TV shows about the Costas

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31 May 2007 8:15 PM by kelju Star rating in South Yorkshire . 300 posts Send private message

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I've scanned the TV guide and can't see 'Tonight with Trevor McDonald', what station is it on???

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31 May 2007 9:00 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Hi yes I have just  done  that as well and cannot see it listed anywhere,  you all say it's on ITV is it  this Friday.  Regards Pat

This message was last edited by Pat and Roy on 5/31/2007.



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31 May 2007 9:18 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Look on the Sky menu for ITV after Coronation Street, it's there tomorrow, Friday 1st June.


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31 May 2007 10:56 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 posts Send private message


Is this programme on Sky as I too have scanned the channels and all I can see is a programme about the state of the Spainsih market at 8:00pm, ITV 3 but no mention of Trevor. Regardless, this show, if differant should be "interesting" as I guess it will be yet another piece by the media reporting how "bad" things are in Spain...which is the topic of many discussions at the moment and fuelled by certain parties who think negative thoughts all the time. Let's be positive and good things might just happen. Sorry, off my soapbox now, back to the programme.............whichever one it turns out to be.


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01 Jun 2007 12:09 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Hi Phil, yes,that's the programme Spanish property crash etc but it's ITV 1not 3 .. it was Justin's newsletter to members that said it was Trevor McDonald's programme & I quote "Inez was followed around last week by the ITV camera crew for the "Tonight with Trevor McDonald" programme.  The show is broadcast on ITV this Friday, 1st of June."

So all we all clear on that now, watch the footy & record Inez on DVD on high quality so you can watch time after time .

Sorry Jan, cannot help you, hubby tells me our pc's not set up to do what you say.


This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/1/2007.


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01 Jun 2007 9:39 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Fibby UK,

We were originally all gonna be on but Trevor decided that he could not Afford to pamper all three of us on one shows budget.

I think they have ordered a trailer for me and Gillespie for the future plus they couldn't get the sixteen dancing girls we ordered in time.

And it clashed with Gillespie and myselfs spot on Crimewatch Uk..

Keep em peeled for future instalments.

We are waiting with baited breath to see how it comes across,hopefully no artistic editing!!!



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01 Jun 2007 9:48 AM by Lady Dallowa Star rating. 29 posts Send private message



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01 Jun 2007 10:02 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Lady Dallowa or should i say Maaaaam,

It's the bad news scenario again i am afraid(it's more interesting than good!)

As Residents or Holiday home owners we all know the truth about living here unfortunately that does not sell papers or increase ratings.

If they told more of the truth then the UK would tilt as everyone rushed southwards to board the ferry and then who would pay for the upkeep of the country?

They will keep battering away at Spain untill everyone is bored of it or there is nobody left to listen.

Yes the market is slow and it has finally come out of it's crazy period and..........................?

Hopefully Rixxy will manage to get this point across on Friday

I would hazard a guess that there are more happy Brits in Spain than there are happy Brits in Britain!



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01 Jun 2007 10:23 AM by Lady Dallowa Star rating. 29 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia,

It's true what you are saying, but is still so frustrating when they persist in trying to damage the image of such a beautiful and friendly country, we all know about the corruption in the political parties and unfortunately this has caused problems for a lot of towns, however in my own experience the UK has a lot to answer for as well !!    I know where I would rather be but it's a shame that so many other would be expats will be put off giving it ago for themselves by all of these negative programes, my motto is dont knock it untill you have tried it first hand for yourself, and NEVER trust a politician, in any country !! 

Kind Regards  Ruby

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01 Jun 2007 10:37 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Ruby,

All very true and i totaly agree.

It's like when you tell all your family and friends that you are moving to Spain and they say "what for?".

And then you see them more than used to in the UK as a steady stream "nip out to see you"just to see what it's like.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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01 Jun 2007 1:13 PM by rosi n Star rating in Cornwall / axarquia. 119 posts Send private message

Hi  Ruby  I can remember a program about newcomers to Spain about 2  years ago the program was about setting up a new business ,   I think they only showed the successful ones but was very interesting most people stayed on .  If you looked at all the programs showing the good life of Spain (  about  5 most weeks ) on TV ,  the amount of the bad side programs are very few  but as Georgia  said the program makers need to dig a little mud sometimes for ratings , but  it must make some people aware that its not all roses that the big agents are telling new buyers so it works both ways as regards info, as there are still many people out there that are green as regards buying overseas.    If I had the choice of  living it would be Spain.      Regds  Rosi n

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01 Jun 2007 5:37 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

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I am led to believe the programme will show a balanced view. I was lucky enough to meet the producer and a couple of the crew while they were over - and over a few beers they said that it would not be edited purely to show the black side of the market - they were going to illustrate the fact that people have lost ,money or invested poorly but they were also going to highlight that there are some spectacular deals to be done for the right property and that there are buyers around as long as a property represents good value for money and is legal - no doubt Rixxy will confirm this herself - lets hope the producer is as good as his word. To reiterate what I have said before the smart money is bullish about the market and taking a long term view not simply speculating on this months special offer!!


Smiley -

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01 Jun 2007 6:41 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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Hi Guys,

I agree with Smiley, he's a smart chap you know

In the end I hope it does put off the people who are 'here today and gone tomorrow' and done their best to make a 'quick buck'.

It's exactly the type of people the Spanish Property Market could do well without, as they often end up selling below true market value and thus end up bringing property prices down. It's exactly what has happened to our urb, we purchased our apartment at €35.000,00 less than what the asking price is for the few remaining new empty apartments, however at the time it was only valued at €10.000,00 more than what we paid (for mortgage valuation). Now the remaining apartments in phase one haven't sold and they have just about finished the separate phase two with about the same amount of apartments, although these aren't for sale yet!

However, if we just had long term investors who are actually purchasing a property for holiday purposes over many years and/or as an initial purchase with regards to moving to the CDS (such as ourselves), coupled with investment into the property and the community, then that would help stabilise the property market.

In other words, 'good riddance to bad rubbish'

That's my 2p worth

This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 6/1/2007.


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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01 Jun 2007 10:38 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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Smiley, poor, dear Smiley, said:

 "I am led to believe the programme will show a balanced view. I was lucky enough to meet the producer and a couple of the crew while they were over - and over a few beers they said that it would not be edited purely to show the black side of the market ".

He's such a nice bloke, but obviously so easily "led"! What a disappointment this show was - just more of the same old rubbish. Balanced view my a*se!

More on this later, 'cos I have to have my say, but Jonathon Ross is on, and he's so much more believable than Trevor McDonald & his crew.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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01 Jun 2007 11:23 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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It was the phrase "and over a few beers they said " which caused the misunderstanding, likely. Cut out the alcohol & all will be remembered far more clearly, (or not ! )


How did you get involved, Smiley ? Were you in the prog too ?

This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/1/2007.


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02 Jun 2007 1:12 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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I've listened to Rixxy's interview with Justin (well, half of it anyway, haven't had time for all of it yet!) and as usual she makes many very good points, and truly does give a balanced view of the market, so why the producers of this show didn't have to cojones to broadcast the other bits that I'm sure they filmed with her, I'll never know. For example, they showed her admitting that she has to deal with a lot of unhappy people who find themselves forced to sell at a loss, but I know she would have gone on to explain that the flip side is that she has a lot of happy clients who benefit by being able to snap up genuine bargains. Swings and roundabouts, but they didn't portray that side of it.

I used to think Trev McD. was a respected serious journalist, now I realise he's just another sensation-monger jumping on the tabloid bandwagon. Shame on him! The presenter even said that a lot of bad press has had a negative effect on the British perspective of the Spanish property market - and then proceeded to give us more!

With the possible exception of the section on the Valencia Land Grab, which is a real nightmare situation for those involved, the rest was just the usual no-brainer stuff. Over supply of new property (obvious to anybody who knows what a crane looks like) and buyers over-commiting themselves after falling for sharp sales patter (unfortunate, but nobody else's fault but their own).

What really bothers me about all this (& why I'm on my soapbox repeating what I've said many times before), is that anybody tuning in who is not familiar with Spain, would think that newly built apartment complexes in the middle of nowhere, with no existing infrastructure to speak of other than a proposed golf course, constitutes "The Spanish Property Market", and that the only people participating in said market are the British.

