Any advice on this one please?

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16 Aug 2008 10:50 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

I can't begin to tell you, I'd be shot, hung, drawn & quartered, Audrey. Seriously, it's quite easy once you know how. I'm an old hand.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/16/2008.


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17 Aug 2008 11:05 PM by On a mission ! Star rating in Caleta de Fuste,Fuer.... 52 posts Send private message

On a mission !´s avatar
OMG Morerosado !!!! What will you get up to next !!!????    I can't even edit a pic properly !!! I always cut off the wrong bits and end up with what I didn't want !!!'s the pre-meeting meeting tomorrow evening folks, so I'll be spending the day assembling all my bits of internet research, advice from EOS, brain-picking from two local Brit presidents and all the dirt I've managed to dig up  into some semblance of order, I need to keep it punchy but at the same time provide a lot of detail...........not that easy !!!!

I actually feel almost as nervous about it as the day, about five years ago, when I had to make a speech to 750 people !!!!!!! Stupid really, when I know that those who turn up will be supporters anyway ..........but I am a bit bothered about "opposition spys"   .  

Hark at me !!!! .................I'm gonna knock 'em dead and get 'em all out on the proxy vote hunt !!! 

If I'm not about tomorrow, I promise a full report on Tuesday !!!

Thank you all for your help and support !



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18 Aug 2008 12:10 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/18/2008.


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18 Aug 2008 1:26 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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18 Aug 2008 5:40 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar
"If I'm not about tomorrow, I promise a full report on Tuesday !!!"

Either that, or we'll be reading in the Morerosado Bulletin that Audrey was found in bed with a horse's head.........



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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18 Aug 2008 5:56 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Well, funny you should say that, Roberto  

(But it won't be needed, I hope).


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19 Aug 2008 2:23 AM by On a mission ! Star rating in Caleta de Fuste,Fuer.... 52 posts Send private message

On a mission !´s avatar
Well I've just checked my bed before I get in it  and there's no horses head there yet  ..........but who knows what the morning will bring !!!!!!

I'm too shattered to fill you all in now but will do asap !!

Just one snippet to get you all going..............guess what the bar-stewards did while I was out for 3 hours at my meeting ????
Hacked my community website and wiped half of it !!!!   

      No More and Rob.............that's not a horse !!! 


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19 Aug 2008 2:26 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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19 Aug 2008 11:07 PM by On a mission ! Star rating in Caleta de Fuste,Fuer.... 52 posts Send private message

On a mission !´s avatar
Hi Folks !

Report as promised !

1. I'm alive and well and there was no horse's head in my bed

2. My website was hacked while I was at my Meeting last night and as I have a tracking thingy installed I know exactly who it was , quite flattering really that my not very good little site should be such cause for concern !!!! Oh, btw, now I'm allowed to post links, it's if any more "new battlers"want  to have a peek !

3. Last Night's Meeting..............went really well ! Not a great turn-out, but so many owners are non-resident I wasn't expecting that many............9 Brits and 1 lovely Spanish lady who I've even seen before ! 

The meeting lasted almost three hours and oh boy did we cover some ground !

I was asked to chair it cos I'd collected all the info to share.

Bless 'em, they all stuck to my request to keep to the main really important issues and forget about the minor day-to-day winges that we all have when stuck with useless Community management!

Four main issues were identified mis-management/misappropriation of funds re non-payment of water bills........... failure to comply with owners voted wishes................failure to record minutes correctly/ minutes stating matters were approved unanimously when there was no vote/ failure to provide full and correct translation...................failure to answer written complaints/address verbal complaints.

It was unanimously agreed that this was sufficient for a censure movement/vote of no confidence.

After much debate on Horizontal Law 13.7 it was agreed by all that the EGM called for 5th September was a golden opportunity for a complete overthrow IF we can manage to raise a majority vote !

Following advice from EOS oracles, we then made Plan A and Plan B.

Plan A 
If can muster enough votes ,they all wanted me to be President .......ouch ! and we all agreed a vice-president and secretary. We all agreed also on a new Asesoria(administrator who has been highly recommended to me by a  Brit President  of a nearby Community.

Plan B
If not enough votes, then it's me standing for the current Secretary vacancy to hopefully get a foot in the door, be responsible for cheque-signing and find out where our money is all going, cos as sure as hell it's not being spent on the Community! Hopefully then gaining more support and going for the Grand Slam at the March AGM.

We all agreed to chip in to the cost of a professional AGM/EGM translator for the September meeting.

We all learned a lot from two owners present who have lived here a lot longer than the rest of us, most interestingly that our President is the sister of the guy that owns our Asesoria !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finished on a positive note with everyone firmly focused on gaining support and getting proxy votes !!!

This morning.................hub and I were a bit despondent about the poor turnout and muttering about vote targets that were impossible !! 

By lunchtime, I'd had two emails from Brit owners in UK offering support and asking what to do about their proxy vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  By afternoon, my Morrocan neighbours, who are not even owners, and speak about ten languages between them, had asked me for proxy vote forms and went round banging on doors to talk to Morrocan and Rumanian tenants to find out the who and where of their landlords!!  By 5pm I had two peeps wanting to come with me to the Asesoria tomorrow to inspect the accounts !!!!!!

Ssssshhhhhh ........................I think we might be on a roll  ...........and a quick tally of  already signed and obtained proxy votes plus promised but not yet received proxies and we're nearly there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm really starting to think we can do it !!!!

I'll shut up now before I bore the pants off you all

This message was last edited by On a mission ! on 8/19/2008.


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19 Aug 2008 11:16 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Well done, you.  Saw your avatar so can relate better, nice cheery smile. Great posts on forum re water too. Yep, you'll doo very nicely. 

I've saved link to my community websites folder. You lot do narf keep me busy in my spare time. (What "spare time" ?)

I've a house alarm going off as I type, bl**dy thing.


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19 Aug 2008 11:39 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Well done Audrey. Keep the pressure on and don't let any of the b-----s grind you down, they will try.



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19 Aug 2008 11:48 PM by On a mission ! Star rating in Caleta de Fuste,Fuer.... 52 posts Send private message

On a mission !´s avatar

More !!!

I shall take that as the official stamp of approval 


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19 Aug 2008 11:49 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Sorry, don't know about your posts on water (something to do with lack of multi-tasking ability in monkeys) other than what you mentioned in your first post on this thread.......which I've been thinking about.
Could be that it's different down there in the islands, but I've always understood that it's actually illegal for the water company to cut off anyone's supply - even if they haven't paid. I understood they have to go through the courts to get payment, but in the meantime cannot cut off supply - something to do with 'elf & safety etc. 
I may be completely wrong on this, but it might be worth trying to find out somehow. 
Not that it will make any difference to where the damned money has gone
As for the future (when you are president of Fuertaventura), how about finding out why the water company cannot read individual meters and send individual bills. Surely your individual contracts entitle you to that? And I'm sure they would see the obvious benefit to them as well, under the current circumstances, anyway?

Well done so far, and keep up the good work.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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20 Aug 2008 12:16 AM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar
OK, now fully up to speed on the water thing - have just been checking out your website. Wow!
I would personally like to nominate Audrey "on a mission" as Official Community Superstar Hero of the Year!

Anyone thinking about what they can do to try to improve their community, have a look: 




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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20 Aug 2008 12:26 AM by On a mission ! Star rating in Caleta de Fuste,Fuer.... 52 posts Send private message

On a mission !´s avatar
Oh praise indeed !!!!  Thank you kind sir

The water..........More's had a mosey round my site and read the water page methinks !!

And yes, we have individual meters so why not individual bills !!??? I've started on that one............... y es muy complicado !!

If you really wanna know ......................when the complex was built 7/8 years ago, the builder did not obtain all the proper licences, so the "official" water company, Aguas Antigua, refused to supply ! Consequently, we were and still are supplied by a small private water company. Despite this, we are billed and threatened with cut off by Aguas Antigua !!!!???? I can't find out who the private water company is!!!! I've been to Aguas Antigua who referred me to the Ayuntamiento, who told me to see a lawyer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which doesn't begin to address the question of individual bills to go with the exisiting individual meters, but that's as far as I got without screaming !!!!!!!!!!!


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20 Aug 2008 1:09 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Actually, I was just thinking that Audrey has only posted 16 times yet she is one of the most interesting members who we have very much taken to our hearts. 

I've started campaining, Audrey.


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20 Aug 2008 7:46 AM by promedia Star rating in Cheshire/Riviera del.... 134 posts Send private message


well done on keeping it simple, for me the most constructive thing you did was remove all the day to day whinges and stick to the important things that need sorting.

Good luck on getting all the proxy votes in, remember to do the count before showing your hand at the egm and stay focussed.

good luck...lets change it from "on a mission" to "on a roll"!!!!


Ian Cook - Golf Gardens Miraflores - The best place to live on the Costa del Sol

"A day without sunshine is like.................night"

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20 Aug 2008 8:58 AM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

Well done Audrey

Strange goings one and no one wants to answer questions, I wonder why

Had a quick look at the website, will read it again when I have more time.

More, your house alarms probably going off because of all the smoke coming out of your keyboard

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20 Aug 2008 3:48 PM by semijubilada Star rating in London/Torrevieja. 1052 posts Send private message

Have finished reading your website Audrey, lets hope you get all the proxy votes you need before the next meeting.

Who hacked your website, was it one of the people you're trying to get rid of.

I'm sure I read somewhere that if you employ someone and pay their NI you have to keep paying it for a minimum of two years even if you sack them.  One of the reasons not many people get offered employment and are offered casual work instead.

Is Moises part of the extended family too?

Sounds to me that you would be worth paying 3k a year as you'll probably save the community more than that when you get rid of the administrators and find out where the missing money is going.

If you carry on as you are then as long as you keep everyone informed the situation should definately improve.  Seems like you've thought of everything and once you've got everyones email there'll be no stopping you.

Nothing like a bit of community spirit to get the ball rolling, it'll be a long job but worth it in the end.

Can't wait for the next installment on 5th September  I'm sure it won't be like that, you just want to pull the rug out from under their feet and deliver the knock out blow.

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20 Aug 2008 4:15 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Semi, it wasn't OUR alarm sounding last night, it was one nearby but it was LOUD !


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