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09 Feb 2010 12:00 AM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

hello to everyone who is reading this.  I am coming to the calahonda area on the mijas costa. 

I am new to eye on spain and in need of some information regarding NIE.

I am coming over in April until September.  I was in spain only 2wks ago and went to the fuengirola police station where the foreigners dept is and got all the forms for my NIE (and children too), came away with appointment in april when i arrive. After this  I then went to the local Ayuntamiento to see about the school for the children which they said they'll need their NIE numbers and then when i receive this to go back and they will issue another form which i then take to the school.  (The police station told me that as i am there over 3 months that the NIE is also residency together now).   I am right in thinking that the ayuntamiento, is for us to register the children and myself on the padron, for schooling, doctors etc.. but i am sure that i have read somewhere that for us to register i will need all out nie's and proof of address, like a  rental contract of where i am living??  i am only renting for 5 months from a lady here in uk, and am wondering whether or not i will need this contract?  also if i do, does it have to be in spanish or english?  as this is important that the children attend school - can anyone help or have information for me?  a big thank you.  

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09 Feb 2010 11:44 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Hi and welcome to Eye on Spain.

The NIE number is very important here and you really can't do much without it.

I'm thinking back a few years but we got our NIE numbers before we went to Spain.  We then registered on the padron so that we could get the kids into the local school.  So yes, I think you will need the NIE to do this.

In terms of the padron, town halls used to register everyone and anyone on it, regardless of whether or not they were resident.  Today you have to show that you are a permanent resident to be registered. And yes, you will need a rental contract to prove your address and that you are living in Spain.

I think you could get away with an English contract, it probably depends on how friendly the person you see at the town hall is and whether or not they can understand a bit of English to enderstand the terms of the contract.

Hope that helps and best of luck with everything.



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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09 Feb 2010 11:42 PM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

 Thank you so much for your help.

Best wishes to you all at eye on spain. x

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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10 Feb 2010 12:01 AM by beadso Star rating. 128 posts Send private message

doest it matter if you just have your nie number rather than the document?

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10 Feb 2010 7:39 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Beadso: You need to have the document. The Police can issue a duplicate if you have lost it.


This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 10/02/2010.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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10 Feb 2010 8:36 AM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

 Hello - Thank you for your all your replies.

i have my paperwork needed for my nie appointment which will hopefully go well.  My main worry was getting the children into school, which i need their nie's and mine and then go the local town hall in order to register.  This is where i was worried - as i need a rental contract as proof of address even though i am going to be for only 5 months, (not going to change the bills etc as such a short time)

Also it is ok for the contract to be in english or does it have to be in spanish?  (will they accept an english one??)

can anyone advise .......  thank you 

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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10 Feb 2010 8:40 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I have legal contracts in Spain which are in English.  I think you should be ok but I'm not 100% certain.  I suppose as long as the address, the date of the contract, the amount paid monthly and the landlord's address are all on there then I think you could at least argue it!

Best of luck.



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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10 Feb 2010 9:23 AM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

EOS Supporter

Hi - up in the Costa Blanca they seem to be tightening up on the issuing of the NIE.  When I started as an estate agent in Torrevieja, just over a year ago, I could take clients who were looking for a property and get them their NIE numbers without too much trouble.  However, last week they refused to issue the NIE without a reservation contract for a property - the man at the desk said that they needed to prove they were buying, rather than just looking, and they might end up buying in another town.

I thought the NIE number was a national one so why the fuss about where they may eventually end up living?

It makes life difficult for people who come out to look at properties and then make their final decision after returning home.  They need to instruct a lawyer or gestor to complete their NIE application for them once they have sent their reservation deposit and signed the reservation contract.  And I thought the government were trying to encourage buyers!


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10 Feb 2010 2:55 PM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

Thanks claire for your help..

HAVE JUST BOUGHT AND BEEN WATCHING - SPAIN UNCUT...  From Justin and Susan.  Just to say Absolutely Brilliant - well worth the watch..  so to anyone who is thinking about coming to spain and have lots of questions then this is definitely one for you.. Keep up the good work.  

See you all soon . 

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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17 Feb 2010 9:25 AM by Valentinaradu Star rating. 69 posts Send private message



I agree with you, Spain Uncut is brillant, we got it also before we moved here 3 months ago and it is been of great help.


Also, I have just changed padron and for you to know, they ask for the NIE certificate, the rental contract and AN INVOICE OF UTILITIES of the apartment. In 3 months I have registered 2 padrons already and in both cases was necesary.


