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20 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by randolph Star rating. 167 posts Send private message

This is something I found on another site

This is unbelievable, but true!

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following employee statistics .

29 have been accused of spouse abuse

7 have been arrested for fraud

9 have been accused of writing bad cheques

17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

3 have done time for assault

71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year

Which organisation is this ?

It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us inline.

What a bunch of b*****ds we have running our country - it says it all. And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country!!

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20 Aug 2008 4:02 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Nice one, Randolph.


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20 Aug 2008 5:27 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

B****y hell, Randolph. I knew that they were bad but THAT bad!!!!!!!

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20 Aug 2008 7:14 PM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar

Good point, cannot say I am surprised.


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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20 Aug 2008 9:04 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar
Good God Randolph what hope is there for this country?!



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20 Aug 2008 10:39 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Sorry about this rant but --- I feel I may have reached the age when I can earn the true epithet of being a "Grumpy Old Man"  (My wife, looking over my shoulder, has just informed me that I was born a GOM).

You forgot the following -

If you go into a public building, like a library or a doctors' surgery, you can ask how much the staff get paid and they must legally respond within 28 days with details of their pay and expenses.  This has to be supplied under the Freedom of Information Act.  MPs, on the other hand, voted that they wouldn't have to tell you and exempted themselves from the Act as it would contravene their rights by supplying this information.
If I claim a petrol allowance for work related travel, I have to provide receipts and fill in a form to explain why I am claiming.  MPs voted against the provision of providing receipts for their expenses.  My claim is around £350 a year, theirs is around £100,000 a year.  Receipts are only necessary for a single expense over £250.  As many under that amount as they want are allowed with no questions asked.
Many hospitals in UK have introduced parking fees for staff, patients and visitors.  How much do you think MPs pay for parking at Westminster?  You guessed it, nothing.
MPs are voting on whether to introduce road pricing in addition to the massive tax we pay on fuel, the extortionate road tax (of which less than 25% goes on improving roads) in order to force us onto public transport and save the polar bears.  Meanwhile, they have chauffeur driven Jaguars to ferry them the quarter mile from Downing Street to Westminster.  Uniquely, they are the only people in the whole country who can claim against their tax for driving to work.
Each year, the Senior Pay Review Board sits and advises on pay rises for top civil servants, high ranking service officers and MPs to name but a few.  This has to be approved by Parliament.  The only pay rise that went through without dissent this year was that of the MPs, the others were reduced by 1%.
In the last 10 years, Council Tax has increased on average by 125%.  Services provided by the councils (especially bin collection) has been reduced by 46%. Councils have a contract to provide services to the public, rubbish collection is one of the basic rights of consumers.  Those of you lucky enough to still have a weekly collection (unlike most of Europe which has daily collection) can count yourselves very fortunate indeed.  It should also be noted that local government officers used to be paid expenses only.  They now get a salary which, in some cases, equate to the pay given to Westminster MPs, some chief executives are now paid more than the Prime Minister.  Guess where those rises in council taxes are going?
MPs whose constituencies are within the London area are not supposed to be able to claim for an extra home.  Lots of them have bent the rules by claiming this means Inner London only and happily claim for a second home because they live in the Greater London area.  Two houses because they have to travel more than 15 miles to work.  Oh, and they can also claim for furniture in that second home as well, now known as the "John Lewis" list. (The allowable expenses include things like plasma TVs).
Why do MPs need to travel to places like the Bahamas to attend seminars on how to beat crime, increase recycling rates, discuss how to cut greenhouse gas emissions etc?  Couldn't these seminars be held in Slough or Salford or somesuch place?  If an MP attends a 10 day seminar in the Seychelles, he/she can stay on for up to 2 weeks extra providing they pay the extra costs incurred.  So, a free flight out, free food and accommodation for 10 days and a free flight back.  Just pay the for the fortnight in between.  Oh, and spouses can be included in the initial costs to keep up their public exposure whilst abroad. Being away from their family for a whole 3 weeks would be too traumatising.   Try telling that to a squaddie on his 3rd 6 month tour of Iraq/Afghanistan.
Let's not even mention the amount of MPs who employ their sons/daughters/spouses to carry our secretarial or research work on their behalf.  Just another little perk paid for by you and me (By the way, doctors used to be able to claim an allowance for their spouses doing secretarial work because they answered many of the calls coming in to the house and arranging visits for the GP.  This little loophole of maximum claimable at 5 grand a year was stopped by those same MPs some 8 years ago - that's right, the same MPs who can claim up to 30 grand for using their spouses to do the same thing).

