Moving on From Grief !
Grief is such a selfish thing, a pain that is indescribable, a hurt that is so dull it penetrates every cell, every bone, every fibre of your being.
Yet we know that although not in the physical, that life goes on.
Not in the world as we know it, but life goes on.
We may hear or see the signs from our loved ones, yet we can not touch them, we can not feel their touch, we can not feel their kiss and somehow this makes it harder.
Why is this harder ? The knowing they are there ? Because it makes our grief selfish !
We are selfish for missing them, we are selfish for hurting, we are selfish for our grief.
We know they are fine, we know they are at peace, we know they have no more pain, yet we miss them and that pain does not diminish with that knowing.
Others see us as heartless when we are strong and when we try to remember it is not over, but just another beginning. However some just see what we gain in the physical, do they really think that all that would not be traded for one last hug, one last physical kiss.
I know although yes, I may have gained money and material items, would I in a heart beat swap all of that for one last hour, one last minute with both or either of my parents, of course I would.
For all those people that think I wouldn’t they are even more self centred and selfish than I am. What they think is a direct reflex of who they are, not who I am.
Let me tell you that losing both your parents before they reached 65 years old, is not a privileged place to be, and if you think it is, you really need to look in the mirror and get a grip.
If for whatever reason your life would be enhanced by not having your parents, then what lessons do you need to learn ?
Grief is a process and we all do it differently, just because we are different doesn’t mean we are wrong. Some make this time harder with their actions, with there words. They don’t understand that, some of us don’t like to show how we feel, but we do feel.
Be thoughtful about what you say because it reflex back to you, be compassionate because it comes back to you.
There are lessons in every situation good or bad, I still have trouble seeing what all of these lessons are, but one I have received loud and clear is that our reactions, draw more to us. It is not easy to remain level headed when you feel misunderstood or you hear the lies of others. I am practising holding my head up high and let it wash over me. I haven’t cracked it yet, but I will.
Acting from the heart is not always easy, but keep trying as I am and allow Karma do the rest.
Sending loads of love to all those who are in Grief. Be strong you will get through.