The Comments |
Goodstich..we don't need to listen to negative opinions on a thread that is entitled "what's GOOD about living in Spain". There are plenty of threads for you to contribute to, but your negative comments are not wanted on this one.
You are now at the point where you are doing your "cause" no good at all, people are simply turning off, and you are in danger of eroding the support and sympathy that we all have.
Hijacking threads of this nature leaves you looking bitter and twisted...which you may well have a right to be, but I strongly suggest that you think seriously about your "strategy" on EOS...the more you project your negativity on threads like this, the more people will focus on your attitude rather than your message...which can't be what you want...
Some might equally argue that although you are pointing out some wonderful positives on this thread (that I was very interested to read actually) that by stifling a voice that is desperately trying to rid Spain of the legal mire TO THE POSITIVE BENEFIT OF SPAIN, that you might be doing the country a disservice. His comment appeared relevant to this thread as he was trying to make the point that all the positives identified to date will be sadly overshadowed so long as these abuses are allowed to continue.
In other words your own strategy to stifle his voice might also be at risk of losing credibility for those with an open mind eager to learn the truth about all aspects of Spain..
Surely the best way forward is for everyone to be as proactive as possible in their efforts to rid Spain of the negatives as you would call them, whilst at the same time recognising the continuing positives. One should not be at conflict with the other unless you make it so.........
Please don't make this into a slanging match. It does neither argument any favours.
Please continue with the positives.......
This message was last edited by ads on 19/01/2010.
I'm not trying to stifle anyone's voice but it would be nice to have one thread -especially one specifically designed to be positive- without the continual negativity.
I believe that if I started a thread that said "Cadburys make the best easter eggs in the world", some people would try to hijack it and talk about the problems that, let's face it we are all aware of by now.
I would contend that the negatives, however valid do not detract from the positives for the people who posted on this thread .
That's like saying that none of us should enjoy our homes in either the UK or Spain because there are people in Haiti who no longer have homes...which is nonsense..Haiti of course has our sympathy and support , but the earthquake there doesn't mean that I shouldn't enjoy my home.
So back to this thread, as posters have said umpteen times, we totally empathise with those who have had bad experiences with property in Spain..but it is wrong for those who have suffered to continually try and make the rest of us feel guilty about our good fortune especially on specific threads such as this where it is blindingly obvious that such comments are not welcome.
There are plenty of "problem" threads on which to discuss such issues...why not stick to those?
No-one has suggested that you shouldn't enjoy the positives, nor that the intention is to make you feel guilty. Where have you got that idea from? Quite the contrary actually. It's wonderful to hear the positives. You are making this into a conflict by suggesting such remarks.
This message was last edited by ads on 19/01/2010.
Bottom line -this is a positive thread (the clue is in the title)..if people hijack threads like this for their own purposes then there will be conflict..yes we know there are problems, but you know what, we don't want to hear about them on this particular thread.
That's my final word on the subject...we've already detracted enough from the positivity of this well done you have achieved your aims....
I would have to say that I am with Hammersfan here (obviously not in terms of football support!!), I think that discussion is completely stifled, and becomes aggressive too often, because of the continued hijacking of threads by a few who don't have anything positive to say.
It has all been said, and of course it is terrible that people are under threat of houses being demolished, or losing money, but honestly, you would think it was only Spain, and property that caused problems. In the UK we have had criminal injustice endlessly - pension funds disappearing completely for a start - ever heard of Equitable Life? The Thalidomide scandal going on for decades with the handful of survivors only getting compensation now. Ask some of the shareholders of Northern Rock how they feel about UK justice. And in the US, try asking the people who were chucked out of their homes even though they had kept up payments of the mortgage, but the mortgage holders foreclosed anyway.
Didn't I read on another thread that goodstich gives up? Fat chance, and I do believe that by banging on and on you do actually turn people against the cause you are fighting. Sorry, but just wanted to give Hammersfan a bit of support, I don't think the conflict is coming from him.
I think it is human nature to defend your feelings and opinions.
I have never had a bad experience here with the legal system but saying that i realise that things can go wrong.
I am too from Northampton as was brought up in a working class area that is now incredibly rough,when i mentioned how bad it is there now sometime ago to goodstich his reply was that he lived in a nice village and didn't see the issue with hoodies and gun crime.
is this not a contradiction from him....we are getting both barrells because we don't appreciate his plight although he was dismissive of my argument and stated that it depends where you live in the UK on what degree of social standards you should expect to receive.
