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We are new to the forum, been reading with great interest, excitement and sheer panic about all your experiences. We are purchasing a penthouse on los Naranjos and are just starting to look at mortgages. We have noticed that lots of people on the forum are going through Cam Bank, so we rang the telephone number relating to mortgages on the Cam Bank website, but they didn't speak very good English, so we were wondering does anybody have any contact telephone numbers which they have used? Despite some of the early problems, would you recommend them? Any advice would be most welcome.
Johngee embed
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Mª Isabel Carrión Jiménez
Caja Mediterraneo
0543 Polaris World Mar Menor Golf Resort
Pl. Garcia Alix 1 San Javier Murcia
Tel: 968 56 60 06 Fax: 968 33 40 08
Evangelia Malamateniou
Caja Mediterraneo
0543 Polaris World Mar Menor Golf Resort
F. Conquetas 30700 Torre Pacheco Murcia
Tel: 968 041 800 Fax: 968041802
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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Hi johngee, welcome to the forum. Our personal experience of CAM Bank was that they were excellent - they were easy to deal with, always responded quickly to our e-mails and when we went over to complete and visited the branch in San Javier they were very efficient and helpful. They even gave us a demonstration of the internet banking.
The other thing is that it works out much cheaper using CAM Bank as you don't have the fees etc to pay as you are taking over the builder's mortgage. Some people have found them a bit slow at dealing with things more recently but that is probably due to the number of mortgage applications they are dealing with. If you allow plenty of time and start the ball rolling early on, you shouldn't have any problems.
I would not hesitate to recommend them - but would definitely not recommend Bancaja who are providing the mortgage for our second apartment. They have been a nightmare and their charges are horrendous!
Good luck
Debbie and Paul 
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Hi Johngee
The information Debbie (Payton) provides is, I am sure correct as regards Cam Bank. However as your apartment is on Los Naranjos Cam Bank may well not be the bank financing your apartment so consequently will not be the bank you would apply to for the builders mortgage and subsequently benefit from the reduced fees.
The bank providing the finance for your apartment should be the bank shown in your contract that you pay your stage payments too, they should also be the bank that have issued your bank guarantee.
I am also on Los Naranjos Jardin 8 and in our case the bank that our builders mortgage is with is CajaMurcia bank, I am not able to comment on how good they are, as I haven’t made contact with, but I am trying without much success at the moment.
Regards and welcome to the Forum.
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Hi Johngee,
We have a meeting booked with a mortgage broker on Friday at their Birmingham office as we have yet to sort out a mortgage yet. I am happy to let you know how we get on
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Hi Phil,
Would be happy too. Neither of us could get out heads round things and weren't happy to do things over the phone or by e mail so decided to go to Birmingham. We are just having an informal chat/advice and then I know we have to pay for their service. What they did say is they were able to look around for the best deals and if we took over the builders mortgage although we don't have to pay fees etc it doesn't mean it is the best offer.
Will post any info after we have been.
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Is it just me? The service I have received from Cam Bank is less than desirable. I submitted my mortgage documentation back in March. After numerous calls and emails, I have now been asked to submit more documentation. I am still waiting to hear whether they need anything else - but to date, despite assurances I would hear soon, I am still waiting.
Perhaps you could share your secrets on how I can get an efficient service from Cam Bank.
By the way I am in Jardines 7 - due to complete in August.
Thanks :)
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Hi Mary
I too have had problems with CAM and communications or should I say lack of it ...... I eventually got told last week on one of my constant phone calls to them that my application has been approved and they booked me an appointment for day before completion. They told me that the reason I have not had an email with confirmation is because the guy who sends them is off ill but they expected him back on Monday......guess what still waiting .....Its difficult to get hold of anyone as I cant use my mobile at work for security reasons and by time I finish they have all gone home, and they never reply to emails !!!
I am sure it will all be worth it when I am sat on my terrace in about 8 weeks or so living my dream and kissing goodbye to the UK .......Oh Happy Days
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Mandy
If you don’t mind me asking who are you seeing in Birmingham, is it an independent mortgage adviser?
If so are they a national company and who are they?
Can you let us know what they charge so we can see if it is preferable to using a Spanish adviser?
