The Comments |
I've just been looking at Brittany Ferries from Santander to Plymouth for end of June - 2 adults, car and inside 2 berth cabin, one way. Use the English site, and I get a quote of £332; use the "euro" site, and it came up with €480. I tried it again, in case I'd made an error, and it came up with €496!!!!!!!!! So it seems they're still working on a rate of about 1.5.
A similar exercise with P&O came up with £340 and €408 (Santander - Portsmouth). About 1.2. Just got to decide if an extra 8 quid is worth it to avoid driving out of Devon. Obviously not worth paying 72 euros more to do so!
Or should we potter through France and pay more in fuel / food / accomodation, but get a cheap cross-channel ferry? (shame Speedferries from Boulogne have gone bust)
Or should we fly Ryanair and hire a car????
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
At the end of the day you get what you pay for! If you want all the frills and extras you fly with British Airways et al. If you want a "budget" airline (the clue's in the description) you use Ryanair or similar.
For a flip remark that was almost certainly made in jest, it hasn't half got out of hand. What was it Stelios said? There's no such thing as bad publicity! While you are still talking/ moaning about them they are still out there in the public domain. I think Mr O Leary would be more concerned if people stopped talking about his airline!!
Mark, it wasn't me! I wasn't moaning about them - I was just recklessly going off topic!
While I'm at it, does anyone know if the ferries put their prices up the nearer the sailing date you book, like good old budget airlines do? Or will the prices I just found stay the same until the last minute (or until they're full)?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
It wasn't aimed at you Roberto, you were just unlucky enough to be the last poster .
The channel ferries always used to keep the same prices throughout the season. You could buy a ticket the same day for the same price as you could buying 6 months previousl to travel. Whether they have changed this poicy now to try and compete I don't know . You used to be able to get brochures from the travel agent with the prices printed in, wonder if they still do them?
Back at Ryanair
This email was sent to me, not sure if it is fact workable but maybe worth a try if any of us are still using the cheap budget airline so disliked by many.
Just a tip for those of you who use Ryanair often.
> The airline charges 10 euro per person when booking flights by
> credit/debit card . There is a way around it though.
> If you buy Ryanair vouchers on the website (very easy process) and
> use the vouchers to buy your flights, there's no extra charges for
> your
> card.
> When you buy the vouchers - You get the code immediately and then you
> just use that to pay for your flights therefore dodging the extra
> charges for use of debit/credit card
- Vouchers are issued in denominations of €25/€50 or local currency equivalent.
- If a voucher is partially redeemed the remaining balance is void.
So, as they don't give 'change', the loss of any unused portion would negate the saving.
The best way is just to get an Electron card.
This message was last edited by LesD on 3/7/2009.

Just make sure you don't have to pee more than 100ml!
Personally I find it hard to criticise them; if you observe how many people's behaviour changes once they set foot in an airport, and become totally irrational, is it any wonder that airlines treat passengers like morons?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I read the Ryanair magazine on board a flight last week, yes they are going to charge for the toilets, but this is only for flights that are one hour duration or less. That's what it said. Not sure how that would work in practice because all the Ryanair flights I've been on go to Europe and back, then Dublin and back (from England). It would be the Dublin and back that is less than one hour, but same aircraft as the Europe journey!
I read the same thing in the inflight mag in January; is it still the same mag? If so, the article I read seemed to me to be rather tongue in cheek. They may or may not be serious about this, but either way, the truth is, they're just taking the p1ss out of us - pun intended; I couldn't care less!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
hmmmm, I wonder if the article is 'tongue in cheek'? ..... needless to say, if Ryanair decide to go ahead with the pay to wee idea for flights from UK to Spain, I will be purchasing some TenaLady heehee 
Is it such a big deal?
When you pay £117.00 all in for return to Almeria including "online check-in'' and £20.00 "admin'' fee and thats for TWO does it really matter?
Only booked last week so under 4 weeks till travel. Every other carrier same price each!!!!!
Just look at the total spend and not the break down
Edit :was spelling/i wish i could This message was last edited by David W on 08/04/2010.
To counter all the bad publicity a little....
on our way home to the UK a couple of weeks ago, the X-ray machine "ate" my wife's boarding pass.
The staff there and the border police were useless, so we wen't back downstairs and spoke to the check-in girls (bear in mind that we had previously checked in on-line). The supervisor was called and in less than five minutes we had another boarding pass...and it was FREE..and we got our flight without anymore hassle
...came home to a 2 hour jam on the M11, but that's another story
So Ryanair came up trumps for us....and the total cost of TWO return flights Stanstead to Alicante.. £ can you beat that?
As for the "Loo levy", we buy our drinks and food before the flight rather than pay Ryanair onboard prices, not a big deal to alsogo to the loo beforehands surely...we tend to take turns to go while one stands in the queue (which is wasted time anyway)
Personally I hate it. All these hidden taxes mean there is a lack of transparancy. I have 3 carriers I can use from Gatwick to Malaga, and doing a direct cost comparison is a nightmare every time. I don't mind the optional costs being excluded, but compulsory administration and card processing fees should at the least be quoted up front. Overall I am happy with the prices I pay, just not the booking process.
In the past three years had it not been for cheap flights with Ryanair, we would not have been able to spend so much time in Spain.
Just this week our friends spotted flights with Ryanair both journeys free of tax and this made it possible for them to come and visit us.
Why highlight little silly things about them when they are the cheapest carrier going??
With Ryanair there is nothing hidden, no hidden taxes, no hidden nothing
It is what it is!
Pay it or fly with someone else, just remember it's the total cost you should be comparing not how it's made up
If you divide other carrier's costs, you could be paying £5.00 for a P...............................s
For the discerning lady traveller wishing to avoid Ryanair's wee tax.
mmmm, where is the wee going, if you are avoiding Ryanair's toll. On the floor? lol! Maybe they could open a window instead.