"Our Field"
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 10:47 AM
(Monica's Blog)
Thought I would give you some idea of what the field is like where we take our morning walks. It is sort of a cross between a field, a quarry and a tip (there is quite a bit of rubbish, in places, that has been dumped there over the years). There is also an olive grove in the middle and lots of heather, wild thyme and rosemary.....some days the scents are amazing.
Some of the paths are sandy and some are quite stony. I get to chase my tennis ball on the sandy ones,....the stoney ones hurt my feet!

Above is the one of the footpaths onto the field, but we will be changing our route soon as these thistles are above mum's shoulders now!!

The olive grove
A stoney path

Waiting for the ball!
Will show you some of our favourite beaches next time.
Hasta pronto!