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Hi ! FibbyUK
Ref. 50% off Escritura Value.
I am not 100% certain on this, but did a mortgage on a property have a percentage reduction on the Wealth Tax when it had to be returned?
Maybe this is what we are relating the 50% on.
Hope I am wrong on this.
Best wishes.
Payment was made on the outstanding debt at a certain date.
Nothing to do with 50% of Escritura Value............
And that was for The Wealth Tax anyway.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Form 210 almost complete but can anyone help me with the following queries please :-
What goes in the box marked F/J just before Apellidos. I'm thinking it is male / female but don't know what the letters stand for.
Renta obtenida section box 1 and box 3 - do these refer to the property address ie ES Spain & 954 euros. Only I think I read somewhere that they relate to your country of residence but this doesn't seem logical to me.
Is it true that we may need to complete Form 030 notifying the tax office that we are no longer using our solicitor to complete our tax returns. I've looked at this form on the website and it looks very long winded just to change an address. Anyone know anything about it, such as, if we don't complete it will future communications continue to be sent to our solicitors rather than our address in Spain?
We have been in to our local tax office but haven't found them very forthcoming, doesn't help that our spanish is not very good, but we did manage to buy the forms and obtain the bar codes.
Hello crackers, if you are completing your own form it is F in the box you question. Then GB as country and you are correct about euros. If you don't notify the tax office you wish to receive your own correspondence it will continue to go to your previous representative and modelo 030 is the correct form to notify of changes. We complete this for you as part of our service at no extra charge.
Thanks for your reply Leswill. I would probably have put GB with sterling currency code or ES with euro currency code.
Can you tell me what F/J translate as please?
Thank you Mar Durio. My guess was way off the mark. This site is an education!
Bad news I'm afraid!!
I have recently received the receipt for the Direct Debit for my 2009 I.B.I.
In this receipt is the Valor Catastral value, on which your income tax is based.
My Valor catastral value for the 2009 Income Tax has increased by 130%
The Wealth Tax may be dead but it looks as if it has been resurrected in a different form.
Has anyone else been hit by this increase?
Is it possible to get the sticker online without going to the tax office for the 210 form?
Advises needed,
We were completed our purchasing in Jan 2008. I understand that we have to end of 2009 to pay the tax. I need some very basic advises:
- What is the best way to handle this? We are not planning to go to Spain this year, so we cannot be there to pay the tax ourselves. Is that better to ask our lawyer to set up and pay for us? Or tax advisor?
- We only own one property. Would tax amount be the same each year as we do not rent out (silly question once I realised once I have typed it since Spanish taxman can change the rate any time they like)? I guess the question is that once we paid first one, would we get a tax code unique allocated to us and then every year we just show the code and fill the 210, computer will tell us how much tax due for that year?
- After the first year, we will try to fill the form 210 ourselves to save the cost then where we go to pay? Post office? Bank? Or Tax office?
- How the tax calculated? We have mortgage on the property; do we get deduction on the tax?
Appreciate very much any advise.
- What is the best way to handle this? We are not planning to go to Spain this year, so we cannot be there to pay the tax ourselves. Is that better to ask our lawyer to set up and pay for us? Or tax advisor?. Anyone could pay the taxes for you, your lawyer, a tax advisor or even a friend could go to the Bank and pay your tax return through your Bank account
- We only own one property. Would tax amount be the same each year as we do not rent out (silly question once I realised once I have typed it since Spanish taxman can change the rate any time they like)? No, because the Income tax is calculated over the Cadastral Value, which increased 2% every year.I guess the question is that once we paid first one, would we get a tax code unique allocated to us and then every year we just show the code and fill the 210, computer will tell us how much tax due for that year? No, here in Spain you or your tax advisor have to calculate your own taxes to be paid. The tax office does not make it for you.
- After the first year, we will try to fill the form 210 ourselves to save the cost then where we go to pay? Post office? Bank? Or Tax office? You have to pay your tax return through your Bank account.
- How the tax calculated? You have to calculate as follows: Valor Catastral x 1.1% (or 2%) x 24% = Tax return. We have mortgage on the property; do we get deduction on the tax? No, because now you do not have to pay Wealth Tax.
Appreciate very much any advise.
Mar Durio,
Many thanks. Your reply is a great help.
Now I have more questions:
1. Is that Valor Catastral the same figure as the purchasing price? If not, where we can obtain the Valor Catastral?
2. Since we bought our property in 2008 at a peak price and since then the property value has come down siganiticantly. Does Valor Catastral reflect this change? I.e. can we base a lower property value to calculate IBI?
I am looking forward your reply.
PS. Our local lawyer charge €150 fee for paying tax for us (for two people since I and my husband jointly own the property), is that reasonable price?
Hi flyingcat, have a look at our website for a simple, economical way to pay your non resident tax. You take the form which we complete for you and make the payment in your bank. 150 euros is not a reasonable price to pay for the completion of two forms!
Hi, Lesley,
Just PM'ed you.
Dear Flyingcat,
Please have my answers below in bold letters:
1. Is that Valor Catastral the same figure as the purchasing price? No If not, where we can obtain the Valor Catastral? You could obtain the Valor Catastral at the Council Contribution tax, in Spain is call IBI and it is the annual taxes, that you have to pay to the Town Hall together with the Rubbish Colletion.
2. Since we bought our property in 2008 at a peak price and since then the property value has come down siganiticantly. Does Valor Catastral reflect this change? No I.e. can we base a lower property value to calculate IBI? No, because that is a fictitious value that the Town Hall calculate of your house. Depends on the square meters, and the location. This value is for paying taxes.
I am looking forward your reply.
PS. Our local lawyer charge €150 fee for paying tax for us (for two people since I and my husband jointly own the property), is that reasonable price? Depends on the service they make.
I take it this means that you now agree with me that the tax is calculated on the basis of the Valor Catastral and not the Base Liquidable on the IBI.
I am forever confused.
On our Modelo 600 there are Valor Declarado, Valor Catastral and Valor Liquidable. The Valor Catastral is exactly the purchsing price. Since the completion we have not received any further bill from tax office.
We own an apartment, we pay community charge and our rubbish regularly collected. Does that mean our community charge already includes council tax (IBI). Would that be the reason we do not receive individual IBI bill? If this is the case, how can I get a ratable value to calculate our non-residential income tax?