The Comments |
People are too busy trying to get their deposits back from the illegal developments that OE took them to & sold to. If we had the money & time we would certainly take them on. We are still battle weary from the last three years of retrieving £100,000 back from the developers!!
It's good to hear some people are winners that bought through OE, but don't denegrate those that were completely ripped off by them. They are a hideous company.
Hi Tish I remember one of Oceans marketing soundbites was free title insurance with every property bought through them - and this was an exclusive - presumably when you bought this was something they were offering - I would have thought a bina fide TI policy would protect you against illegal buld or anything dubious? Any thoughts?
Smiley -
Hi Tish I remember one of Oceans marketing soundbites was free title insurance with every property bought through them - and this was an exclusive - presumably when you bought this was something they were offering - I would have thought a bina fide TI policy would protect you against illegal buld or anything dubious? Any thoughts?
Smiley -
Tish, I don't believe I have denigrated anyone in any of my posts on this website and take exception at being accused of having done so.
Pitby,what about scambuster!!????????? You were to him/her. This message was last edited by Tish on 1/31/2007.
Can you quote where on this thread I have denigrated Scambuster, Tish???
Smiley, sadly, that policy was bought out after we had bought in 2003. I think they introduced that policy as a damage limitation exercise after the fallout started in Elviria. I appreciate that anything can go wrong in the construction industry when buying anywhere in the world. What I do not accept is people selling on lies and deceit. When the truth came back to bite them in the b*m, they stood back, denied all knowledge and were obstructive in helping us retrieve our deposit back. Also we went to their recomended lawyer, (I know, I know! ) IN GOOD FAITH, as they had dealt with them for many years!!!!!!!! ( we have all their lies confirmed in emails from them!) There were no forums like this around in 2003 and hindsight is a wonderful thing!! This is why there are now several forums full of complaints about all the corruption that took place 4 years ago and beyond. I've not found the "happy buyers" forum yet. I wonder why when there are soooooooo many of them? ........(supposedly! )
Do you know, we received emails every couple of months from OE over a period of 15 months telling us our apartment was on schedule for completion., even though the licence had been suspended i1month and 3 days after the PC was signed!! We even received one AFTER our lawyer had told us it was never going to be built!! This message was last edited by Tish on 1/31/2007.This message was last edited by Tish on 1/31/2007.
Page 3 Pitby. Perhaps "ridicule" would have been a better choice of word.  Either way, we are all entitled to our own opinions and I for one speak as I find. On this occasion, we are on different sides of the fence. For the record I know a lot more than four people who are NOT happy with OE. But let's not quibble over numbers. One bad experience is enough!
Tish, I have never intentionally ridiculed anyone in my life, let alone on this or any other website. Scambuster, if you felt that my attempt to look for facts was ridicule then I apologise to you, because it certainly was not written in that tone.
Nobody deserves to get ripped off by anyone - all I attempted to do was find facts and point out that there were also many people happy with OE's services.
Pitby, don't worry about it!  . I've had loads of mud slung at me when stating my opinion on another forum. It goes with the territory as Scambuster will know! We all speak as we find.
We asked Ocean about the Legal Title Insurance earlier last year when it appeared that our development was illegal - all the usual, no LFO, validity of building licence being looked at etc. They said it would not cover our issues.
Now there's a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!
Wondered as much when so many of their reps were stating what wonderful protection it was and that they were the only company to offer it free. This is the type of thing that made me question this wonderful new policy just launched to protect those people that have bought property on urbs without licences? I wonder what Title Insurance does cover if it doesnt cover those issues.
Seems Tish that it wouldnt have made a difference to you anyway. Perhaps it guarantees that your title is Mr or Mrs - can you think of any other titles?
Smiley -
Pitby, (Jan), sorry to misjudge yor involvment with Ocean, glad you had a good experience too.
However, I can't bear those Ocean employees such as Spy1, who keep trying to pretend they are such a good Company, when clearly they are not. I'm with Tish, Warninggirl here, and all those many people who have been riiped off by them, in warning others about their scams. I think you can see for yourself how many times they've been reported about for dirty tricks.
By the way, I'm told that SPY1 was sussed out on another forum page on the Spanish Property Insight, and no longer posts there after warnings from the moderator.
