In blogs and the North / Eastern Europe media I recently revealed how, between source and retailer, the West’s privately owned banks, by providing interest-laden credit through the supply chain, added 40% to the cost of everything we buy.
If in any one country the privately banks were placed in public ownership, as they are in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) that 40% would go into public services and reduced costs rather than the private banks e-vaults.
In one of my two articles I warned: quote “The West is following Iceland’s example and entering a period of revolution. It is not against governments, unless they act as the banks protectors: It is a revolt that will decide whether the banks are private or publicly owned.”
Read that line again: ‘
unless they act as the banks protectors.’ Here is an example of what happens when the government instructs its police to defend the consequences (austerity) of private banking; in this case, Spain’s government. ... h4QRwq4JmU