I find it strange that although I have never meet someone, I can write a blog which experiences spark something in another and then they write a blog about it.
The way that we are all connected and yet it is not always at the forefront of our minds and goes unnoticed.
The situation that has promoted this blog is a blog I wrote for eyeonspain a expat forum as I am a English women living in Spain.
I was writing about the time when we ran a bar here and the toilet habits of some of the locals. Called ‘The two p’s’ Pee and Poo. What it sparked was Sandra writing about her experience of men standing at the road side, happily peeing with there assets visible for all to see. I am very honored that my story can have such an effect on another, that it creates an idea for a blog. Sandra’s blog can be found on eyeonspain ‘To pee or not to pee’.
Strange things happen to me all the time, I guess it is because I am strange. Yet this weirdness can spark an idea and now I have found blogging I have an outlet for the strange and wonderful things that float around in my head.
I only really found out how strange I was when I was about twenty. I was very lucky growing up, people just expected that I was different. What happened when I was twenty was that it was pointed out to me, that not everyone could see and hear the same things I do. You see I have always been able to see spirit people and hear them, not in message form, but just things noises, voices that others don’t. I would talk openly about the people I could see, apart from to my Mum because she could see them too, but it scared her, so I never talked about it to her. I was sure that everyone could see them too, until it was pointed they couldn’t and I may not want to talk about it, because people would think I was slightly mad.

What happened was for years I didn’t talk about it, I wasn’t a confident person, so just kept my mouth shut. Now I am comfortable in my own skin and don’t care what people think about me. What they think of me is more of a reflection of them, than it is of me.
That is why I can now share openly with you, my weirdness. I am happy to be strange and weird in the eyes of some, life would be very boring if we were all the same.
Reading other people’s blogs are proven to give inspiration, how cool is that. It is not a one way street, when I read, listen or see other people it gives me inspiration also.

We are all strange in our own way.
It’s noticeable with some more than others. In the bar we saw many, from peeing in the street, flashing in the toilets, trying to leave without paying (luckily that didn’t happen much). The conversation that consisted of ‘como’ what, tell me again, because they couldn’t understand each other and this could be family members. What chance do we have with the Spanish language if family members don’t understand each other.
I would like to know how you are strange, comment to tell me.
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