Ocean Estates have ruined many people's dreams of life in the sun, and are still at it!
Scambuster - It is unbelievable that you would make such statements when you couldn’t be further from the truth.
I stick up for the company I work for as do my colleagues because we work hard for our clients to make them happy and find the best property for them. I stay in contact with all my clients, I even get xmas cards and regular phone calls from them when they visit here as I don't rip anyone off or lie to anyone and I have a whole database full of clients that would agree, not to mention my colleagues.
Twice I have sold properties where weeks down the line the lawyers discovered there was no occupation licence. My clients were told about this from their lawyer and they decided not to go ahead. They then came back out to Spain and found another development and checked immediately with the lawyer if all licences were in place. This is just something we have to deal with on this coast, I make my job easier by staying away from developments I know have no occupation licence (even though they could have the licence in the near future) so my clients dont get dissapointed.
Whatever you are saying about Ocean of course reflects on me and I have never sold anyone anything illegal or anything that has made them lose money and I take great offence to your comments and I certainly havent "ruined" anyones life.
I also have no idea why you would say that I was "sussed out" on another forum page, as THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE EVER WRITTEN ON ANY FORUM PAGE. YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG. Why would you say such a thing?
There is NO "SCAM" in Ocean Estates Mr SCAMBUSTER!
You're talking about your personal work ethic SPY1, however that is so far removed from ALL the dirty tricks pulled by Ocean as a whole and constantly reported about in the media.
Answer this, are you suggesting the Sunday Times, the Mail on Sunday etc are lying?
Ocean have ruined many peoples' dreams of life in the sun, FACT!
Answer the points I put to you earlier on behalf of the Company, and , add 'have Ocean stopped selling 'land grab' in the Valencia region as reported once in the Mail on Sunday?
Why are Ocean known as Awful Estates generally if they are so ethical?
Why did they recommend A lawyer named Chambers Defoe, who metamorphised into CorteZ, Habsburg McCown and then again into Direct Lawyers Marbella, and who were run by Steven Granville a barrister who was dis-barred both here and in Spain and who was a timeshare fraudster who fled to Thailand, FACT? This firm was then involved at Ocean's recommendation in the White Whale fiasco, along with another firm whose boss went to jail.
Why does Ocean's name come up when typed in a search on for mis-selling?
You're talking tosh about this Company's work ethics, they are constantly exposed for mis-selling!!!!!!!!!!
On type in ocean estates in the search, and when their name comes up, click on that to reveal more.
Your company helped ruin 3 years of our lives. They introduced us to Santa Maria Green Hills. RC took us there, told us he was buying a penthouse with a friend, said not to mention it as he was not really allowed to do this. He even discussed his purchase with the sales director of Eralia at the site office! When the upper level was not built and we contacted him, we asked what was he going to do about getting his money back from his penthouse. " Penthouse? What penthouse?" The rest as they say, is history. Your company still kept the 15% commission they earned from us though and in no way helped us to sort the whole damned mess out, even though RC told us we were his friends, he really cared about us! As I got out of his BMW..."Bulls**t sprang from my lips!!
I understand RC is not with your company now. Maybe you ARE different.
Tish, I well remember a chap called Russell Clarke who worked for Ocean, told other clients he had purchased on same devs. as them, but of course we all know he was lying. Nasty little chap, also said he supported whatever London football team that each of his London clients supported, he'd swatted up but didn't know all the answers when quizzed.
Mind you, many other sales persons had also 'purchased' on same devs. as all their clients, like hell they had! Lying toe-rags!
Avoid Ocean Estates wherever they're operating!
Spy1 you wrote: Twice I have sold properties where weeks down the line the lawyers discovered there was no occupation licence
Question: Why on earth are you selling properties that have no occupation licence? I am no expert but don´t you check that out before you list the properties? Shouldn´t your company be doing some sort of due diligence process on these developments before you get involved selling them? From what I have seen Ocean have had loads of bad press and I would have thought it would be basic business ethics to start doing these sorts of checks. If a property or development does not have the correct licences, bank guarantees, etc then DON¨T SELL IT!!!! Maybe I am wrong in thinking this because nobody has mentioned it...I am interested in your reply.