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If you have more than one property the period is until the end of June, (always the 210 form), if you have only one property you could pay your tax return until the end of December (I think that this year, they do not matter if you fill the 214 form or the 210 form)
Mar Durio
Calle Ancha 30, 2º
E-11201 Algeciras
(t) +34.956.092.687
(f) +34.956.092.697
Hi! my name is Pengwynne and have just subscribed to "EYE" after visiting this site so many times before. Have been reading these threads with interest and I hope someone out there could help. I have owned my apartment in Tenerife since 2005 with no regrets and live there for 5 months of the year. From 2007 I have submitted my own income tax return after being "ripped-off" by an accountant. In 2007 I purchased an underground parking space which meant a 2nd property was purchased and Modelo 210 was submitted in 2008. I have visited the Agencia Tributaria website many times over the past 2 months but it has not been updated at all. As time is drawing closer to the closing date of 30th June, I would like to know whether the 1.1% rate of the catastral value and the tax rate of 24% still aplies for the 2008 tax return. I would be very grateful if anyone could come back with an accurate answer. Thank you.
Just a follow-up on my last post which is very important and can save a lot of aggravation. My bank the Caja Canarias will not accept the (Modelo 214) or Modelo 210 without the bar-code stickers and the official A4 addressed envelopes that are obtained from the main Hacienda of your district. I have been told that many spanish banks are following this directive.
For 2008, it is still the same rate: 1.1% of the cadastral value and 24% tax rate. You have to fill the 210 form in and the bank cannot accepted without bar-code stickers. Some of them, if they know you could make it if you know the four letters on it.
Mar Durio
Calle Ancha 30, 2º
E-11201 Algeciras
(t) +34.956.092.687
(f) +34.956.092.697
Hi! Mar Durio
Thank you for your quick response to my post.
Will keep my eye on future developments concerning the updating of Modelo 214.
Thanks again
Hi Pengwynne
The banks can accept without the barcode, but if the counter staff member hasn't dealt with it before they'll make a show of not being able to do it! make it easier for our clients we always print the stickers for them at our end, so that the counter staff can simply scan the code and, ping, all of the information they need is recorded electronically.
_______________________ Neil Jenkins
Stalwart Wealth Maangement - www.stalwartwealthmanagement....
Hi Fibby
You're not supposed to use the forum to blatantly promote your business.......
_______________________ Neil Jenkins
Stalwart Wealth Maangement - www.stalwartwealthmanagement....
Hi NeilinElche
I wasn't blatantly advertising, I do know the rules, check how many posts I have made.
I have been a member of EOS since 2006.
I merely stated that a new Guide to completing the 210 form was ready and to click the link below my signature for further details.
I could have said more, but didn't as I know the rules!
We are all allowed links within our signatures.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thanks to all those giving their comments.
I have completed 2008's Modelo 210 on the website.
I have two unused Modelo 214 envelopes. I have scanned the frontage of one envelope and altered the wording to the address using computer software so that Modelo 214 has changed to Modelo 210. I printed this onto an A4 size adhesive label and placed it over the original address. My bank, Caja Canarias, will not accept the completed forms without the correct envelopes.
I believe that you cannot purchase Modelo 214 or Modelo 210 envelopes alone. My thought is, if you complete Modelo 210 on the website you are left without envelopes. So.........visit your local Hacienda and buy 1 complete Modelo 210 for 1 euro 20 cents. Then buy a pack of white A4 size envelopes from a spanish stationery store. Scan the whole frontage of the envelope you purchased from your local Hacienda print it onto an A4 adhesive label and place it onto the blank envelope. This will prove to be much cheaper in the long run.
If you read this let your thoughts be known.
That's brilliant foreward thinking!
You should publish the scanned address that you are using for the 210 envelope here on EOS.
That will save loads of people a trip to the tax office!
I would like it please!!!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thanks for the reply.
Also, if you or a friend are very clever with a scanner, printer and a sharp knife, the bar-codes can be copied to a very high standard.
Then there is no need to visit your local Haciend at all.
Hope this is of some use to anyone interested.
This attachment is a copy of the envelope frontage I redesigned for forwarding my Modelo 210. This is not a copy of an authentic Modelo 210 envelope frontage.

This message was last edited by pengwynne on 3/27/2009.
That's so helpful to everyone filing their own 210 tax return, well done you!
What size envelope did it fit on?
I have copied the image into Word but it seems very small.
Or do you just print it out A4 size?
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi! FibbyUK
The whole address is A4 size and fits virtually the size of an A4 envelope.
Check and ammend the dimensions, if needed, to A4 size .
Print it out at the highest resolution you can.
The wording on the envelope is exactly the same wording used at the top of the Modelo 210 forms.
Just had a thought...........
You mentioned the bar code:
For the benefit of people on here that may use/print your envelope front, can you explain more?
I believe the bar code has to match the 210 Form that you put in it?
And what position on the envelope does it go?
I can't visulise my envelope from last year, brain getting old!!!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi! FibbyUK
The bar-codes are the "adhesive stickers" you obtain free-of-charge from your local Hacienda Office. A total of 20 stickers.
You attach one sticker to the top-left of the envelope,inside the rectangular box, one to the first page of the modelo 210, one on page 3, one on page 4 and one on the last page, (7). That is: one sticker on the envelope and 4 stickers on the complete set of Modelo 210 forms.
Because my wife and I own an apartment and a separate underground parking space we are classed as owning 2 properties. Therefore, I have 4 sets of Modelo 210's to complete, which means 28 pages, 2 envelopes and 2 sets of 9stickers to use.
As you can see, very time consuming and can be expensive for a third party to be involved. I do it myself because I was "ripped-off" by a spanish accountant who was incompetent and expensive, and to be truthful it is not difficult to do once you have the full information needed,
I now complete the Modelo 210 on-line. It is less time consuming and neater. You need a printer to print-out the 7 pages of each set of Modelo 210's
Hope this helps.
Now I understand, you mean the tax identification stickers (Pagatinas)
I thought you meant the bar code that is unique to each 210 form
I do know about the rest, as I sell a Guide to pyaing your own taxes, checkout my website!
The information about the envelope was great though, thanks!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi! FibbyUK
Sorry about the misunderstanding!
Each of the 7 pages of the Modelo 210 has the same bar-code number.
Therefore, each of my 4 sets of Modelo 210 must have its own bar-code number, ( 4 different numbers ).
I have read many articles that say Modelo 210 for 2008 can be returned by December 2009.
BE AWARE!! From past experiences I would proceed with caution.
The BRITS are not the most popular of people in Spain and can be taken for a ride.
My advice is, return the Modelo 210 way before the end of June. If it is the case of the end of December, then nothings lost. But if it turns out the way I think it will, then a hefty fine awaits. The spanish authorities are really clamping down on the tax laws.
I hope I do not sound all doom and gloom. I am normally a happy semi-retired, ex fireman.
Not doom & gloom at all Penngwynn!!
The date of December is on the Spanish Tax Office website for people paying the tax theirselves.
The June deadline is for Fiscal Representatives & Lawyers.
I had this confirmed by a Spanish Lawyer/tax specialist
But I do understand the confusion that has been mooted about.
It's good you thought to warn people of the possible mistake.
This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 3/27/2009.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website: