The Comments |
Accepting there is good and bad EVERYWHERE!!
What's on the plus side about living in Spain?
The climate, the scenary, the people, the culture, the food, the cost of living compared to the UK, the lower crime rate than the UK, the general atmosphere in the towns and villages (as opposed to the menacing atmosphere in many UK towns & cities), the pace of life....................think I'll take a breather here and wait for the thread to be hijacked by the "realists"...
| yet there is no group called "Islam4spain".....unlike my home country which it seems you can desecrate anything that is dear to people's hearts.......
I love spain because if you come here and live with all the traditions and levels of social morality you are welcomed, if you try to push your own laws and beleifs down people's throats you are kindly asked to leave....
The Spanish are proud of their country and do not take kindly to treason....the way the UK used to be.....oh, and PC is still a computer and not a prohibitive regime.
Kids can go out without fear of death by gang,gun or knife......
so many more but where do you stop..........?
still here after all these years!
Where we are...the absolute lack of any traffic!
I don't care for the sun or hot weather, I can take it or leave it. I like to get somewhere without spending half my time stuck in traffic jams.
There are many things I like but the lack of traffic keeps me here!
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Hi , All of these are so true, but I am like Justin, I love the empty roads
After living in real Spain for more than three years now, I can confirm some of the positives of living here.
1. We are not screwed left right and centre by the UK government, MP's, local councils, Taliban supporters, power and water companies, road fuel suppliers just to name a few.
2. We are not freezing to death, due, as we are told by Brown & co, global warming, also we have lots of salt in Santa Pola & Torrevieja.
3, My IBI (council tax) is about 340 Euro a year as opposed to £1500 in the UK.
4. Cheaper car tax.
5. If you take away the Tesco / Sainsbury loss / leader deals, foods prices are cheaper, not too much cheaper but still cheaper.
6. No temples or mosques or the dictators that go to them.
7. Cheaper socialising.
I could go on all night so I will get off my soap box, sorry.
I don't need my husband's permission to open a bank account in my name or own a car in my name; I don't need to use my husband's liquor licence to buy a bottle of wine; I can actually speak to our friendly bank - who don't tell me that they can't give me any information as they can only tell my husband even though it's a joint account!!
A woman can't get arrested and have her children taken away from her for having an affair (not that that would affect me!), even if her husband just made up the story because he was having an affair (permitted for men!) and wanted custody of the children. People don't get arrested for having sex outside marriage. I can pick up a newspaper without it having been censored or pick up a magazine without it having had loads of pictures blacked out.
I don't have to look at thousands of labourers being bussed around in dilapidated buses with no air-conditioning in 45celcius - after having worked for ten hours in that heat.
And yes, the lack of traffic is great !!!
To name but only a few reasons why I (personally) enjoy being in Spain as opposed to where I was beforehand! These are my personal "positives".

This message was last edited by Pitby on 18/01/2010.
My OH has told me to add to the list:
No TV licence and free live Premiership football and rugby!
I would like to add to the list:
1. Walking into town and our neighbours wishing us "Buenas" or "Hola" and the children saying "Hello"!
2. Being called a "vecino" in two different barrios in town and invited to take part in their fiestas, and being invited to a fiesta in a third barrio by a neighbour because her mother lives there!
3. As pensioners, not having to think about the cost when meeting friends for a coffee or glass of wine and being able to go out for a meal on a regular basis.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Pitby, remind me NEVER to go to the place you used to live!!!
What's good about living in Spain...................just about everything ( that's written with 7 years of living here )
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
PS Being able to take photos with children in them without being made to feel guilty or risk being arrested.
I would like to add that I always check with their parents and then let them see the photos, and if I post photos online which show children I make sure that they couldn´t be identified, as I am aware there are sick people out there. However it is good to see that Spanish parents are proud of their children and don´t assume that my intentions are dishonourable.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
I think it has just about all been said about the positives of living in Spain!!
I certainly have no wish to be anywhere else. Six years have taught me so much about the people that have allowed me to live in their beautiful country, together with many pleasant experiences of the different cultures here.
Of course, nowhere is perfect but with a diluted England, sorry, I understand is must be called Great Britain now, England does not exist, as such, it is good to be in a country where the the people are proud of their heritage, as I once was.
Dear Enoch Powell had it so right. God rest his soul!!
There you have it Norman
Lots of happy contented people living in Spain
However,you will no doubt claim they are all real estate agents pushing up the price of property
if your purchase had proved successful you would have been batting for the other side.
Life is what you make it no matter where you are.
i would add a pleasant stroll around La Cala on Sunday followed by a cup of coffee
sitting in the warm sunshine.
surrounded by many Spanish and expats
If only Norman
Having lived here 11 years now, and having a 4 year old son at Spanish School where he is being taught like any other child in his class, hopefully he will never understand about "PC" and will enjoy the kind of childhood we once all had, but with a lot more sunshine!
Sam Campbell Business 1st...
This thread was posted to redress the balance of good Spain bad Spain
And i think it has done just that!!
It just proves we all have different takes Spain and how we've been treated, so give and listen to opinion they ALL have some merit
David W
yes, that's the key. Listen to all opinion. As you say, we all have different takes. I think we are all familiar with the good and bad. As decent human beings we look out for those for whom life has dealt some terrible blows. I think all most people want is a fair crack at the whip, and to be treated with humanity and respect. Lets hope those in the position below will one day be in a position to enjoy many of the benefits on this thread. Until then I hope everyone reading this will take a bit of time to do what they can to change the system that has let so many down, by supporting those wronged in any way they can. The moves to stop the dreadful abuse of human rights will obviously improve Spain's failing reputation, so should also benefit those who are content with their lot.
Hopefully everyone will be a winner IF there is the will to bring about the much needed change? Until the situation below and many more to follow are resolved, the list of positives ring rather hollow to many of us.
Thank you for your comments
I hope you read my post on "is living in Spain really that bad now''
There i posted my support for those with property/corruption problems
This thread was meant for others to post ther feelings, which they did!
But i do thank you for being the first to change tack, as this thread was "what's positive about living in Spain''
Well Done
Thankyou. As you say, we need to listen to ALL opinions, and change to the link I provided will no doubt be a very positive move for all in Spain.
My Goodness..........................
You must be able to see Spain from that lofty Northampton perch
Bang the drum to loud and you will turn people against you, they might just start ignoring you1
What's your name?????
And to get back on the purpose of the thread................. I am glad someone mentioned watching football in the kinder climate!!
I would just add 'football'. Watching La Liga is a delight, and even better if watched on a large screen with a group of Spanish very partizan fans!!!
Turron -especially the hard kind -delicious all year round and not just at Christmas.