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23 Mar 2007 12:00 AM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 posts Send private message

Any opinions or experiences of these Abogados/Solicitors.  They are based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca.


Ellen  & Jim

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23 Mar 2007 9:22 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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They are a company heavily involved with both Atlas and, until recently, Technologica Urbanistica.

They do not have a good reputation amongst buyers from these companies and are being extremely slow in sorting out problems regarding the issuing of escrituras (title deeds) on property.  I have been waiting 4 years plus for my deeds and others have been waiting even longer.  They do an adequate job on paying your taxes etc as they are due but any company could do that.  They voiced no concerns over the paying of "black" money to builders and developers but are now humming and hahring over this and will only pursue the case for getting deeds providing extra IVA is paid on this money.

In short, look elsewhere and make sure you get an INDEPENDENT solicitor not tied in to the big agents and builders where a conflict of interest may arise.

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27 Mar 2007 9:59 AM by Carol-17 Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

We have used this solicitor and although they are supposed to be acting for us they do not want to do anything against either the agent or developer.  Lucily our transaction seems to be going smoothly, but we dread what will happen if it goes pear shaped.   We would not use them again in any future transaction, and as soon as we have been connected to mains water and electricity, we will be using someone else as a Fiscal representative.   We wish we had listened to advice given to us before we bought, and used an independant solicitor.  

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27 Mar 2007 5:42 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 posts Send private message

Many thanks for the responses below, and I really appreciate the advise given. 

Carol - I do hope everything works out ok for you - I am now changing Lawyers. 

Had a few recommendations from other members and also contacted EOS recommended ones.  The replies are coming in.  NOW spoilt for choice.!!

Justin - How do the recommended Lawyers qualify for a recommendation on EOS?   Does that read right!!!!??  Hope you understand what  I mean..


Ellen  & Jim

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25 Apr 2007 8:36 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 posts Send private message

I have changed lawyers to an independant and recommended one, and notified the previous appointed one of cancellation of services.    But they will not acccept the letter nor e-mail I have sent as cancellation of services. 

They state  "the Head of the Fiscal Department  will not accept the e mail or letter as cancellation of services as official Spanish documents are required to be signed in our offices."

They have never been in touch before.  Anyone know how we may stand here.  I am concerned that it may result in 2 lots of legal fees.


Ellen  & Jim

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26 Apr 2007 5:15 PM by lighthousepet Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

According to the law, you should send a letter by registered post. The letter will end the legal service and should recover your documents but the first lawyer should receive the legal fees according to the work done.

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27 Apr 2007 10:19 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 posts Send private message

Thanks for the info Lighthousepet. 

In my letter to them, I have asked for a fully itemised account for ANY work they may have done, and of course will pay what I should.  I have no idea what work they have done, as they have never been in touch.  They are quite adamant that a letter sent registered or not will not be accepted.  

They want us at their offices to sign whatever forms they have.  I am not in the position to fly out at short notice.  They have not even mentioned fees owing.

As I have minor issues with the agent, and this is the lawyer they recommended, I suspect this is the start of the agents written and verbal threats that I will have delays and complications regarding completion.   The builder appears to be connected to the agent also.  Can only assume that the NIGHTMARE now begins, the dream has ended.




Ellen  & Jim

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27 Apr 2007 10:25 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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NO, it's not a nightmare.  This is just a little hiccough.  Send the registered letter and instruct another lawyer.  You don't really need the solicitor until nearer the completion date so don't let it get you too distressed.  Remember you're looking forward to something really worthwhile and it will all be worth it in the end. 

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27 Apr 2007 10:45 PM by ellemum Star rating in Bolton Lancs / Costa.... 122 posts Send private message


Thank you so much for your response - I do hope you are right.


Ellen  & Jim

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17 May 2007 10:32 PM by STITCHED UP! Star rating in NUNEATON. 2 posts Send private message

Just joined forum and am interested in anyone still waiting for their deeds from technoligica urbanistica, we bought off plan in 2002, through Atlas with the 'help' of Aroca Seiquer, 2 children later we need to sell the apartment but have no deeds, our 'date' is supposedly in June but we are not confident, has anyone any info on the latest position with these cowboys? 

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18 May 2007 10:13 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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HI stitchedup,

I was talking to a guy this morning regarding the same subject who bought through Atlas on a TU development.

Where did you buy as they have several developments on the go at the moment and all are terrible.

Just for the record i would not sell a property on their urbanisations to my worst enemy,everywhere they go they leave a trail of distruction,they are always in the local press for the wrong reasons and are being taken to court by so many people.

If it is the same development i may be able to help.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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18 May 2007 10:29 AM by STITCHED UP! Star rating in NUNEATON. 2 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia, our property is on thre Macarena development in Playa Flamenca/ La Florida, we are going out there next week. We are pretty much happy with the property, (when we finally got it) but due to personal circumstances now need to sell, we have been very patient but this is wearing thin, and are thinking of instructing English solicitors, but we don't know if this will help and do not want to throw good money after bad.

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18 May 2007 12:20 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Stitched up,

The advice i would give is to get yourself a decent lawyer in the area(i can recomend if you want).

Get them to do some ground work and if things look positive proceed from there.

TU do have a reputation unfortunately for landing people with these problems across the board.

The guy i was talking to this morning has exactly the same issues on a different development.

Hope this helps


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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18 May 2007 12:22 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Justin there is a poroblem with postin here,a yellow triangle appears and you think it has not taken,hence the numerous repeat posts.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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18 May 2007 2:32 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
georgia, yes there was an error, should be ok now.



