A Message
Saturday, June 15, 2013 @ 6:02 PM
Suddenly life has gone
Snatched too soon
No more arms to hold me
No lips to kiss me
But yet a peace
Peace that the pain has ended
Peace that you suffer no more
Peace that together you are once more
The power of soul mates to strong
To strong to keep you here
To strong to hold you with your children
To strong for any LOVE no matter how strong to break
You are both gone
But together
The pain is selfish pain
Never to be held in your arms again
Never to hear your voice
The overwhelming loss is pure selfish
You are together
Your love
The love
That brought me into the world
I am so honoured to call you
My parents
The love you showed
The safety you provided
You are both forever with me
In my heart
In my soul
Never to be replaced
Never to be lost
But life will never be the same
Thank you for being my Dad
Thank you for being my Mum
I love you