Bucket list
What is a bucket list ?
A bucket list is a the list of things you want to do before you die.
Writing a bucket list is great fun, I suggest you try it, you can let your imagination run wild. Putting on all things that if money was no object you would do. All the things if you had no fear you would love to do. Mine even includes things I would like to own. A bucket list is a list without restrictions and list without the but how could I do that.

A bucket list is more than just goals it’s an intention that somehow, someway you will achieve the things your hearts desire. Of course not all of us will, but by clearly stating what we really want however mad, we may just do it.
There is a fantastic film starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, watch the clip below.

The Bucket List
It is well worth watching the whole thing, it is very funny and also sad, but it highlights the power of a bucket list.
My bucket list is slightly mad, as am I, here is just some of the things I will do before I die :
* BASE jump (I will be jumping off a large rock into a valley) this may well be the last thing on the list I achieve as it is slightly dangerous !

* See a broadway show and go shopping in New York ( very tame after BASE jumping, but something I really want to do)
* Take my daughters to Disneyland Florida
* Own a purple, funky, soft top VW Beetle, with flowers on it ( never seen one the same as I want)

I told you I can’t find the VW Beetle I really want, if you come across one please forward to me !
* Own my perfect home, here where we live in Spain
* Travel many places, Egypt, Nepal, Venice, explore more of Spain (okay they could all be separate, but I decided to put them all together)

* Also I want my very own crystal singing bowl (not a very big thing to have on a bucket list, but that’s what I want)

My list isn’t huge and the reason I have not experienced these things or own these things, is that old devil called money. Now is money really a devil when it can provide you with all the experiences you want in your life. Money is only the vehicle for feeding your family and having the life experiences you desire in your life. I have found a way that I can create the income to complete my first bucket list and move on to bucket list number two.
If you want to tick off your bucket list and finance is the reason you haven’t click the link below and find out how you could transform your life.
Opportunity to create the finances to complete your bucket list, click me
Please share your bucket list with me and share this blog if you have enjoyed it.