¿Quien es PablodeRonda?

Send PablodeRonda a private message

Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Retired former languages teacher and school inspector in the UK, living the dream in Andalucía with my second wife.

Vivo en... Ronda (Málaga)

Me gusta... Spain, people, reading, writing, gardening, property development, DIY, socialising

Trabajo de... Retired. Occasional builder, translator and journalist

Mi firma en el foro es...

We have three rental properties, Villa Indiana in Ronda (Málaga) and Casa Montejaqueand Casa Rita in Montejaque (near Ronda, Málaga). Take a look at www.a1-holidays.net

PablodeRonda's latest forum comments

18 Feb 2024 7:26 AM:

Hi. First of all, a bit of history, I bought my first property in Spain in 2001, in Ronda (Malaga). Having discovered Andalucia the year before, my then wife and I thoroughly researched the area around Ronda and viewed lots of properties. The one we bought had literally come onto the market the day we viewed it. We were smitten and within half an hour had agreed to buy the apartment.

We had no regrets. In fact, two years later, J and I bought a house around the corner for me to do up. I was about to retire early from my career, aged 55, so was still young enough to do most of the work myself. These two properties are/were in the Barrio San Francisco, to the south of the town.

Fast forward to 2005 and I was divorced and got the two above-mentioned properties as part of the settlement. With my new lady, M, we bought a do-er upper in the centre of Ronda, in Barrio Peñas, which I was able to work on once I'd retired.

In the intervening years I sold the house in Barrio San Francisco to fund another project.

My next purchase was in 2011 when I bought a chalet in the campo outside Ronda with my new wife, R. We still live there 13 years on. We are both residents of Spain and NOT subject to the 90 day rule.

By 2019 I had also sold the apartment and, in 2020, used some of the money to buy an old house in Montejaque, a small village not far from Ronda. Through the pandemic and lockdowns, I reconfigured this house and brought it back up to scratch. It's now up for sale.

As you can sense, I have no regrets at all about buying property here. I've not had a bad experience yet.

As for the costs, I don't recognise the figures quoted by others. They seem very inflated. Here in Andalucia the associated costs connected with buying a property have never exceeded 10%, often less. I don't get clobbered for tax, partly because I am a resident and largely because I have a good gestor (fixer). The fact that I am a fluent Spanish-speaker also helps when it comes to dealing with the bureaucracy.

All these properties have "earned their keep" at various times, when I have rented them out, either to tourists or long-term. I don't agree that renting is a hassle. Getting a tourist license is straightforward, especially if you use a gestor, and registering with the local police is also not a problem.

Tax returns are also not a problem, if you use a gestor. Mine, Daniel, charges me 50€.

As for selling on, I have always made a profit. At the moment prices are rising again and houses are shifting.

So, I would recommend buying property here, but then, I'm a hispanophile. And a committed European. I shall be applying for Spanish  citizenship and a passport this year. I'm fed up with not having the vote in national, regional and European elections!


This message was last edited by PablodeRonda on 2/18/2024.
Thread: Does anyone regret their holiday home purchase?

02 May 2022 1:13 PM:

Hi, Marksfish

Thanks for your attempt to help.

" ... but you have to load the image to the server."

Sorry, don't know what that means.



Thread: Uploading photos to EOS

01 May 2022 3:34 PM:

Hi, everyone

I'm not new. I first started writing on here about 10 years ago, then after a gap of a few years, I've been posting regularly for a couple of years.

However, my articles lack images because I've been unable to upload photos. If I try to cut and paste from Word, where I write my stuff, EOS rejects the photos.

Can anyone help?

Pablo de Ronda 

Thread: Uploading photos to EOS

17 Nov 2012 1:38 PM:

Thanks for the responses to my earlier query about the purpose of the inside lane on a roundabout. I have to confess I normally use it if I am going straight on or exiting after 180 degrees, as per the UK highway code. I'll have to be more careful from now on ...

Thread: Traffic Police forced to hand out more fines!

17 Nov 2012 12:08 PM:

Re roundabouts - if we're supposed to go all the way round the outside, what is the inside lane for?

Thread: Traffic Police forced to hand out more fines!


Communities PablodeRonda has joined

PablodeRonda' blogs

Alles auf Deutsch
"Als deutschsprechender Englaender habe ich gemeint, ich koennte vielleicht ab und zu etwas auf Deutsch posten. Hier geht es los ....."
Last Updated: 2/20/2025 5:24:59 AM
Lifetime Views: 4490

A View from the Mountains
"Some years ago, Paul Whitelock wrote a regular column for a regional newspaper entitled A View from the Mountains. He has decided to recycle the name on Eye on Spain as a repository for news items of interest to English-speaking immigrants and visitors to Spain."
Last Updated: 3/2/2025 3:53:37 PM
Lifetime Views: 10678

My Covid-19 Diary - March 2020 to date
"The Coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard, with over 120 million global victims. I am British, married to a German and we live in Andalucía in the Serranía de Ronda. This blog contains articles I've written over the last 14 months which are about a weird life of curfews, lockdowns, masks, hand gel, rules and regulations and, for those of us who have been affected directly, the vicious after-effects of the virus, long-Covid, bereavement and financial ruin."
Last Updated: 8/20/2023 6:05:22 PM
Lifetime Views: 8212

Diary of a Nobody
"I've lived in southern Spain for over 16 years. I like to write/blog. It occurs to me that many of my articles are like a diary. So, from now on this is where I shall post my diary entries."
Last Updated: 12/23/2024 2:45:56 PM
Lifetime Views: 7377

