Friday, June 21, 2013 @ 9:19 AM

Poor writing skills leave the business community handicapped. A report published this week says “the ability to spell correctly and to string sentences together is the most important quality students need to get into university after exam results.”
How then does this impact on the Costa communities’ business sector? Spelling and grammatical errors and inability to structure sentences weakens customer confidence and destroys a company’s credibility.
An international marketing company tested the impact of poor spelling on customer response. In their first mailing, a single word was deliberately misspelt. When the rogue word was later corrected, customer response doubled. Imagine then the impact of a poorly written brochure or website.
By necessity, consumers today are wary of cowboy trades and are on their guard. When browsing potential service providers online customers tend to be suspicious. If anything arouses their suspicion, they back off.
You would not use an amateur to fix your car so why presume you or a family member; a friend can match highly paid copywriters? Millions of companies successfully operate online. They do not have high street stores and they do not advertise. If your website is not producing results the reason is likely to be its poorly written content.