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Hello all
We arrived home at 11.00pm last night having been the first to snag and we should have completed on Monday at 12.00pm. Unfortunately the Certificate of Habitation was not available so having held the keys for about 10 minutes, we had to hand them back. We gave POA to our Solicitor wh was marvellous and hopefully completion will be later this week.
I have lots of info to share and will update over next couple of days, back at work today so please bear with me.
Ruth and Andrew
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Can't wait to hear all your news! Shame it wasn't all dealt with and you could keep the keys though, very disappointing.
Did you get chance to visit any of the other Jardines, or even see what state all the pools were in from a distance?
Forget work and all your holiday washing and post all your news instead!
Lindsey & Martyn
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Hi Ruth and Andrew
Same hear looking forward to all the info on how you went on with completion process, snagging and habitation cert. Really sorry you couldn’t complete, did they try to get you to complete without habitation cert and was your apartment clean enough to do snagging properly.
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Hello all
We are in garden 12 anyway which as you can see is in excellent condition, we were very impressed. Saw no 11 which looked just as good. We viewed the show homes as hadn't been there since last Feb 07 and was very impressed. We had our snagging done , but were present aswell. Basically there was nothing major, but about 40 points to be actioned, mainly around removing paint off skirting, doors, windows, cracked light switches, wonky electric switches, etc. I would receommend having it done professionally, unless you can be out there to see the process through.
Please note the outside teracotta lights do not come as standard as I had been led to believe.
The pool was lovely, and we were impressed with the size of the apartment in relaity compared to the plans.
We were all set to sign when it came to light about the Certificate of Habitation not being there. Yes Polaris wanted us to complete, but our solicitor stongly advised us not too, so Polaris had to pay for the POA. I'll let you know when it goes through. It was a bit disappointing but not long now.
Any questions please come back to me.
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Thanks for the update Ruth, dead jealous wish it was us, hopefully you'll have electric and water on before we complete 31st July.
Did you get any chance to get any photos of the apartment and resort?
Is the town centre getting built as Polaris would have us believe?
I bet you were gutted you couldn't get the keys, I would be.
How was the whole snagging/completion process in general (obviously apart from the completion)
Can I be nosey and ask about the fees
Best of luck for the future, 1 down about 1600 of us to go.

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Work has started on the Oasis already. Polaris have submitted plans for the new Foro, but they did say that when there is the demand they will build further Foros across the resort, this may be in years to come. The snagging photos placed on the site earlier are actually from our apartment on Jardine 12.
Snagging was 290 euros and well worth it - we used Emma at Snagit Murcia.
Hope this helps!
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Hi All,
Back from Spain late last night but just to report that our completion on Tuesday did not go ahead as the Habitation Certificate had not come through. We were not put under any pressure from anyone to complete without it, although we had already discussed this with our Solicitor before we left for Spain and agreed that we wouldn't complete without it. We simply signed Power of Attorney for our Solicitor to complete on our behalf and the fees for this will be paid by PW.
Yes, other people did complete without the Certificate. I asked our Solicitor about this and he said that as it's PW it would probably be OK but he could not recommend it. He also said that some of the Banks may not be willing to complete the mortgage transaction without the Certificate in place.
As Ruthy says it was a bit disappointing but no point in rushing into it if the relevant documents are not in place. My view is that there is more of an incentive for PW to obtain the documentation from the Town Hall if buyers are not completing, as PW are waiting for their money!
Can't believe how many postings and new threads there have been since we left for Spain on Saturday afternoon! Back at work today so will need to catch up with reading the posts.
Will update further with regard to snagging, mortgage arrangements, NIE collection etc hopefully this evening!
Resort and apartments look fab!
Debbie and Paul
Debbie and Paul 
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Sorry to hear about the habitation certificates. I hope they get their butts in gear soon.
Just a quick question though. I've been told that PW want the balance in their account at least a week before completion date (we are not getting a mortgage so buying outright). So, my question is, is everyone else being told to do this? And if so, how does this stand if you paid the balance but then when you get out their no hab cert?
I'm confused..... not hard to confuse me though at the moment, head is spinning with all this!!
_______________________ Kelly
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That's a good question. The contract say that the final payment is payable on completion, not a week before.
So for those out there not with a spanish mortgage how are you paying?
I asked PW customer services a few months ago if they would take a cheque, which she said yes to, but I'm not sure if we really knew what I was on about. So how is the final payment to be made?
A personal cheque from your spanish bank.
Bank transfer to the PW account - but then this would not be 'payable on completion' as it would need setting up, so would either mean that you set up the transfer a few days before or PW were happy to wait a few days after.
Bank transfer to your solictor, who would then pay PW, somehow, upon completion.
A bankers draft, do spanish banks have such a thing?
This message was last edited by ptan on 6/5/2008.
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I asked Halifax Hispania about bankers draft - that would cost me 200 euros to do!!!!!
See this is where i'm getting scared. I would happily do the transfer a week before if PW could guarantee they received the money and that the hab cert is there.
It's the habitation certificates that are worrying me!
_______________________ Kelly
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I wouldn't me happy about paying them before completion and the recification on any faults found in snagging.
Also wouldn't pay 200 for a bankers draft!!! So would either pay with a cheque or through solicitor.
I'm in Naranjos so haven't had completion doc's through. Do these mention how the final payment should be made? Has anyone else asked customer services? Has anyone actually paid?
Payton, As you've been through this, not sure from your post if you're getting a mortgage or not, how were you going to pay? I assume that you have now handed to money over to your solicitor?
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I'd asked my solictor a similar question. She said that most clients prefer to transfer the money to them (the solicitor) in advance of completion. They then arrange a bankers draft, which gets handed over at completion. Completion goes ahead irrespective of snagging, but if there's any defects that we're REALLY concerned about, she would delay completion on our instruction.
Transfer to the Solicitor seems the most sensible thing to me, and was what I was intending to do She didn't mention any additional charge for that service, although I'd assume that they'd pass on any costs that they encountered in drawing the draft (knowing what solicitors are like!).
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Hi all - We shall do the same as we have with all our payments, that is pay it into our solicitors client account and they will take it from there. I can understand what Kelly means though. She is being asked to pay the money up front, at least a week before with the possibility of not having the habitation certificate, they shouldn't ask for money if it is not in place. Kelly are you using a solicitor? If not, I would contact PW and tell them that you will transfer money to them when you receive a copy of the certificate.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Yes i'm using a solicitor but have always paid PW directly. But i am thinking about asking to pay through solicitors so they can control it for me!
A question for those who went out to complete but couldn't, what did PW say about the certs? Did they know how long they would take? Are we all in the same boat or is it just you unfortunate ones who PW have got to complete way early?
_______________________ Kelly
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Polaris's completion paperwork state the following:
"We would like to inform you that the final payment can only be made by Bankers Draft payable to Jardines de Alhama S.L. You can bring it to the notary's office at the signing act or to the Finance Department in our Head Office before then.
We would also like to remind you that a personal cheque or cash will not be accepted for the final payment of the property."
Our solicitors never mentioned about paying direct to themselves and then for them to forward payment to Polaris. He did say if we used a local bank in Murcia then he could pick it up for us as a lot of them know him and are willing to hand it over, but as we're with the Halifax in Mazarron we will have to collect it ourselves, which i'll do when we snag prior to completion.
Charges for Banco Halifax are 0.2% / face value of cheque ie. 80000€ = 160€ charge (not sure if there's IVA to go on top of that.)
I know reading previous forums banks have been charging 300€s for this but people have been able to negotiate them down a bit.
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