In all honesty i do not post that much anymore because of the constant whining...
In my opinion a lot of people that lost money were investors who took a risk and lost, i wish i could afford a holiday home or at least had the money to risk!!!!!
anyway.........i probably won't post again for six months so i am off to enjoy a cheap glass of vino tinto watching the football.........
Hasta Luego
still here after all these years!
Dear All,
good to hear that a lot of the reasons for living in Spain still stand, if you can afford it.
Not sure that I approve of all that sexual freedom, it sounds dangerous to me.
More room on the roads would be good.
Did not enjoy our freeze up, lugging water containers to animals etc. though it did make space on the roads.
However did not CDS cop ten full days of rain over Xmas, that's not so good. I hope it did not move anyone nearer the sea.
No one has mentioned the wonderful prawns, a favourite, plentiful, not actually Spanish I understand, but not available here.
Enjoy yourselves.
_______________________ N. Sands
thanks for unstanding my point, and i'm sorry you have also been replied to so harshly. I know you only ever mean well. Far from wanting to hijack the thread, I just wanted to point out that positive change for those poor souls who could be about to lose everthing, would benefit everyone by improving the whole property industry, and mean far more people could enjoy the positives spoken of, on this thread.
So come on everyone, let's not reduce this to conflict. Carry on with the positive threads that we all set out to benefit from.
Thanks Goodstich. I was feeling a little sad after that. Perhaps I need to read some more positives to make me feel happier......
Unfortunatley, ads, some of the hijackers on this forum just knock the desire to post on EOS out of those who are fed up being put down, accused of being in denial or spinning for non-existent business interests!
I'm one of those that just doesn't really want to post about anything to do with living in Spain now - which is a shame, as, along the way, I may have had something useful to say.
Not now, though - I'll stick to threads where I can tell someone if a Wii works here or what the weather is doing at the moment. That way I'll get by unscathed!!
c'mon , we know you just like multi head bangin' sessions really .
No - I agree, I am almost at the point when I hardly bother to READ EOS anymore. Which I think is a real pity as it has such a lot to say. But when everything is turned negative, there is simply no pleasure, nor a great deal of purpose in continuing to contribute.
........oi...........Bri........positive thread ok 
Do you know what's positive about living in Spain? IT'S NOWHERE NEAR NORTHAMPTON!!!!! 
Question -Am I allowed to be positive and negative about Spain or can I only be one or the other???????
PLEASE stay strong everyone and keep posting 'cos that's how we learn from one another. And I for one have a lot to learn...........
ads, have you lived anywhere on this planet that you haven't experienced both positives and negatives? If so, and it's only positives, then I want to know where it is - pleeeease!!????!!!
Sorry, but bit of a no brainer really - no offence!! 
Told you I have a lot to learn!!!!!!
Seriously though it would be good to offer opinions from both sides of the argument without getting shot to pieces from each quarter.
I'm off to watch the footie now. Better not say who I'm supporting or I may get shot down again!
Keep smiling you positive souls……..
I loved my life in Spain and I still feel sad that I had to return back to London four years ago due to my sons father wanting to return after three wonderful years living in Bigastro and working on the Orihuela Costa.
However, due to the crisis, it was probably a good job that I did! The life I had working for a spanish builder couldnt have gone on. He went bust owing the taxman 2m euros so im told!
If money was no object, Spain would be my choice any day of the week. Youre only a few hrs flight away (if your from the UK).
The beer and wine is good and cheap. The food is great. The people are friendly. The sun shines. Children grow up in a more family orientated environment.
I suppose you would need to make a list of the positives and negatives and way up what your priorities are.
The day will come when my son has grown up and i will return! Just about 10 years to go!
All the best.
I loved my life in Spain and I still feel sad that I had to return back to London four years ago due to my sons father wanting to return after three wonderful years living in Bigastro and working on the Orihuela Costa.
However, due to the crisis, it was probably a good job that I did! The life I had working for a spanish builder couldnt have gone on. He went bust owing the taxman 2m euros so im told!
If money was no object, Spain would be my choice any day of the week. Youre only a few hrs flight away (if your from the UK).
The beer and wine is good and cheap. The food is great. The people are friendly. The sun shines. Children grow up in a more family orientated environment.
I suppose you would need to make a list of the positives and negatives and way up what your priorities are.
The day will come when my son has grown up and i will return! Just about 10 years to go!
All the best.