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19 May 2007 11:06 AM by Fly380 Star rating in Las Filipinas, Orihu.... 253 posts Send private message

I think there are quite a few of us still waiting for our Escaturas. I bought through Atlas on Colinas del Lago in March 2003 which was never built. I was offered a house on Bosque De Las Lomas 3 which I must say I am pleased with. On the moving in day in Jan 2005, the Atlas rep took me to TU's office to pay the balance on the property. I naturally questioned this and was told by the said rep that it was normal practice so I assumed Atlas knew what they were doing. (NOW I KNOW THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND I DONT THINK IT WAS LEGAL!) On approaching Aroca a few months later, I was told TU had used our money to buy land instead of releasing the mortgage on my property. Aroca said they would get our deeds at no extra cost (well it was their fault - they should have checked there were no outstanding debts on the place - that's their job). A letter arrived saying I would receive my Escatura 15 March this year. Nothing happenned. I am now told by a clerk in the new Aroca office that it will be looked at again in Sept.  So who do you blame? Not TU as they were known bandits at least to Atlas and presumeably Aroca. No I blame Atlas and Aroca equally. In the meantime the urbanisation remains unfinished and unlicenced (habitation certificate). None of us can sign on The Padron as no utility bills which is a real pain if you are resident here. Aroca are still working on it but ATLAS seem to have washed their hands of the whole shoddy affair. "Taking the worry out of buying a property in Spain" - yeh right. In the meantime I patiently wait and enjoy my life in Spain.

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19 May 2007 9:21 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Fly380 has posted a lot on this subject and is in the same position as me.  Every time I approach the lawyer I am given another 6 months to wait (this has been going on since I realised what the problem was at the beginning of last year).  Atlas e-mailed me in February this year and said they would get on the case.  No reply so I e-mailed them again last week and got a reply saying they had seen TU and no date had been given for meeting the notary and signing the deeds.  I am assured the house is legal, by Aroca (huh!!, really believe them).  On the plus side we now have mains electricity and water so things must be happening.  Problem is, no deeds means you can't sell.  I've also been told TU has been ordered to hand over the deeds by the courts but keep getting an extension on the time to do it in.  We bought in 2001 and took possession in 2002 so the wait is getting pretty long.  I am happy with the house we have and have no complaints except for the signing of the escritura.  Atlas told us that was what we were doing when I went to the notary and it was not till a long time later that I was told it was only handing over power of attorney to solicitors to complete the deeds when they were ready.  I have been to another solicitor who told me that TU have been ordered to pay off the land mortgages and sign the escritura within 1 year from September 2006.  So that was 300 euros to tell me something I already knew.

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22 Oct 2007 5:04 PM by JRP Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Where to begin??!!

My mother and step father both passed away 7 years ago and i visited Aroca Seiquer who were my mothers solicitors. I was told all would be dealt with by them...............

Now 7 years on, i have only just got the deeds registered into my name, my step fathers vehicle which Aroca was meant to be taken care of was stolen, Aroca let me book 3 months off work to get all this sorted to then tell me the day before hand that there was nothing i could do to help and no action they could do for the foreseeable future.

I have had to get another solicitor onto Aroca as : they rarely respond to any correspondance, they never return phone calls, they have given misleading advice and generally they have been very unhelpful.

Last week they contacted my solicitor saying they will not deal with them anymore, i wonder if this is actually legal ?? At no point have i been informed of any fees for the work they allegedly have done, i mean two and half years were spent trying to track down the builder!!! i have a funny feeling the builder of the property involved is one of their main clients!!

I am at my wits end, they have not paid all taxes that were due cuasing me further issues etc, i could go on as the list of problesm caused by them is endless and this seems to be all heading to be problems at my cost.

All i would say to anyone who is planning to use Aroca Seiquer is prepare for a very very bumpy ride, my solicitor is currently drawing up papers to report them to the Spanish Bar Association!

Any commets would be appreciated.




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22 Oct 2007 5:05 PM by JRP Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Where to begin??!!

My mother and step father both passed away 7 years ago and i visited Aroca Seiquer who were my mothers solicitors. I was told all would be dealt with by them...............

Now 7 years on, i have only just got the deeds registered into my name, my step fathers vehicle which Aroca was meant to be taken care of was stolen, Aroca let me book 3 months off work to get all this sorted to then tell me the day before hand that there was nothing i could do to help and no action they could do for the foreseeable future.

I have had to get another solicitor onto Aroca as : they rarely respond to any correspondance, they never return phone calls, they have given misleading advice and generally they have been very unhelpful.

Last week they contacted my solicitor saying they will not deal with them anymore, i wonder if this is actually legal ?? At no point have i been informed of any fees for the work they allegedly have done, i mean two and half years were spent trying to track down the builder!!! i have a funny feeling the builder of the property involved is one of their main clients!!

I am at my wits end, they have not paid all taxes that were due cuasing me further issues etc, i could go on as the list of problesm caused by them is endless and this seems to be all heading to be problems at my cost.

All i would say to anyone who is planning to use Aroca Seiquer is prepare for a very very bumpy ride, my solicitor is currently drawing up papers to report them to the Spanish Bar Association!

Any commets would be appreciated.




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02 Dec 2013 7:49 PM by kerric01 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Please help , Aroca Seiquer have dealt with the purchase of my dads home in spain 9years ago and since have been chasing the deeds they have sent my dad a letter today saying that when my dad bought the house there was a mortgage on the land by the builder that has since done a runner !! the bank want their money from my dad now !!! who is to blame here surely the solicitors shouldnt have let my dad buy a property with a mortgage on it !!! any advice would be lovely

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