The Comments |
I'm going to blow my own trumpet as I'm about to make my    th post !
Well, good luck to you ** EDITED - Name **
Hi More
Make it a memorable one, it needs to be special.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
Well done More! 
MoreRosado >>>>

Hi More,
Way to go girl, keep up the good work.
The day is dull without a post from More
Love reading the blog too! Keep up the good work.
though it often seems like I have & my husband thinks I prefer my pc to him.
I why. 
And I often feel like doing this
when I should be doing THIS 
What a whirlwind few months since my OH retired in March. (Yes, I DID say that I was retiring too, I know ... ... though hardly intentional). We've had two trips of 24 days each to Spain in March then in June. Met many of you too for & & sleepovers.
I'm also writing a blog on EOS (as well as a private blog) as many know & it's being updated constantly as I keep recalling things I missed putting in when I first posted. 
Over 3600 hits too, 
Piccy is a link to it. 
Anyway, enough for now. See you soon 
Congratulations, thats a whole lot of work you have put in. As always the graphics are fab, here's to your next 5000 posts with all the colourful piccies.
Thanks for brightening up the Forum.
Chrissie x
Hi more congratulations for all your posts of 5,000 and more soon and you did on my special birthday today great achievement bye irene
Yes well done More keep up the excellant work. We would be lost with out you.Pat.
Thanks for all your great wishes. Wasn't around much yesterday. I've a lovely mate, Sue, who's very keen on researching her family tree & has done brilliantly over a few years (without using a pc) but was stuck. I'm in a genealogy forum with her so we use my pc (Sue hasn't one) to research. As we have a new library with 21 pcs & we can use these free for 2 hrs daily I spent time out from EOS & went to the library with Sue to show her how to access the genealogy forum herself from another pc. She is totally unfamiliar with how a pc works so it was quite frustrating at times but we all have to learn & I recall my own first days on a pc. The pcs in the library are also set up differently to ours at home so I had fun & games getting it to do as I wanted. Then Sue came here for coffee leaving around 5pm.
At 7pm she & her fiance, John, were back at ours as we had a voucher for 4 meals for £10 at our local pub. We thought we'd have a quiet evening with a couple of drinks. (Sue had to be back home for 9.45pm as her eldest daughter was babysitting her youngest & she had to go to work for 10pm). Anyway, we hadn't bargained for the pub to be having a curry night as well as Bingo & a quiz too ! It was full. Our meals were pretty good compared with what we'd had before there. John had a 8 oz rump steak, fried onions, tomato & chips served on a sizzling platter, my OH had a 8 oz gammon, chips & peas, Sue had scampi, chips & peas & I had butterfly chicken breast covered with bacon, melted cheese & BBQ sauce & chips. We opted out of the one game of bingo but entered into the fun of the quiz. (I thought of you, Karen). John called our team "And the winners are" which went down great. (We came last though, sadly ) Rather embarrassed ourselves. However, we had four rounds so had a brill evening. 
Sue's youngest, Ellie 13 going on 30 , decided at 8pm she was going to stay overnight with her little friend a few doors away & she rang Sue about 10 times during our evening, ( ruddy kids ruling the roost here springs to mind) so Sue could let Sarah, her eldest get off to work (after sorting Ellie out, of course) without Sue needing to go home so she & John were free to stay in the pub longer then come to ours for cheese & biscuits & coffee.
So... a great night apart from mobile phones ringing every few minutes from Sarah & Ellie.
You keep yourself busy More! I don't know how you find time for all these different forums.
Anyway, looking forward to your 6000th post next week
(Note to self: Better check soon if the forum is set up to allow more than 10,000 posts, More could potentially blow up the forum!)
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
Hi Justin
The only reason I can be here so much (& not just here either, find me ...... ) is because I have a very accommodating better other half
He's washing up as I type away. 
Some days I just don't have time to get dressed.
I spread myself thinly except in my fave forum, of course.
Wow More that is fantastic. As we say in Dublin 'You are some woman...for one woman'!!! (And that is as a complement).
Keep up the good work, it is all appericated.   This message was last edited by tricia52 on 7/31/2008.
