The Comments |
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Have always spoken up for myself - as I said to someone concerned about my reputation a few weeks back as people were making fun of me on the site - my mother always taught me it was harder to make someone laugh than to make them cry - thus if I can bring a smile to a few people by taking the piss out of myself then whats the harm - then again I am not shy of taking the piss out of others too so he who lives by the sword must be prepared to die by it - hand me a sabre!!
Smiley -
Here you go Smiley!!! Maybe it will get rid of those hiccups!!!
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Always prepared, Janice!!! (with the help of Google, of course!!)
Oh Jan you have a cutting edge sense of humour - youre so sharp.
I do hope that those of you that watched dont think that the TV show was representative of how everyone lives up the western end of the coast of Spain. Each to their own and bloody good luck to them if thats what turns you on but dont really think its typical of live from Nerja to Algeciras - gosh what must the Spaniards think if they were watching
Smiley -
If you're talking about the awful show about marbelllla slappers, I should think the estate agents of the area will be rubbing their hands with glee. If anything is going to bring prices back down to a sensible level and get things moving, that will. Makes me proud to live in Boyz Town!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Yeah, he usually does the men's bars over here on a saturday night. Not bad looking for a fella?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Watched the Marbella Babes, and was cringing, why do they always have to show the awful ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not all us English girls are like that, thank god.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
My husband & I watched "Marbella Babes"........ cringing and saying "thank God we didn't buy in Marbella!!!!" H O R R E N D O U S !!!!!!!  How my heart went out to that poor little baby with what must be the worse mother on the planet! 37??? She looked 77!!!
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Hi Janice yes we watched them both. Gosh the wallpaper on the one in France, no wonder they couldn't sell, I suppose someone must have loved it though eh? Why did that couple move over with all their belongings? Didn't they check first that their house was nowhere near ready? Even if they had sold up in England you would have thought they would have sorted somewhere to live first, or did we miss something?? Did you notice who the Estate Agents were....ooops!
The one on the Marbella Babes well!! Goodness me where do you start. She was tired out after the school run and as for changing a nappy on her little boy and it being such hard work picking him up??
Then the beautiful song at the end?
Was it April 1st yesterday? Maybe it should have been screened on that day?..
Cheers John and Trish This message was last edited by JPD on 3/21/2007.
Tish I must tell you that we are not all like that - there are some pretty superficial people here and I guess credit where its due some of those on the show were highlighting their artificial lives. For many of us that live in the real world of bills, bills and more bills we are not out having our nails done and extensions put in (well except for a special Saturday night I might push the boat in - hmm or is it out?) and most of us only have one designer dress - mines pink but I have the obligatory little black number for more formal occasions. Cant wait to find a fella that will buy me a 100k bracelet and its not Swarofski. The great majority in Marbella (its a huge area) are real people with normal problems and normal lives that are a little more challenging than the school run and changing (or not changing) the baby's nappy. I have to say that I think she had balls of steel to go on the show in all her ***** ****** ****** glory and use the normal ******** language in ***** every ******* other ******* word that she said. While not to my taste (but then I am probably not hers) at least she had the balls to be herself - what you see is what you get - no ********* airs and¨********** graces.
Smiley -