When you have been would you let us know if you would recommend them?
And weather they recommend a builders mortgage, euro mortgage or UK mortgage?
Hay and whilst you are there you could even ask some question for yourself.
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We have also found that CAM stopped contacting us as soon as they had our application and only because I rang them did I find out that they wanted some further information (i had already emailed to ask if they had received everything and did they need anything more - no response to those 2 emails)
I fully appreciate that they may be swamped but I'm swamped at work and I respond to all emails and telephone calls.
We are completing in mid August and wonder if we are on the back of the pile despite sending everything in April. The problem with this approach is if they dont intend to approve the application it will reduce the time anyone has to find another mortgage.
We just have to hope it all comes together.
Jan & Mike
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I think that is the general opinion of most who have opted for the builders mortgage, they are leaving it so late that it does not give you time to shop elsewhere, but I assume they are dealing with those that are completing first and as you so tactfully put, leaving you on the back burner until they clear the backlog of early completors. It is totally unfair and I understand your concerns, I have spoken to others on another forum that have been left with 'days' not weeks before a decision was given and its stressful enough for us all with undertaking such a huge step but by ignoring plea's from investors its making matters worse. I wish you luck and I know I still wont stop stressing until my confirmation comes through in black and white... Good luck everyone with completions.
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi all,
I found out about the company through another forum and we thought we would give them a try as Birmingham isn't to far away from us. I am happy to share any advice they give to us. We are still waiting for a complettion date but should be in August.
Regards to you all and look forward to meeting up in the sun!!!
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Well despite this we're trying to feel positive as we wouldnt have gone into it if we didnt think we could raise the mortgage so hopefully its just the Spanish way of dealing with things- another learning curve. Up to the point of sending everything Eva responded very quickly to our queries so hopefully its just the great demand putting a bit if strain on the sytem. When I managed to get through to her she was as helpful as she could be- so fingers crossed
Jan & Mike
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Well i complete on 30th June by POA...........
Have asked all of them : CAM, my solicitor, PW completions dept by e.mail on more than 1 occasion to confirm everyone has everything they need............. none of them did.
Rang them all up and all very pleasant on the phone and all confirmed they had everything. The phone calls took 10x the time required to send a simple 'yes' on e.mail, so why don't they just respond with a simple yes?. As it's only a verbal i can but hold my breath and hope it all goes through on the 30th.......... it is a tad worrying.
HolaLife doing the snagging on 27th and respond promptly to all e.mails
Utilities, snagging, aircon, professional clean then furnish in that order still to do
Roll on next year when i have holidays to actually use the place
Manyana is the word (well it is if it were spelt correctly)
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Well I finally got my confirmation of approval on builders mortgage today from CAM after many nagging phone calls and a rather large phone bill. They apologised profusely and said they are unindated with applications and are trying their best to sort them out as fast as is humanly possible.
I think its a case of the more you nag them the quicker they work
Anyway just PW to sort out now as they have managed to mess up all the paper work for completion and put wrong names etc... on documents for deeds, I think by time I have finished I will need a second mortgage to pay phone bills. Another day closer and one less stress to worry about. Looking forward to going out there now, good luck all
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Phil and everyone else,
Well I have to say both Mark and I feel we have had a weight lifted off our shoulders following visit to our mortgage adviser. She was extremely knowledable and went through the advantages and disadvantages of having a builders mortgage. They charge 1% which may seem alot but now we have given her all the relevant paperwork we now do not have to worry about anything. As soon as we have a completion date we have to let her know and she will then look at our best options.
If anyone wants the name and contact details please let me know.
Regards to you all and have a good weekend.
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Hi Everybody,
I'm experiencing all the same as everybody else when it comes to the lack of communication from Cam Bank.
But I have decided that I'll probably apply for a couple of mortgages and take the one who has a mortgage waiting for me in time for completion.
We are the customers for these banks and if they don't feel the need to give customer service now to entice us, then I might suggest they'll always behave in this way regarding customer service.
So I'm not gonna worry who gives me the mortgage, as long as it's 'hassle free' with a good customer service, I probably won't even mind paying some expenses (within reason)!
Good Luck everybody. Geoff.
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