The Comments |
Hi everyone
I recall ages ago, Justin asked people to tell him what their community charge was. I cannot recall seeing the outcome of this - was it ever published on EOS?
Hi Irene and Alan, I recall someone had there community tax paid for them. But I do not know if it was something that was to be published on the forum. I thought it was a bit of research Justin was doing but I could be wrong.
Hi Pat
Yes, that's my recollection, but I did think the plan was to publish something - hey Justin are you there? Are you going to share the results with us?
Hi Pat
Yes, that's my recollection, but I did think the plan was to publish something - hey Justin are you there? Are you going to share the results with us?
Hi guys
Yes, the intention is to publish the results. The problem is that it's an enormous amount of data so just this week we were looking as to how to present it as some meaningful information. It's not very easy as there are so many variables.
I then spoke to a friend about it yesterday and he gave me some good ideas for presenting the information so I'll get it done next week.
It's very interesting data so it's worth waiting for!
Give us a few days and we'll have it on the site.
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Great news Justin. I'm sure we'll all be waiting with baited breath!
Hi Justin
Our community has just been set up and it would be really interesting to get the results of your survey in order to compare the 'estimated' community fees that we have been asked to pay with other communities which have been established for many years... so hurry up!!!!! Only joking, but we're looking forward to seeing the results.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Yes well done Justin,
Found the results very interesting a lot of work went into that I would think.
Hmmm, seems we're not so bad off after all 
Wow, well done EOS team I think I need to print that off for our next A.G.M.
_______________________ Denise
I can't remember all the questions asked for the survey, but I was just wondering about charges in relation to community facilities - basically, I was thinking that probably most participants here own in communities with gardens and pool/s etc. Apartments in blocks with only lifts and staircases / corridors to maintain, would presumably have much cheaper fees?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
According to your results, our fees are more or less "average" - perhaps a little higher. Certainly less than some people have reported on EOS, but nevertheless, much higher than some of my neighbours seem to think is "normal" - whatever they think that means. I attribute this to the fact that we are a very small community (12) and have to share the cost of maintaining a lift, garden & pool between so few.
I think the number of lifts per property may be quite significant. Obviously, a complex with just townhouses / villas will have none; a community like ours, 1 per 12. A ten storey block with 4 apartments per floor and two lifts, 1 per 20 for example. How much of a difference to overall fees could this make?
Similarly, a community twice the size of ours with a pool twice as big, probably doesn't spend twice as much to maintain it, thereby reducing the amount per property etc.
Slightly off-topic (I'm being very bad today) I enquired today at a local Administration company as to their charges and services. They quoted me €5 per property per month (we are 13 including the ground floor locale = €65 per month) We currently pay €130. More importantly, they said they provide a full "management" service which would include obtaining quotes for works, overseeing maintenance jobs etc., which would make the life of the President (or more specifically in our case the sucker ex-president who somehow still seems to get landed with all the crap) so much easier.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain