My Crystal adventure started many years ago, when I was a Child. I have always been fascinated by the beauty that these Crystals and minerals hold and the way they make me feel.
It all started earlier than I can remember with a bedroom full of little tumble stones, growing into a hobbie of creating jewerelly from them. This later developed into a small business selling the jewerelly at craft fairrs and through Jewellery parties. This was some years ago now and although I was still passionate about Crystals and my personal collection was forever growing, I never thought I would be working with them again.

I have trained as a Crystal healer, but had never had the opportunity to use it. A move from the UK to Spain took my life in a totally different direction. As I became a landlady and my time was totally consumed with running a bar and raising two beautiful girls.
But life has a way of leading you back to things or finding new adventures to traval. The Crisis struck, my husband and I found that running the bar after four years was becoming unviable. So we made the brave desicion to close down and look for another way to earn a living.
I started writing blogs and a book (not yet finished). We were always looking out for opportunities. Then it happened our New Crystal Adventure appeared and now we are embarking on a whole new journery.
It all happened by accient, my husband took a trip to Morocco with a close friend to buy some light fittings for our new home, knowing my love for crystals he brought me some home. Our friend who is Moroccan suggested another trip to his small home town, where he has family and friends with Crystals for sale. They returned from that trip loaded with the most stunning Crystal (Minerals) I have ever seen. What is even better is that by us selling them on this site, we are able to buy more, which is really making a huge difference to the people who live in that small town. Us buying one Crystal from them is a weeks food for a whole family.

I am so excited to have this chance to enhance so many lives, I hope you feel that your Crystals have enhanced your life in some way.
I will be blogging on here from time to time to keep you updated with the familys you are helping, the new arrivals and any other information that I think may be useful to you.
Take a look at my new website