when buying our new apartment, I have met lots of new people on it, but with the same one's taking over it gets a bit boring, when I do look in there doesn't seem as if there is as many posts now as there used to be.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
I have been looking at another couple of forums recently who have deleted posts because either they have been threatened by companies who the posts were about or the posts did not give a good account of companies who advertised on that particular forum. Either way deleting posts ( which must be factual to start with) for these reasons does away with the credibility of these forums because you cannot get a balanced view. These companies obviously read these posts so if they disagree with what is said the are free to post themselves to give their point of view.
Would you believe the .com forum (rather than the forum we are speaking about ) banned myself & a friend as members were discussing where swimming pools were in a certain area & she mentioned a hotel (& posted its website) as a possibility. A moderator deleted her post & obviously she commented on where her post went. I had copied the link so I posted not to worry as I'd copied it & could repost it for her. Suddenly we both found ourselves out of the forum.

We contacted the moderator & he/she said the rules say no links. He/she decided to reinstate us both but we opt not to post on there.
Re the forum, I agree with Tornado.
Yes, Tinto I do believe you are right - there are only now the usual few that post on with the exception of the very bravest who wish to get some answers. Such a shame and pity the moderator cant see that - and yes Morerosada - what a shame that that happens - I got quite a blunt reply back from the mod of this site advising I shouldnt be posting what I did (praising companies who actually went that extra mile for no extra charge!) - and all I wanted someone to do was actually explain to me why I couldnt do that but I got told in no uncertain terms.
All the forums are great in their own way and give so much knowledge and information - and that's what it's all about - it's not about a clique of people asking their neighbour if they want to go for a drink! I think it was this site that started off a message stating they only had to say positive things about Spain as anything negative would be wiped off. This got copied (great too) to this other site and what did they start to do but start telling each other they loved each other - how inventive! When the whole thing was to actually say something positive about Spain itself. I love it when I hear both sides of a story but its always nice to hear something positive for a change.
Well, I for one stopped posting on the other sites a long time ago - though I do occasionally post but very reluctantly. No doubt someone from there will read this and slate me off good style but if you do guys, please think about what you do before you do it - we can all have a laugh but not at the expense of others eh!
mornin' all
i hope you don't get slated for your opinion, but in defense of the other site, some of the contributors on that site have given us some very important legal information that could influence our final outcome in a big way.
Morning All, I don't usually bother visiting other forums but having read this thread I thought i'd give them a try.
Amazingly ( to me ) I found slagging off of 'cliques' ( i think they were called clubs on here!) and postees wondering why this should be so!! There was chat about people should be able to express thier opinions without others slagging them off.........and I even saw some pictures!!
So the ( cannot find a positive word here!) hullabaloo is not confined to just one forum.....and they get to do piccies!!
Think I'll stick to EOS.....much better.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Gosh - what site is that where everyone is lovey dovey??
I know sometimes the threads on this one go off at a tangent and its reactive to post to the last person as opposed to the actual thread question!
From my perspective I find myself having to repeat the same things to the newbies as the original answer to the same question cant be found but then nothing is perfect and its what makes these forums fun.
Also some people do get to know each other on these forums and build a bit of a rapport which may look like its excluding others - Im sure thats not intentional and I found it a little daunting the first time I posted (just before Xmas) and was careful what I put. I did get some flack as I am in the real estate game but since then people have realized Im not doing this for my own benefit but to pass my experiences on in the hope it may help others
Anyway - better get back to the grind now - beena busy day so far so am pleased to report the market isnt quite dead - long live the market!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Hi Goodstich, hope you're ok.
Tornado isn't talking about the *P* forum but the T forum.
I posted this video ages ago, seems a good moment to post it again. (Now where did I file it. ) ok here it is, took ages. 
Dont know that T one, I really havent lived have I!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Pictures, Karen ? Here's one.

First of all - thanks to you all for responding in the ways you have - this is great and opened up a whole new aspect to forums and talking- we're doing just that - but I hope, everyone is welcome to input their views - however different they were to the original post. Please dont get me wrong I am certainly not slagging off the other forum - definitely not - and not sure how to put this, its just when you do post a genuine question, something you may be really concerned about, there's always someone who takes it immediately away from the question itself. You then find yourself dangling awaiting on someone catching hold of the original question or you go away meakly. I think its absolutely great and fab that we can all 'chat' away like this and I for one love it - but start a new post! Its as easy as that.
Forums are definitely the best way of gaining knowledge and I have learnt and got so much help from other forums - I am and always will be so grateful for that - and now I am intrigued to know what the 'P' forum is - I've lived a sheltered life!?
Anyway, I think the Mods do a great job in moderating these sites but sometimes I think there's more rules and regulations that need following by the actual people who post - lets just say it should be etiquette!
Rixxy you are right there are so many times you have to repeat a question but when you really are new - you're not sure how to search or what to look for and its like everything else in life, its easier to ask then do the research yourself - human nature I suppose.
But (she says repeating herself) without you guys 'n' gals who have had far more experience than me, we wouldnt be where we are today - I have gained so much knowledge from these forums and they are great - but they aren't MSN or even Facebook (now I bet the Mod wishes he was privvy to that when it first started!)
only one complaint I've got about forums - they are so darn addictive - just looked at the time - omg its 1 pm - must go to the bank otherwise we wont be eating tonight.
Speak to you all later - what a fab gang you are by the way