My Friend Ben
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 @ 6:11 PM
(Monica's Blog)
This is a picture of my friend ben....

It was quite difficult getting a picture of him as he nevers keeps still. As you can see he is a very handsome chap. Quite unusual markings and colouring.
He has recently had a bath and his hair trimmed ready for the warm weather, although there was no sign of the sun this morning as it was 8°C and cloudy. Mum even had her gloves on!
My favourite game is to play tig with Ben around the bushes. Or sometimes he will grab a twig and I will chase him and try and grab it back.
Ben also goes to my Obedience Classes, but he is in a different group to me. He is hoping to win a trophy when we have our exams in a couple of weeks time.
Below is a picture of me, Ben and Brian (Ben's dad). Buddy and I love Brian as he always has biscuits in his pocket! He is one top human.

Hasta pronto!
Monica (and Buddy)