4 administrators in 4 years. Surely we have set a record?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The best thing I ever did was step down last year as the president of our community after three years in the role.
Being president is a thankless task and with a community like ours, with barely any money, it is very tough.
We have a very difficult community and during my second year as president we had our second administrator walk out on us. I struggled to find a decent one to take over and finally settled on Ramon Escuin, based in Guadiario, who people then voted in as our new administrator.
In my honest opinion he worked very hard for the community and worked incredibly hard to keep us with at least our heads just above the water.
But now, our new president, for resons known only to him, decided he wanted to change administrator and last night unfortunately she made a good speach and now we are on administrator number 4.
This is an absolutely pointless and unnecessary change. It takes a while for an administrator to understand a community and I bet that by this time next year we will have yet another new administrator.
The owners in our community seem to think that every administrator is rubbish and that getting rid of them will solve all of our problems.
It only moves us backwards and creates more problems than it solves.
I wish people would think before putting their hands up to vote in community meetings. Change for change's sake rarely makes any sense.
Four administrators in four years. Can anyone beat that??
Published at 6:47 PM Comments (3)