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04 Sep 2009 6:05 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

I take your point Pitby but what is so wrong with all professionals emphasising the point as our systems are very different.

Some of the so called FA's that people were being directed to were in cohoots with the developers/agents/lawyers by the way, which hasn't exactly done the profession a favour has it?  You would be surprised how many are ignorant Pitby to the situation and I'm from the school that finds it hard to sit by and see people suffer the consequences of ignorance, or for that matter ignore injustice. But we better not go there again!!!



This message was last edited by ads on 04/09/2009.

This message was last edited by ads on 04/09/2009.

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04 Sep 2009 6:12 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

I would presume Georgia is talking about Algorfa which is a lovely village. not far from us.

We was always told to add another 11% to the purchase price for taxes. I know Georgia would tell you that from the start.

I suppose we are lucky in a sense that we look at forums, but there is a lot of people that dont. I know a few that really hate the idea of using a computer or laptop. So they are not so well informed of the pitfalls of buying in Spain.

Well good luck Emmilou hope you get your mortgage.




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04 Sep 2009 6:20 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Pitby I forgot to say isn't this one of the great aspects to EOS that we help and advise one another..help one another with their homework so to speak?

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04 Sep 2009 6:59 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

it's really just an endless circle, isn't it?  A real estate agent would, I consider, be negligent in giving tax advice if not qualified to do so, so what does he do, he recommends the local gestor/gestoria/lawyer to his client, so they can receive professional advice.  But, lo and behold, that professional is in cohoots with the agent/developer/lawyer/gestor - so let's go back to the real estate agent, who may or may not himself be in cohoots with the developer/lawyer/gestor!!

With all due respect, it's not a matter of ignorance, ads, it's a matter of common sense.  Why do people think that buying a property in a foreign country is like buying your weekly shop??  Even if you go out and buy a digital SLR camera I'll bet most people these days check out the specs, reviews, etc., before investing their money?

I know what you're saying, ads, but you can't on the one hand suggest that agents advise their clients about IHT and CGT and then, on the other, say that any professional that agent may direct them to may be dodgy and to avoid them with a barge pole!!

Where does the onus rest?


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04 Sep 2009 7:21 PM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

The onus rests on all to eradicate malpractice and restore trust in the system.......... it doesn't have to be an endless circle. That's the whole point.

"Even if you go out and buy a digital SLR camera I'll bet most people these days check out the specs, reviews, etc., before investing their money?"  You reckon? I suspect there are one hell of a lot that don't, ha!

By the way how many times have you heard that buyers leave their brains at home when  they arrive in Spain. It's quite amazing. Perhaps the sun has something to do with it (now a winking smiley face!)

This message was last edited by ads on 04/09/2009.

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04 Sep 2009 10:20 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 posts Send private message

We've just bought on a PW resort. In laws bought there a year ago so we have already had 'tasters'- and we've bought a neighbouring apartment. What we've seen is a lot of Spanish families moving into the ground floor three bed properties. Every time we go out there are more taken in our Jardin.

We also felt that people are still looking to buy and have been all year. Its just that its only those with the ready cash or available cash rather than the possibles/maybe's of years gone by. We looked for a long while although the in laws were set on a PW place from the start after staying at La Torre in Murcia. Our first idea was to have another apartment elsewhere in Spain and then we could all flit between  the two. However, sense eventually reared its head as we like to holiday together and bring other siblings -so neighbouring apartments suit really. I digress- its a good time to buy if you have cash up front or can easily raise a mortgage. There are really good bargains ouit there. Our apartment was considerably cheaper than the in laws as we bought from a private seller and we got the kitchen appliances they had already installed. we are all golfers so its on tap (or will be from November) I know resorts aren't everyones cup of tea- but I did wonder what I'd do all day in a finca up in the hills. After the novelty wore off I'd be looking for DIY- and I can do that in theUK!!

Biggest problem is the uncertainty on the resort at present about the Property Management Company put in by PW and probably not doing its job effectively (tied to PW) and the firms that PW put in place for the gardening and maintenance etc. You wouldnt believe the annual fee for just cleaning the stairways in the four storey apartments! However, we see that all being sorted in time. But I think purchasers should have more advice about communities and how they are set up and what it means, especially on new resorts.

I'd say go private but do your research and use a solicitor.



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