I have lived in Spain for 10 years, and the first time I even saw one of these urbanizations that are depicted in the program tonight, and all the tabloid splashes, was last year on the way back from a trip to Tarifa. Sorry, can't remember what it's called, and even if I could, I wouldn't say, for fear of offending someone who bought a property there, thinking they were buying their dream home. Right on the beach (lovely beach, too), beautiful tropical gardens, exotic swimming pools, ample parking (understatement, since there were no other cars around) on-site supermarket (one - closed for the season) and one bar, with a bored manager who told us it does get "fairly busy" in August. It was certainly peaceful - this was in September - but then I don't think you could even find the place on a map, so it's no wonder.

Rixxy kindly invited me to attend the auction, and possibly be filmed giving my opinion of the market etc. She knows that I don't buy into this crash thing, and perhaps hoped that I might be able to contribute to the positive side of the coin, but obviously they would have cut me off in my prime, so I'll stick to ranting here!

I still believe that all these stories focus purely on the British punters who buy into the dream of owning a place in the sun on what amounts to a holiday complex, without fully understanding what they are getting into. These same people would almost certainly not consider buying two or three off-plan properties at, say Alton Towers, and expect to make a killing, so why do they think they can do it in Spain? None of these programs or articles bother to mention that ordinary Spaniards are still living, working, going about their daily lives and buying and selling their homes, just as millions of Brits do all the time, in the places where they live, work and go about their daily lives. Sure, prices soared during the last 5 years or so and have now stabilised to say the least. And....? What's new? That's the property market - here, the UK, anywhere. It has it's ups and downs, just like any other market (shares, for example). So what?

I'll continue to buy when I find a good property in a good location at a good price, and sell when I think I can make a good return on it. I'm not a big investor, nor a "speculator", just an ordinary guy who still believes in bricks and mortar being a sound investment - so long as you use a bit of common sense and don't see things through rose tinted specs.

And every so often, if I happen to be passing nowhere (especially if I'm near the middle of it) I'll drop in and have a beer with the bar man, to cheer him up while he awaits August and the expected crowds.

I've no doubt p*ssed off several people with this rant, in which case I apologise, but you are free to air your own opinion, whether you agree or not with me, so I'll get off this thread now and go look for trouble elsewhere so that someone else can have a go!




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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02 Jun 2007 1:18 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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You've certainly not p****d me off, Roberto. I always enjoy reading your posts.




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02 Jun 2007 7:12 AM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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Could not have said it better myself.




Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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02 Jun 2007 9:00 AM by alantracey Star rating. 156 posts Send private message

Hi Everyone


I read EOS almost everyday, but don't often post (something I wil start to rectify).  I missed the programme last night - does anyone know if / when it will be repeated?  I guess from reading the posts that when I go into work on Monday, some of my colleagues will be relaying the doom and wondering what I have got myself into.  Although as mentioned earlier, these will be the same ones who want to come and visit !


On the upside of the Spanish Market - there is now a new channel on Sky (293) dedicated totally to living in Spain.  There are 'Learn the Lingo', Flamenco Nights, programmes about buying / selling property, information on pets, education and lots more.  It also has a website -     When it is peeing with rain in Old Blighty, I switch now to this channel to get my 'fix'


Perhaps you already knew all this, and I am preaching to the converted - but just to let you know there are positive programmes about Spain - albeit on satelite and not on the mainstream terrestrial.


My husband and I (that sounds very regal !) have bought off plan in Murcia.  We still have another year to wait (as per contract, but more likely 18 months or so).  I have found some of it worrying, ( without a benefit of a crystal ball) but enoy sites like this to keep me generally informed and provide a fairly balanced view.  I don't want to look through rose tinted glasses, and I like to know what I should be concerned about so that I can ensure I have these bases covered (as much as possible).  I am looking forward to my new home in Spain and excited about it all despite my nerves.  Thank you all for your posts, as these keep me informed and entertained!!



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02 Jun 2007 9:11 AM by johnone Star rating in La Reserva de Marbel.... 233 posts Send private message

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You didnt miss anything constructive last night. It was an amateurish predjudiced piece of B******s, I and I fully agree with all of Robertos's conclusions about the Program.

Im sure all the points will be covered in detail on this forum within the next few days.



Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.

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Any views on Parador - 17 posts
Las Tejas, Mogan, Gran Canaria - 8 posts
LFO for Los Lagos rejected August 16th - 3 posts
Breach of Contract - 71 posts
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"Pain in Spain" programme .. - 2 posts
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