Spanish Matters - a blog in English and Spanish for those learning the language
"This blog is entitled "Spanish Matters", because it does! Matter, that is. If you have committed to living in Spain, you should also make a commitment to learn some Spanish. So this is a blog about matters Spanish, as well as promoting the notion that Spanish does indeed matter. The blog contains articles in both English and Spanish. Don Pablo hopes it will be helpful to those learning the language."
Last Updated: 1/9/2025 7:18:10 PM
Lifetime Views: 156331

Eye on TRUMP
"The US electorate has unleashed Donald J Trump on the world for a second time making a mockery of western democracy. The Orange One is dangerous and we need to keep an EYE on him. This blog will attempt to do that by bringing an unashamedly biased view of what he does across the pond and its likely effect on the whole world. EYE ON TRUMP, or TRUMP WATCH."
Last Updated: 2/15/2025 8:06:07 AM
Lifetime Views: 3095

"Guiris" galore
"It is fascinating what a significant contribution foreigners have made to Spanish life, work and culture. "Guiris", principally Northern Europeans and North Americans, have made and continue to make an impression on Spain. This blog will profile some of these people, dead or alive, famous or not. Enjoy!"
Last Updated: 11/30/2024 6:51:49 PM
Lifetime Views: 1886

How to ..... ?
"This blog is intended to be helpful to English-speaking foreign residents in Spain by explaining "How to ... " do certain things. "The DIY Guy" has lived in Spain full time since 2008. A fluent Spanish-speaker he reckons he knows his way round the bureaucracy, the indifference and sometimes downright rudeness of "funcionarios". He's also pretty good with his hands, doing up houses and renovating things."
Last Updated: 11/19/2024 7:56:45 PM
Lifetime Views: 45670

Only Joe King
"A light-hearted look at life in Andalucía and Spain in general. Its good points and its bad. This blog doesn't pull any punches."
Last Updated: 2/11/2025 6:49:36 PM
Lifetime Views: 57260

Puntos de vista - a personal Spain blog
"Musings about Spain and Spanish life by Paul Whitelock, hispanophile of 40 years and now resident of Ronda in Andalucía ."
Last Updated: 2/25/2025 12:04:19 PM
Lifetime Views: 283291

Rogues Gallery - the name and shame blog
"I love living in Spain, but there are a few things that get on my nerves, eg the bureaucracy, the police, the litter, customer service and people who don’t pay me what they owe me. I’ve decided to name and shame these scoundrels, plus certain Spanish companies and official bodies, such as the police, on this new blog."
Last Updated: 2/7/2025 7:28:12 PM
Lifetime Views: 715

Serranía Kitchen - recipes from around the world
"This blog contains a selection of recipes from all over, in particular from Andalucía, Asia, England, Germany and the Mediterranean. Contributors include Rita Drechsler, Jovan Le Knorz, Madita Schröder, and Paul Whitelock, who are all members of the same extended Anglo-German family. Rita and Paul live in the Serranía de Ronda in Andalucía. Madita and Jovan live in Baden-Wuerttemberg, near Heilbronn, Germany. "
Last Updated: 11/23/2024 6:35:35 AM
Lifetime Views: 34298

Sporty Sam
"I love most sports, but particularly rugby union, rugby league, football, cricket, tennis, athletics, boxing, golf, jai alai, Formula 1 and The Olympic Games. I hate American football and wrestling and will not watch it. This blog is about the sports I like."
Last Updated: 2/9/2025 6:22:03 PM
Lifetime Views: 7318

The Crazy Guy
"The Crazy Guy I'm known amongst the Spanish where I live as "El Loco", largely because, despite my advanced age, I'm always active, doing this and that. So, I'm "The Crazy Guy". This blog is about some of the things I've been getting up to lately."
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Lifetime Views: 11062

The Culture Vulture
"About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events."
Last Updated: 1/24/2025 8:00:26 AM
Lifetime Views: 78311

The Curmudgeon
"The curmudgeon is a miserable sod. He likes to have a moan. He tackles subjects which many foreigners living in Spain agree with but are too polite to say anything."
Last Updated: 1/9/2025 8:57:37 AM
Lifetime Views: 57082

The "Guiri" Gourmet
"The "Guiri" Gourmet likes his food. He eats well at home, as his wife is an outstanding cook, but they also like to dine out or go on a "tapas" tour. This blog is about some of their experiences, both in Spain and elsewhere."
Last Updated: 3/1/2025 9:48:35 AM
Lifetime Views: 9741

The History Man
"This blog contains interesting facts about the history of Spain and things Spanish."
Last Updated: 2/28/2025 2:12:32 PM
Lifetime Views: 37031

The Merry Tippler - a blog about drinks
"I've been a merry tippler all my life - well, since my voice broke and I was tall enough to drink under-age (about 16). I learned to like bitter in the company of my dear old dad, Jack, who liked a beer or two. When I went to university, I discovered wine, and liked that too. Also brandy, gin and rum and coke. This blog is about booze, pure and simple. I hope you like it."
Last Updated: 10/30/2024 7:20:44 PM
Lifetime Views: 858

The Spanish Fly - Travels in Spain
"The Spanish Fly is a nom de plume of Paul Whitelock who first visited Spain at the age of 20. Now more than 50 years later, he has been to most parts of the country, including nine of the 12 islands. He has owned property in Andalucia since 2001 and has lived in the region for the last 15 years. This blog is a Travelogue about some of the places he has visited."
Last Updated: 2/16/2025 8:16:07 AM
Lifetime Views: 31265

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