The Comments |
Now that people are starting to complete and will be moving furniture etc into the apartments can I ask a favour?
I am led to believe that there will be NO light fittings at all. IE. bare wire hanging from ceilings.
This will mean live wires exposed with the new owners having to fit the light fitments.
Price wise this is not a great problem to start with as a basic bulb fitment is not exspensive or hard to fit.
Howver does Spain not conform to basic health and safety?
Those early pathfinders: could you please post details of exactly what you find in relation to lights when you get to your property.
Could I be really cheeky and maybe ask you to post some pictures of your completed property before you fit it out?
We are in Jardine 9 3 bedder.
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Whirlpool aircon , I just wanted someone who could arrange keys and do it all aircon and lights in one go.They have done a lot on various Polaris resorts and seem to know the system. etc
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Hi everyone.
Have just been looking at the pics posted by Emma, and would have to agree with some earlier comments about the lighting. I am surprised that there appears to be wires hanging from the ceiling (would hope they're capped!!) I would have thought that Polaris would have put in a basic light fitting, even if not from a health and safety point of view, but so that we could put some light bulbs in.
Does anybody think that there Is there any point in asking PW if this is something they would consider doing?
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A while ago we asked Homestyle about lights- thinking this might be the one thing we would get them to fit because it would make the apartment accessible for 'camping' in for a few nights. Homestyle suggested we popped over to make a selection and they'd provide the name of an electrician! If we could 'pop' over we could sort this ourselves anyway- maybe it got confused in translation!!.
Jan & Mike
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Can anyone remind us how many ceiling lights are needed in the two bed Jardines apartments? Some of the photo's seem to show two sets of wires in the lounge area as well as one set over the diner but I cannot find it written anywhere
Jan & Mike
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Hi Jan & Mike
Looking at photos and from my memory I think in the 2 bed appartment has:
Lounge has 2
Dinning Area 1
Kitchen 1
Hallway to bedrooms 1
Bed one 1
Bed two 1
Bathroom 1
I am not 100% sure but this is what I think
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Thanks Phil, somewhere along the line we'd started to plan on one light in the kitchen and then looking at some photo's from recent postings saw what could be wires suggesting 2 sets of lights in the lounge and we just cant remember from our own visit. Better with two- although at one point I seemed to have picked several different styles just for the lounge/diner/kitchen area!!
Have to go back to that or we'll have the style police on us.
Jan & Mike
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The light fittings are all left as bare wires - whilst husband and PW guy were doing the snagging, thought I would make myself useful by doing a list of all the light fittings we would need! Sorry folks, but can only give details for the two bedroomed apartments.
Lounge area 2 light fittings
Dining area 1 light fitting
Kitchen 1 light fitting
Hallway 1 light fitting
Bedroom 1 2 light fittings
Bedroom 2 2 light fittings
Bathroom 2 light fittings (one intended to be angled towards mirror)
Outside 3 light fittings (one next to front door, one on terrace and one on steps up to terrace)
The terracotta outside lights which appear at the show apartments are not included, as we had been previously advised. Not too bothered as I didn't particularly like them, but it now means we have another three lights to buy for each apartment!
Hope this assists in your budget planning!
Debbie and Paul 
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Thanks Debbie
Have to make sure kids switch them all off keep the costs down, usually like Blackpool Illuminations in our house.
Surprised at 2 in the bedroom though.
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Glad I queried this now as we had only accounted for 1 light in the bedrooms also and were at 730 euro's(including fitting) before that point and the outside lights came into the frame. So we definately need to look at this again- might even wait till we go over for completion in August as we cant use the apartment until October anyway. If that changes we can always buy bedside lights and a standard lamp to use in the interim. Thanks everyone for the input.
Jan & Mike
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We paid a visit to Polaris HQ on Wednesday and was assured by a member of the Customer Services team that the outside lights WILL be provided by Polaris !
_______________________ Jardin 8.
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Hi Awalky
Let me guess they didn’t give you that in writing, but if not you could try emailing the person who gave you that assurance and seeing if they will confirm it for you, that way you would have in writing. Let us know if they do.
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Hi all
We also were advised by the PW rep when we visited the show apartments that the outside lights were to be included as a standard fixture. If this is not the case then would PW want everyone to be installing different outside light fittings. As normally PW like outside fittings uniformed or standard. Unless perhaps its a ploy for us to buy the terricotta ones off PW as extras as maybe they're the only ones which will be allowed on the site! Bit like Bill & Ben the flower pot men.  
John & Val
John & Val
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