And something else....when you move back to UK go and cancel the padron, or else you will remain registered and it will be a problem for the people registereing after you. It happend to me at my new house, I almoust coudn´t register because 2 English men still appeared as registered there.


Hope all will go OK.






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17 Feb 2010 9:49 PM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

 hello, thanks for your info.

do you know if the rental contract will be ok in english - i am only going to be there for 5 months, will that be ok? for them to accept at the padron office.

Also, as only being there for 5 months, wasnt planning on changing the utulities into my name - just have a letter of confirmation from the landlord stating that in the rental contract that i will pay the utilities but keep them in the owners name.  will that be ok - can someone let me know.

thank you. 

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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18 Feb 2010 6:10 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Dear Cornish:

Bring the signed contract in English with a copy in Spanish ( Google translator can do it: that will be enough).


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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18 Feb 2010 6:30 PM by Integrated Relocation Spain Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Applying for NIEs and registering at the Padron varies from one town to another both in documents they ask for and time taken to obtain these and it can also depend on the frame of mind of the person you are dealing with on the day. I suggest you go armed with all relevant documents possible and where possible in Spanish. Bear in mind you will also have to pay a tax for each application for Residencia (currently 10.20 Euros per application). When you present your applications, you will be given a form with each application. This must be paid at a local bank and when you return to the police station with the receipt you will be given the Residencias. The Residencia will show the NIE number you have been allocated.

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19 Feb 2010 9:35 AM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

Hi cornish-ger,

I can tell you know that you might come across a problem with an English contract, i know many people who have had problems with the Ayuntamiento in La Cala de Mijas and had to go and get the contract translated.  There are plenty of Spanish rental contracts online.  I belive you will be better off with a Spanish contract. 

On the other hand have you paid the taxes for the NIE application?? I think it is about €15 per person, if you have not they will send you out on the day to pay it and it can be quite annoying.


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19 Feb 2010 9:51 PM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

 hello joan malaga, thank you for your reply. 

my appointments for our NIE's are at end of april and was told to pay on the day or the day before at 10 euros each, but our appointment is on a monday at 9am, so probably have to pay on the saturday as banks are closed on sundays. 

yes i think the contracts will have to be in spanish which i think google translator will be fine, as another forum person told me.

Also found out that local tobacconist shops sell rental contracts - could anyone confirm this ?  as the contracts could be done when we get there as meeting the owners out there when we arrive. 

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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03 Mar 2010 3:04 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

You can buy contracts at the tobacconist but i do not recomend them, they leave too many blanks.  I have a good one in both English and Spanish and more than happy to send it to you.  Just let me know your email address.

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03 Mar 2010 11:49 PM by BigAl Star rating. 86 posts Send private message

BigAl´s avatar

Has anyone obtained their NIE via their solicitor using Power of Attorney recently? -  ours is requesting a copy of every page of the passport (all 32 pages) not just the pages with the passport details, which sounds a bit over the top.



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04 Mar 2010 12:04 AM by cornish-geri Star rating in costa del sol - Mija.... 16 posts Send private message

cornish-geri´s avatar

 Hello Joan malaga,

I have sent you a pm.

many thanks joanne

Thank you for your interest - Please take a look at my Eye on Spain Blog

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04 Mar 2010 11:32 AM by Teresa_Abad Abogados Star rating in Los Alcázares, Murci.... 10 posts Send private message

Teresa_Abad Abogados´s avatar

Hi BigAl,

The requirements could change from one Police Station to another. At the Police Station in Cartagena if the applicant is coming in person they need the passport to be stamped by the Custom authorities at the Passport Control in the airport bearing in mind that only a few days can pass since the arrival to Spain to the application day of the NIE (that is if they arrive on 1st March and they apply for the NIE number on 25th March the stamp will not be valid) . Then the passport has to be copied: all pages, even the blank ones.

But if the application of the NIE number is made by power of attorney the POA has to be signed in the applicant's country (a Spanish power of attorney will not be valid) and the passport has to be certified by a notary (not a Spanish Notary) and appostilled by the FCO.

I hope it helps.

Teresa Lacal Abad Abogados Murcia – Los Alcázares - Mazarrón

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04 Mar 2010 6:33 PM by BigAl Star rating. 86 posts Send private message

BigAl´s avatar

Hi Teresa,

I was sent the POA by my solicitor in Spain which as instructed I have signed and had signed and stamped by a Notary in the UK and then appostilled by the FCO. The solicitor with thei POA will apply and attend the police station on my behalf to obtain the NIE. So My query was why do they then need all the pages copied of the Passport, surely only those with information on are relevant?



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