Monday, June 24, 2013 @ 10:27 AM

Let us begin with humour to make a point. We recall the English tourist who, calling in at a Tipperary newsagents, asked for the Daily Mirror.
“And would you be wanting yesterday’s or today’s edition,” he was asked to which he replied that today’s would do fine. “Good,” the newsagent told him. “Come back tomorrow.”
In much the same way news in today’s tabloid was online yesterday and your weekly read is a history lesson. Business owners are unlikely to be interested in the misfortunes of the conventional Press. If they advertise, they should be. Like journalists, advertising and marketing are migrating to new media, the online press.
The Daily Mail and other newspapers can still be bought in traditional form. However, its online presence, which carries hundreds of advertisements dressed up as information, is a thousand times stronger. It is the most widely read news portal in the world.
Russia Today is the most influential news channel to emerge from modern Russia. Throughout the world it is the voice of Russia and more importantly it is necessary as an antidote to the West‘s controlled news media. We often see news in Russia Today that is censored in the West. How many would have heard of Russia Today if it were available only at a newsstand?
Very often new media is not hard copy published at all and can be read only online. Examples are Typically Spanish or the Lithuania Tribune. At opposite ends of Europe they have much in common.
Both new media bring important news and advertisers marketing to readers’ attention within minutes of news breaking. The same applies to special advertisers offers.
Online advertising is at a pioneering stage but is catching on. Advertisers will find their marketing more flexible and user friendly whilst reaching a far wider audience. In terms of cost and space, distribution and delay, the conventional media will soon be just a shop window for the newspaper’s online presence. ©