Parador Gone into Administration

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07 Aug 2008 8:45 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Irene, listen to MG, get your son to LOOK HERE or can he stand to lose that kind of money without a as I surely wouldn't be able to.

Thanks to MG for helping.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/7/2008.


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07 Aug 2008 9:17 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi more  its no wonder you are called a superstar i could not find this page i went on google and then put in viva almeria now you can see why it take so long for me to find things a lot to read more  thank you irene

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07 Aug 2008 10:10 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 posts Send private message

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Your son should go to EOS off plan forums and you will find one for ACC, which is now not going to be built for some time and the other one buyers of ACC are changing to OTCC...Oasis Tabernax Country Club...where your son has decided he likes

He will see posts that are against Huma  and those who like OTCC the alternative

Look and you will read  all opinions

Also look at EOS Photos.......OTCC....and you will see work in progress and that it is a ' legal' reality

So that you know my position.....late ACC BG......after the negative planning decision in Feb 2008......for pragmatic reasons changed to OTCC

And it does now look like Manzana 1 plot 11 will be ready on time circa May 2009!! 

This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 8/7/2008.





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07 Aug 2008 11:22 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Irene, if you Googled for "viva almeria" it would've come up with the very first one & if you clicked on that & looked down the far left hand side way down there (under news & information) it says "viva forums" click on that. THEN look down to what MG told you look for (under heading of Residential Communities) to Almanzora Country Club, Cuevas Del Almanzora, that's easy enough.

Ensure your son is savvy with his options !


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08 Aug 2008 12:02 AM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi i clicked on what you said and have been reading all the posts and i have been looking at some pictures that people have put on the site of the OTCC site not much going on there ?i hope to see some pictures when my son gets home next tuesday .He drove to the site on monday it was a 3 hrs drive there and back for his family from cdsol he said a show house was finished but he did not go in to see it as  they where  town houses and  not what  he has bought .I would have gone in to see what the finish is like and the kitchens but i think he wanted to see the area more bye and thanks more again irene

This message was last edited by irenemontague on 8/8/2008.

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09 Aug 2008 1:18 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi all my son said the area does not look that good very flat ,he went to a spanish village no one there and nothing around them his wife is not that happy with the area but they are staying with it and her friend has bought next door to her and thay are hoping in time things will change around them.I asked my son could they get a bus or train and go and visit other places he said mum its not the costa del sol no transport at all you need a car,no good for me then bye irene

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09 Aug 2008 1:47 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Irene....   whatever is he thinking ? Not for me either.  


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09 Aug 2008 3:30 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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A lot of people swithched form the ACC to OTCC because it was easier than fighting the developer for their money back.
The truth of it is the developer never had licence for ACC and in my opinion OTCC is a poor relation,like you son said Irene,Ghost town.................
How as an agent did you manage to get lured into ACC,you should have known from the start that there were no licences,you can't blame joe public for getting caught because they would not have known any better, but as an agent?????
I really hope you don't take this the wrong way but being an agent for property in one country and living in another is a dangerous game to play,does it not make you uneasy giving advice when you dont have your finger on the pulse as it was,it would scare me to death!!!
Youy have also bought i understand in Huercal,another black spot,many lawyers advise their clients not to buy there due to the high risk of demolition that surrounds that whole area.
And finally Polaris,did you know they have just borrowed 261 million Euros to finace the second stage of Mar Menor project,although this may not be worrying i have spokien to three agents this week who have gone out of business because Polaris have not paid their commission,more worrying!!,Polaris committed commercial suicide when they offerd ANY key ready apartment on Hacienda Riquelme at 30% off,this now means you can buy one cheaper key ready, about 60,000€ less than the off planners bought 2 years ago,making a total mockery of the off plan theory.
In this climate you have to be very careful when selling for developers,constant contact with a good solicitor is needed to keep any agent out of trouble,with more and more going bust daily, there are a few good ones left that did plan ahead but a lot have overstretched themselves so be careful.
Resale is the best option followed by a key ready from a reputable builder,the only off plan i get involved with is one builder that builds bespoke villas and i trust him and him only to do this.
Like i said i hope you dont take this the wrong way but the situation on the ground here changes daily.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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09 Aug 2008 5:06 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 posts Send private message

Hi all i think he thinks if there friends are next door they can look after both places and they are going to use each others villas if they can to bring extra family out with them and they hope in the long term 10 years or so the area will get better bye irene

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23 Oct 2008 9:26 AM by joeblog Star rating. 13 posts Send private message

Parador are in charge os sales at Polarisworld i hear they fired all the workers throughout Europe and at HQ in Spain and there are real problems with bank guarantees at the moment i.e. not being delivered according to their forum site see terrazas and Hacienda Riquelme seems clients not at all happy.

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07 Feb 2009 8:29 AM by graydale Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

A bit late but I have just read Joeblog's ridiculous message.  I don't usually send comments but it really makes me angry when I read statements like this.  Why do people write things they know nothing about?  It's absolute rubbish.  And anyway, how could Parador be in charge of Polaris in October when Parador was in administration??????????? 

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07 Feb 2009 5:04 PM by vilprano Star rating. 55 posts Send private message

This post you refer to is in reference to polaris world being run the the former founding directors of parador who moved to polaris world sales prior to parador going into admin. This is what this person was referring to so to clarify replace parador with the ex directors of parador uk. Messrs Hamilton and assorted relatives.

Parador in spain still exists.

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