The Comments |
...on 800 x 600 resolution!
My PC video card decided to die on me last night when I was working on some urgent stuff (isn't that the way it always is!).
It meant my monitor was blank! I won't bore you with the details of how I recovered it but whilst I was doing it I had to run the card in it's basic setting. It means running on a screen resolution of 800 x 600.
Looking at my web stats it shows that about 5% of visitors are still using this resolution. Here's what EOS looked like on my PC at that resolution:
You can see that you have to scroll to see the right side of the site! Urgh. That's horrible.
How can anyone surf the net on this resolution? It's impossible.
What resolution are you running? The easiest way to find out is by going to the following site:
What is my screen resolution
I'm sorry to all those running on an 800 x 600 resolution, there's just no way we could really make the site work for you! Sorry.
Justin This message was last edited by EOS Team on 5/21/2008.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I was just coming in to blast you off the face of the earth for dissing our forum till I calmed down & saw it's YOU 
God knows what I'm using but it's always been exactly fine.
I'm using 1280 x 800 - so the link said!
1400 x 1050 which is ideal for EoS.
On Windows check or change your setting using Control Panel, Display, Settings, then use Screen Resolution slider control.
Dont worry about it EOS team I still luurve EOS. I'm one of the 5% because I find it easier on my eyes.
Hi EOS team,
I'm viewing Eye on Spain on 1280 x 1024 in Firefox (haven't a clue if it looks any different in IE as I hardly ever go there these days).
And the forum looks great!
The only problem I have is that sometimes it takes a while to load (especially the 'post reply' section), but I guess that's more down to our 'Rural ADSL' connection than anything else
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
Thanks for letting me know about the posting slowness in firefox Justin,
To tell the truth, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my pc, because It takes ages for me to post a message in here. I even made sure my java was the latest version in case it was that.
I downloaded the latest version of AVG (8) a few days ago and thought it could be that too - guess it wasn't
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
summer70....YOU'RE A STAR! You've just hit the nail on the head. It IS AVG 8 that's causing the problem. I just tried it on a PC we have running version 7 and it doesn't suffer from the same slow loading problem!
Now I just need to work out why AVG 8 is having this effect
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I've sorted it!
It's a problem with the "Link scanner" function in AVG 8. It seems to be causing many people problems, and it's what's really been slowing down my site!
You can disable link scanner by double-clicking the AVG icon at the bottom right of your screen and then double-clicking "Link scanner" and disabling.
It's worked a treat.
Thanks summer, I've always loved Firefox and this was giving me a real headache.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I thought it might be AVG 8, which I why I mentioned it 
I downloaded the tool bar, which I'm now regretting, because, even though I've since disabled it in Firefox, the extra 'precautions' that came with it are still there. I'm thinking it could be that...
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
I've just disabled link scanner and you are right.
Things are much better now.
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
I didn't have a prob with EOS, it has always looked good to me, but a big "Yeah" to Summer70, well done new EOS member!
Love it when we get new members who know how to "sort things"!
Shame though, cos we will all be asking you loads of questions now!
Well done you, and a great big welcome to EOS...............!!!!!
kind regards,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thanks Fibby
But I'm not too sure about this:
"Love it when we get new members who know how to "sort things"!
Shame though, cos we will all be asking you loads of questions now!"
I just dabble and browse a lot (I work online so I have to), but I am no expert!  !!!
Nice to meet you
Edit: I think you have spoken to my hubby foxbat on this forum about the costs involved when I travelled to and from Gatwick. It was just a shame that me and you lived at opposite ends of the A3. This message was last edited by summer70 on 5/31/2008.
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
You will learn!
When I said we love new members who can sort things, I meant IT things............
You knew where the problem mght lay and sorted it!
Most of us lot would not have had a clue.........................!!!!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Posted about this on another thread, but thought it might get more noticed here:
I'm trying out Firefox, because everyone says IE is rubbish (although I don't have any real problem with it). So, can someone please tell me, why in FF, I cannot cut, copy or paste using my right mouse button, and more annoyingly, I cannot create automatic links just by typing a url, or copying and pasting it?
This only seems to be a problem on EOS forum so far......
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Actually, Robert, it's odd you should mention that as I've been trying to explain in PMs to Gypsy how she can get what Banco Halifax sent her by email onto a post on here. I explained it all very simply & she said she didn't see what I saw. I thought she wasn't keeping her curser on the highlighted area & explained she must, before using her right click (or she'd get what I've posted below) but she said she was using the right click on the highlighted area. Anyway, she said she can't get it to copy. She says ...
I am keeping my mouse on the highlighted area and this comes up,
as soon as I let go of left click on mouse, a small box with clip, print, standard selection on,
then I put mouse on highlighted area and press right click and I don't see copy, I see
Save background as ...
Set as background
Copy background
Set as desktop item ...
Select all
Create shortcut
Add to favourites
View source
Whatever is going on ? Is this part of the same problem as you, or different ?
Can you help ?
The difference is between IE and Firefox.
In IE, you can use the right click to copy and right click to paste directly into a forum, but in Firefox this doesn't work in the main body of the post you are making to this forum.
In firefox you can still scroll over a text, email or whatever (as long as it isn't in Word which is a whole other story...) and right click and copy, but if using Firefox in this forum, you cannot click the mouse to paste. Instead you have to hit 'ctrl v' to paste the text into your message.
What Foxbat said on the other thread is correct.
In Firefox when posting to Eye On Spain forums, you need to follow the above procedure as I answered to morerosado.
Posting a url in Firefox:
When you want to paste a url into your post, you scroll over the words you want to use as the link, then click on the link icon above (picture of world with chain in front), a box will open and you can paste in the url (you don't need to use ctrl v for this part) and click save. You will then, not only have a blue url showing up, but it will be the name of the link (rather than a messy url), which helps people a lot.
The 'Firefox thing' does not apply to all forums, but it does to many, depending on the script they are using.
Hope that helps
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
Hi Summer, that isn't what's happening then with Gypsy. She never sees the copy facility no matter what she does. I'm not clever enough to go into all this. I know what I do but it seems that way won't work for her. Thanks for explaining but I'm lost. (Mine works, I'm ok.  )
Thanks Summer70, at least now I know it's not just me! I thought maybe I had it wrongly configured. I'm well aware of the alternative ways of copying & pasting, as well as adding a link, but they're basicaly far less convenient - so despite popular opinion, I think I'll be going back to IE. Some other sites I regularly use also look crap in FF. What's so bloody great about it?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain