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Dear Flyingcat,
If you has bought your property as a new construction, the IBI bill appears in two or three years. Then to calculate the Income tax is half Purchase Price x 1.1 % x 24 %.
On the other hands, regarding Norm de Plume reply, usually, the cadastral value is the same as Base Liquidable, but if not it is because the Town Hall has not revised.
Kind Regards,
Mar Durio
Calle Ancha 30, 2º
E-11201 Algeciras
(t) +34.956.092.687
(f) +34.956.092.697
My Valor Catastral is nearly twice the Base Liquidable since the revaluation of my property by the Ayuntamiento 2 years ago (Tenerife). The result is that I am now paying as much as I was before the Wealth Tax was abolished!
Mar Durio,
Many thanks. Now I understand why my lawyer able to pay the tax for us. If we let lawyer pay for us for the 1st year and obtain a copy, would we be able to pay from 2nd year onward ourselves based on the 1st year's calculation?
Is lawyer obligated to give us a copy of completed 210 after tax has been paid?
You can pay your own taxes, but the calculation will be different each year as the Valor Catastral changes annually.
You will alos have to arrange for the pagatinas (stickers) to be re-directed to your own address as opposed to your lawyer's.
Hope this helps......
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
we payed IBI this year for the first time and I am trying to sort out this tax myself and not go through the solicitor. However, the town hall doesnt have any record of me - only my husband. he alone is named on basuara and ibi bills. but on our deeds we own the property jointly. Do I need to fill in two 210 forms or just one for him?
The IBI bill is sent out to just one person in the property. However the non resident renta tax is payable by each property owner so if both parties are on the deeds a separate modelo 210 needs to be submitted for each person. Have a look at our website for details of a simple, economical way to submit your non resident tax.
Hi G9lou
Yes, you will have to fill in two 210 forms, one per owner.
If five of you owned you would fill in 5.
Each individual is responsible for their own share of the La Renta Tax
The IBI bill applies to the whole property and will only be addressed to one person.
Hope this helps.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi Everyone
Just spotted this posting, we are new owners in Spain from just a couple of months ago can you tell us is there a specific time of year when you are supposed to pay this tax please?
Hi Jojan, the non resident renta tax is paid a year in arrears, so you will not need to pay until next year. Deadline for payment is December 31 each year.
Thank you Leswill at last we have stopped paying out for the time being then. Do you have to be an honest person and get the form yourself and then pay it or do you get this sent automatically with an estimate of what you have to pay? Sorry for being a bit thick but having not done this before it would be helpful to know.
Hi Jojan, with the renta non resident tax the onus is on the property owner to submit a form and pay the tax - you will not automatically receive a bill. Some people use a fiscal rep to do this on their behalf. Alternatively we can complete the form for you and you then take this to your Spanish bank to make payment, have a look at our website for more info. You could complete the form yourself in which case you would initially need to check that you have been registered with the tax office, if not there is a form which would need to be completed. You also need to obtain your tax identification stickers which need to be attached to the modelo 210. We can do all this for you so that all you need to do is pay the bill in your own bank!
Hi Jojan
You don't have to get someone to fill in the 210 form, do it yourself, it's very easy if you know the method.
Check out my website for a Guide on how to complete the form yourself.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Thank you for the info presumably we don't need to think about this until say October/November of next year.
Hi again Jojan, I would suggest you allow a bit more time, unless you have already checked to see if you are registered to pay tax in Spain If not, this would need to be done first. If you are doing it yourself you can register, obtain your stickers and pay the tax in one visit. If somebody is doing it for you it will need a bit more time.
Advice please.
We have paid our solicitor for 3 years to be our fiscal representative to pay i assume the tax and local taxes. However, they charge us approximately 165€ for the pleasure. To say we have had problems is putting it lightly. Is there a cheaper way for this to be done as im not happy with the service im getting.
Any help greatly appreciated.
_______________________ Regards,
Martin & Tracey
Hi Costello
Pay it yourself...............
Check out my website, many many people who have bought my Guide are saving money year on year.
You can too...........
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hello Costello,
You can set up a direct debit from your Spanish bank to pay the local tax (IBI) and we can complete your non resident tax form for just £35 or £50 for both forms if it is a jointly owned property and you simply take the completed form to your own bank in Spain to make the payment. Have a look at the website for more details. There really is no need for non residents who own a property in Spain for their own use to pay yearly fiscal fees any longer. All utilties and IBI bills can be paid by direct debit. The only form requiring completion on a yearly basis is the modelo 210 non resident tax form, which is what we complete for just £35.
This message was last edited by leswill on 20/09/2009.
Folks - for those living in the Mijas area, the mijas Town Hall Foreigners' Department is very helpful and produces a guide to completing the Form 210.
It is in the main square in Mijas.
Having got an accountant to complete my first year return I am trying it myself this year - seems easy enuff.
1. Buy your Form 210 - one for each owner of the property and if you have a garage space or storeroom that is rated separately then same for these. Means if you have apartment, garage space and storeroom you have three 210 forms to complete; and if say you, your wife and son are joint owners then each has three to fill in. The Form 210 can be bought in the Town Hall or local Tax office (Mijas and Torremolinas respectively for me - I live in Calahonda). You need sticky labels for the Form which you can only get in the tax office (Torremolinas for me).
2. Get the Valor Catastral (VC) from your rates bills - IBIU - Impuesto Bienes Inmuebles Urbana. This figure is the key to completion. Example - a VC of 80,000 for an apartment is used below.
3. Divide the VC by 1.1% thus 80,000 x 1.1% = 880. Then take 24% of this figure = 211.20 euros; this is your tax bill.
4. If there is more than one owner on your deeds then divide this final figure by the number of owners, e.g. by three as in example in 1 above would mean 211.20 divided by 3 = 70.40 euros each to be paid.
5. Do the same calculation for your garage space and storeroom if relevant. Obviously the figure for these will be much smaller.
Hope this helps - and by the way, if you file your own return you have to 31st December - and you pay last year's bill this year - so use 2008 figures from your IBIU even though you are completing in 2009.
Meant to say - can't believe people on here are touting their guides to completion - profiteering on something that is ultimately straight forward. We all (unless very rich) complete our tax forms here in the UK - only difference is the language in Spain and on the forms. But get a FREE guide like the Mijas Foreigners Dept one and bob's your uncle.