The sad thing is, we used to laugh at the 3rd world countries who were bywords for corruption.  Even the Italians had scorn heaped upon them for fiddling so much out of the state that they could afford to retire in pretty much luxury.  Did you know that an MP is entitled to a pension after 10 years (2 terms) of office which the rest of the population has to work 40 years for?  For the average Joe who has an index linked pension working 40 years, this could be as much as 20 grand pension.  For an MP it is a minimum of 30 grand a year after 10 years.  If you held cabinet rank it is more like 50 grand a year.

And now they are claiming taking an oath to the Queen is against their human rights?  Surely the fact that these trough-feeding, money-grabbing, so-called representatives of the British citizen are bleeding us dry is against our human rights!!!!

Anyhoo, enough of my rant.  The little man in the white coat is looking patiently at me and hinting that it is time for my medication.  Apparently I am not allowed to even look at the Daily Mail for the next week as my blood pressure broke the guage last time they took it. 
Another bottle, please nurse.  This one's empty.

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21 Aug 2008 2:23 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar
My blood pressure is rising to bursting point just reading it!



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21 Aug 2008 2:46 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

georgia´s avatar
Bimey,and they say Spain is corrupt..............

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Aug 2008 3:23 PM by randolph Star rating. 167 posts Send private message

Hi all,

To add insult to injury - we are trying to fill in the electoral register that we received by post. We have the option of sending it back by mail,or doing it on the internet or by 'phone.
 We have heard that the councils sell on your details to junk - mail bodies etc. but by 'ticking ' the relevant box we can opt out. There is this facility on the web-site - but guess what - for 
'our own security' we are not allowed  it!! So we cancelled the page and tried by 'phone. But 'for our own security' we can not do it this way as we attempted to do it on the  internet. So - we have put pen to paper and posted it. Box firmly ticked!

THe MP's certainly do not have to go to such lengths to keep their details private

NB the stats give the number of MPs arrested for drink driving......would be intersting to know how many times charges were dropped....

edit p.s We are self-employed. Don't get me going on how we have to prove every expenditure, keep all papers for 7 years, and if this is not enough the powers that be have the right to 
visit our home and inspect all private papers and personal expenditure.!

This message was last edited by randolph on 8/21/2008.

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21 Aug 2008 5:02 PM by Max Kite Star rating in Castilléjar, Granada. 308 posts Send private message

Max Kite´s avatar

Well, I left England during the Major years because I thought that the country was going to the dogs then.  I guess that things haven't improved at all???  Not even a teensy bit???  One at a time please!!!!!

A friend is out at the moment, has announced that her grandson has headlice.  It is endemic in his school, but the teachers aren't allowed to inform parents if a pupil (are they still called that?) is seen to be infected as it is non-PC.  What's that all about?  No, seriously, can someone explain what is the problem with informing a parent that their child has a medical problem?  

Whatever happened to Nitty Norah?  

Ye Gods.

On the subject of Parliament, it all started going down hill after the sad demise of Screaming Lord Such.  Ironically, the Monster Raving Looney Party has had, over the years,  many of its ideas stolen by the "mainstream" parties.

Can we start a list anyone?

Watch out - with El Presidente Señor Bean, Spain is going the same this space.




Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.

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21 Aug 2008 5:09 PM by randolph Star rating. 167 posts Send private message


I have the honour to live in the constituency where the Monster Raving Loony Party  gained it's highest ever vote.

We're ahead of the game methinks..

Edit - OH just reminded me.....the great man Lord Sutch himself came to visit the area to say a big 'Thank You'.............So Proud

Or he could have to see what livin' up north does to folks

This message was last edited by randolph on 8/21/2008.

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21 Aug 2008 7:59 PM by jules1 Star rating in St Ives, Cambridgesh.... 264 posts Send private message

jules1´s avatar
Max, as a retired teacher I would agree with you bring back nitty Nora! 

Teachers are able to tell parents their child has headlice and usually notes go home to all parents of the children in the class to check for headlice as there has been an outbreak in the class. 

However schools are not allowed to ring parents and ask them to come and remove a child afflicted and tell them to treat them before returning them to school. Also teachers are not allowed to look in children's hair as it is can be interpreted as abuse! 

Absolutely ridiculous isn't it!



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22 Aug 2008 10:37 AM by Max Kite Star rating in Castilléjar, Granada. 308 posts Send private message

Max Kite´s avatar
Esther Rantzen posted an article in the Daily Mail saying that by starting Childline she unwittingly unleashed a PC monster.  Very brave of her I think.

She said that she went to meet a group of children who had been helped by childline, and hugged and kissed one little boy on the head as he was so excited to see her.  The official Childline administrator told her off for touching the child as it was non-PC.

I am an avid reader of Leapy Lee - you can find all of his articles via his official web site which I can't quote as the admin. won't let me.  Google him!  He's really astute.


Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.

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22 Aug 2008 10:41 AM by Sonia El Star rating in Wales / Carvajal, F.... 212 posts Send private message

The state of UK is what prompted us to buy in Spain. Although we've been travelling through for nearly 40 years en route to North Africa it always seemed dirty and not somewhere that we wanted to spend much time.  But it is now cleaner, feels safer and altogether a more optimistic place to be than UK with better weather too!  

I can't wait until we can retire and go.  Unfortunately with the cost of living increasing and house prices decreasing that seems to be getting further away. Early retirement is not now an option.

I couldn't understand why our household account had become overdrawn but then realised that all the direct payments out had increased but we'd not increased the payments in.  It's costing over £100 more each month this year than last just to pay the basic household expenses. Our salaries have not increased to match that. How do pensioners manage?

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22 Aug 2008 10:52 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Hi Max

"I am an avid reader of Leapy Lee - you can find all of his articles via his official web site which I can't quote as the admin. won't let me."

**** Why not, whose admin ? ****

I know you sent me a PM with one of his letters & you asked if I'd post it but I hadn't time to read it so I didn't post it as wasn't sure what exactly I was posting for you.

I'll post website though.

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/22/2008.


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22 Aug 2008 11:00 AM by Max Kite Star rating in Castilléjar, Granada. 308 posts Send private message

Max Kite´s avatar

Don't have a clue!  They must live in terror.  These are the generation that worry about debts, keep money to pay bills (in the teapot?!) and must live in fear of losing their properties.  Shame on you Gordon!

We came out 11 years ago as I was working in central London in a private pathology laboratory, commuting on the Northern Line, no car, no animals (except 2 children), no meals out, no smoking, living in a small house with a medium sized mortgage etc. etc. and we were STILL worse off every month. 


I'd rather be penniless in Spain than in UK any day.  Also, we have lost friends and family younger than us to a variety of illnesses - so when is the right time?   Now or never?

All I am saying is that in 11 years, we have never once regretted our move to inland Spain.   




Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.

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22 Aug 2008 11:06 AM by Max Kite Star rating in Castilléjar, Granada. 308 posts Send private message

Max Kite´s avatar
O.K. Morerosado - let's try and post the site:

Try one of may not always agree with him (I usually DO) but you will never be bored by him:


P.S. 7th August seems to be missing off his server


This message was last edited by Max Kite on 8/22/2008.

Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.

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22 Aug 2008 11:34 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar
Max, if you want to post links others can just click on to take them to articles directly you need to complete your link by clicking on the space bar, ok ?




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22 Aug 2008 11:56 AM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 700 posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar
Going back a few steps to Randolph's post about the Monster Raving Loony party... I have the dubious honour of being acquainted with the Scilly representative of said party. Penny decorated her house with all sorts of stuffed animals in honour of Prince Charles' visit some years ago, do the embarrassment of all the Island dignitaries. It was a blast when Charlie insisted on meeting her!


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22 Aug 2008 12:52 PM by Max Kite Star rating in Castilléjar, Granada. 308 posts Send private message

Max Kite´s avatar

Thanks, Morerosado

So now I'll be cheeky and see if my web site is uploaded........

Also - I guess that it is only the English who are crazy enough to have an MRLP.  PLEASE someone bring them back.

I've just thought - we DO have one!!!!

Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.

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