The Comments |
can anyone tell us how much it is in spain for a broadband internet per month and is E-bay in Spain if no can things bought on e-bay here be delivered to Spain
Hi ya
Don't know about broad band in Spain, but e-bay is. My husband has an e-bay business and sends things to spanish customers alot, as well as other european countries.
_______________________ june
Hello JPD,
We pay 38 euros a month for our broadband and haven´t had any trouble with it at all and a friend of mine here buys and sells on UK e-bay all the time - again, no problems.
_______________________ Plunket,
Sales Agent, Helicópteros Sanitarios
We own on Costa Blanca, I know that Telefonica does broadband (wireless) for 39€ per month, plus phone line rentalcost & calls on top
Interestingly enough, our apartment block has just had Nortons install a receiver on the roof, to get over a signal problem they had between two areas. So soon, our block will be offered Norton's phone & broadband service.
From what our Presidente has said, it looks like a similar cost per month BUT free phones calls 24/7 to Spanish, UK, Dutch, German etc., (seems likely to be all of the EU I would think) landlines.
Now that seems a reasonable deal. Installation cost was around 550€ though, but not sure on Telefonica's install charges.
Hope this helps,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi all, thanks for all the info. Sounds like we will be able to get sorted out there.
Cheers John and Trish
Hi FibbyUK...we live down on the Costa Calidia near Murcia and as yet don't have telephonica. A private company 'Iberbanda' set up a similar system where we are. It works on radio systems and we have a small dish that recevies the signal from a main mast. We have full broadband facility and the phone system we use is SKYPE which is free to any other skype users i.e. you contacts. We have purchased a UK skype number which is something about 30 € for 12 months ( i would have to look on the site for the costs ) which gives you free answere service too. The number means that family only pay nation rate if they ring us...good for the ones that don't use computers, and we can use the system to ring out to contacts and landlines and mobiles at a fraction of the cost. I know NOrtans are starting a similar system to the one we have, so assume that it would work the same way. Have a look at the Skype website, think its The initial download is free so you could put it on your computer and have a go..see what you think. We pay 39 € plus IVA....with no line rental for what we have.
Hope this helps....This message was last edited by Fruit on 3/24/2007.
_______________________ Fruit.....
Anyone got info about this site
I am moving into my Penthouse next month and have been looking at ADSL instalation. I seem to have found what i am looking at on However when I go to the order page, I get a security error warning from my Security software warning me
"The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. "
And advising me not to proceed, has anyone else ordered online? is this a genuine telefonica site? Any information would be most appreciated
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
Blimey, I need a magnifying glass to read that. 
Penthouse eh ? WOW. Good luck with your move.
Thanks for the info, I already use Skype and it's brilliant, but will look into the extras you mention.
Don't order via the website!
We did this for my Brother when he lived here and nothing happened for months and months!
After loads of frustration, we went into the Telefonica shop in Torreveija, ordered phone and ADSL and it was injstalled within a week!
Hope this helps.................
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I use Skype too. Also MSN messenger & I've a webcam too.
I also use as a means to talk to friends abroad who haven't a pc. I use my pc to ring their landline. I pay 10€ + IVA = 11.60€ which then gives me FREE calls (for 120 days, I think) After that time the cost of the calls (to EU countries are only 1c/min) is deducted from the credit. I use this system to call 0870 & 0845 numbers also mobiles & find it rather good generally. Sound sometimes is a problem & you do have a slight delay depending on distance but it's cheap 
No need to find a Telefonica shop. (I've never actually seen one - I didn't think they existed because they don't want angry customers knowing where to find them). Just ring 1004 from any phone for customer service, you can ask to speak to someone in English (may have to hold for a bit) and tell them you want a line installed/connected.
The line rental and ADSL (1Mbps) will come to about €66 per month by the time you've added on VAT. There are countless other providers for both calls and ADSL so may be worth shopping around. But Telefonica still basically have a monopoly on lines, and have been known in the past to play silly buggers with customers who dare to route their calls through another provider (personal experience speaking). I have heard that they were hauled up in the European courts for this, and since then have been behaving better. I route my calls through Direct Telecom (no standing charge, only calls and very cheap - plus English speaking customer service). They also offer ADSL at I think 29€ per month, i.e. 10€ less than Telefonica.
Telefonicainenglish, as you have found out, has nothing to do with Telefonica. 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto,
Yes, Telefonica shops do exist!
Unless it was a mirage, we went into the one in Torreveija, by the main Town square, to order my Brother's land line and ADSL. They young lady in there actually took a fancy to my handsome hunk of a Brother!
Maybe that's why we got the line/ADSL so quickly"!?
Try Nortons, they have a new system which is TV & Broadband WIFI, at least this is happening on the Costa Blanca, worth a try though...............
Kind regards, This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 3/25/2007.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I bow to other's superior knowledge here. There are a couple of shops in Torremolinos with Telefonica/Movistar livery on the front, but I think these are actually just agents (re-sellers). The only actual Telefonica building in town is a huge edifice with a tiny sign on the wall. No windows, and apparently no doors, but enginers have been known to enter and leave somehow. Nobody knows what actually goes on in there. In Benalmadena Costa, there is a very steep hill running up (up and away) from the beach, locally known as Heart-attack Hill, but officially called Avenida Telefonica, I think. People have been seen going up it, but they never come back down.

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I just love your sense of humour, you make me laugh out loud reading your posts!
Does it come naturally, or do you have to sit and think about what to write?!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I wasn't joking, Fibs, it's all true, I tell you.

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain