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Can someone who has applied to CAM for a mortgage let me know where i need to post my mortgage application to? I am guessing it will be the branch at Mar Menor but wanted to check before i post all my documents off.
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Hi Phil
They just emailed me mine and I emailed it back after printing it off - filling it in and scanning it back onto email.... hope that helps as I do not have an address !!
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Phil,
When I asked about how to send our mortgage documents to Eva and Isabel at CAM, they told me to either scan it all in and e-mail it to them or send it by fax (0034) 968 041 802
or by post to :
Caja Mediterráneo
LC Polaris World, Finca Las Conquetas
30700 Torre Pacheco
I sent it registered mail via the post office and was able to track the delivery all the way there. CAM also sent us a note confirming receipt of the documents.
Hope this helps
Michelle This message was last edited by paulhill308 on 6/9/2008.
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I recommed the registered mail as we just paid for signatures to confirm delivery then found you cannot trace outside the UK and have to write to the Post Office for confirmation that a signature was obtained- and CAM Bank did not confirm delivery! If I had not telephoned a number of times and finally been fortunate to get someone at their desk 2 weeks later we still would not have known the docts arrived safe as Eva seems to no longer answer a single email.
Jan & Mike
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Has anyone had a bank account set up with CAM Bank? We've had our mortgage approved and they were meant to be setting up a bank account but haven't given any details. We desparately need to know these so we can set up monthly currency transfers and the direct debits for the insurance but they are not responding to our emails or answering the phone... We complete in 3 weeks and I'm starting to get a bit worried that we won't be able to get everything set up in time!!
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Hi Debs77,
CAM set up our bank account very quickly, way in advance of getting the mortgage approved, so it is quite an easy process. They set up a current account and a sterling account for us and e-mailed the account numbers but I haven't tried using them yet. They will not post cheque books or cards to the UK, you have to collect these in Spain, but you can access the accounts on the net, if they give you the login details - still working on that! Keep chasing them, I think they are just very busy right now.
Good luck with the completion!
_______________________ 2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:
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Thanks Tim.
No sooner had I posted the last message, they emailed me with the details! I'll have to chase them for internet details as that will make things much easier.
They also gave me a quote for home insurance which is much cheaper than the Zurich one from Polaris - 161,89 EUR for 53,665 EUR buildings and 15,000 EUR contents. Buildings value seems low though...
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We got the same quote for insurance but decided to go for the Zurich one for the first year as it seemed more comprehensive and suited to renting as well.
_______________________ 2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:
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We visited CAM Bank in San Javier last week whilst we were over in Spain for our completion (which couldn't take place because of the Habitation Certificate). We met Eva and Marissa who are both lovely and very helpful. They are based at the office in San Javier.
After we had signed the mortgage documents, Marissa went through the internet banking with us - she gave us a sealed envelope with the log in number and showed us how to use it - very helpful and very easy to use.
We have arranged to collect our debit cards etc from the branch at Mar Menor Golf Resort - it is a very small branch inside the supermarket at Mar Menor. Thought this was easier than trying to find our own way to the branch in San Javier, parking etc.
The value for the buildings insurance does seem very low - wonder if they are just quoting for the same amount as the 60% mortgage advance and not the full purchase price or valuation figure?
Debbie and Paul 
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Does anyone know the easiest way to CAM bank in San Javier from La Torre. Roughly how long does the drive take on a weekday morning and is there parking available at the branch ?
Is the a CAM website in English anywhere on the net ?
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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It's quite easy to find, head for the centre of San Javier (main square) on the N332 you will see an underground car park. This is cheap and easy and one minute walk from the office.
As you exit the car park head for the square and the office is located on the right hand side. The door is kept locked as it's not a working branch.
The traffic is not heavy. The website address is:
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We were able to park on the street close to the town square. There are two CAM Banks in the square but the one that houses the offices is on a corner adjacent to a church.
On the website, if I recall rightly, as you look at the screen in the right corner is the word 'welcome' for access to the English site.
We have been unable to get our cards or the internet banking information from CAM- though everyone else seems to have had no problems- they weren't ready despite being applied for months ago, they told us to call the Mar Menor branch 3 days later to see if they were holding them for us by then, When I did that they didnt know anything about us, we drove there the next day and they were shut. We couldnt go back because we were leaving the area. I have since emailed Catalina (on holiday) and customer services (no reply). Tomorrow I will be phoning Marissa who we spoke to at the CAM branch when we were signing everything. On the basis of this I would suggest people check that their cards are ready for them before trailing to the various banks.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Jan and Mike,
We had our debit cards posted to us, we spoke to Sven Ottemeier who is really helpful. His office number is 0034 968 041 800. His e-mail address is When they arrive they come with the pin number and you just sign the top sheet and post it back to them. Haven't sorted internet banking yet.
Chris and Tracey
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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Thank you Chris- I'll use this contact tomorrow.
Its been a bit frustrating to be honest as they are poor on replying to calls and emails. Plus now we are soon to complete we want the internat banking set up. We actually had an appointment to collect the cards from the San Javier office initially, we didnt just turn up and expect them to be there- we were invited to do the collection with the signing of the mortgage documents!
Jan & Mike
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