Just as you think ‘Okay, I know what I am doing, I know where I am going’, then bang !
It all changes.
There I was happy with my lot, writing a book, overseeing a business in the UK and looking after my two daughters. Life was good I live in the house of my dreams with my family who I adore. Although it is more than likely our home is not everyones dream house as it is slightly wacky, but it is ours. For the first time in my live I don’t have to worry about money, the girls are doing well at school. Really who could ask for more.
But then I see a piece on Facebook from a guy I used to work with many moons a go, a man who's integrity and ethics have never been in question for me, a man both my husband and I have the upmost respect for.
The post as you can see below is about working as a term and if we insure everyone wins we all win.

I love this concept it just makes so much sense to me.
Zig Ziglar famously said
‘You can have everything in life you want,
if you will just help other people get what they want.’
Since I first heard that quote, I have tried my upmost to practice
that in everything I do.
So I was compelled to find out from our respected friend what it is all about, a business opportunity and I am not looking to take on any more. But the compulsion to know what it was was to strong, so I messaged ‘Tell me more’. And do you know what ? when I saw what was on offer I knew I had to be involved. When I really thought about the time aspect I realised that it wouldn't take me away from the things I already do and the things I love to do.

I have started another chapter in my live a very exciting one, I are now involved
with a company that is not even officially launched yet, that alone is beyond exciting !
That’s just where the excitement starts, the opportunity for the right people is
unprecedented .
When I say the right people what I mean is that not every opportunity is for every person,
it may or may not be for you.
If you would like to see the presentation that has got me jumping around with excitement
and delight and see if you too feel the same rush of excitement in the prospects
of what the future now holds, then simple contact me via the email link below and I will
send it to you!
