The Comments |
Hi all,
This is just a suggestion but it is what I did, ( maybe some of you did aswell ) . When I send any information by post it is best to send them by registered post this way you get a tracking number which can be tracked by you on the internet, If you send the number to the recipient of the info then they can track it on their side.
Hope this helps
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Hi, wish i'd done that now, going over on June 2nd anyway so if the documents don't arrive by then i'll take them to the Cam bank in San Javier. Cheers,
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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We paid for the documents to be signed for on receipt- but different from registered mail because we have found they dont let you know if it has been signed for. You can only trace that arrangement as far as leaving the UK and- as I have this week discovered- you have to write to the Post Office to find out if anyone signed for it and therefore discover if it arrived!! This is a complete waste of time- so I'd advise people to use registered mail as its all your personal information floating about Europe. I may add that I have emailed Eva at CAM Bank to find out if they had received the envelope and had no reply and it took 4 calls to CAM to speak to someone who could confirm arrival.
Jan & Mike
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Cam Bank are a waste of space at the moment, no one knows what the other one is doing and they never return your emails or calls, why Polaris have rec'd them and builders mortgage is beyond me, thought that with their rec'd they would have got to work a lot quicker than most other banks but how wrong could I be !!
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hope it helps but sent all mine by e mail, scanned etc and all OK found Isabel and Eva helpful . Initial hold up was due to Polaris change of details and Land Registry documents. Gave lawyers POA 2 weeks ago . Completion 17th June .Parador doing snagging Aked Cam to do home insurance even if slightly more to avoid any problems- fingers crossed.
Had some air con quotes from a few companies including Polaris . Dearest non Polaris was €4000 for top of range includes everything ( 3 bed) . Looking at details at weekend and plan to call 2 suppliers. Both supply different models so trying to work out advantages.
Just trying to find out if Polaris have put light fittings in place. Seems strange that it will be a few months before we get back to Spain but will own an apartment.
Wish everyone well
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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We have now scanned and sent a couple of additional documents that weren't requested in the original email from Eva. These came bouncing back so we had to do again several times but finally managed everything- but no email to confirm they have all got there. Can only assume they are now bogged down in managing all the documentation from everyone, as previously replies came within hours.
Jan & Mike
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The larger documents like the purchase agreement needed to be sent in parts as scanning created too large a document. If they have requested purchase agreement and deposit receipts I understood they had approved and just needed final paperwork. Good luck you may be at the end now
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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Hi all,
My documents are still missing in the post, 2 weeks now. E-mailed Eva but like others no reply. My completion is July 2nd, starting to panic a bit now. Going over early June so will have to arrange with Cam a date so that I can deliver all the documents to them. Roll on completion.
Chris and Tracey.
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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Chris- can you get them faxed over and so send them a second time? We have the fax number of thats of any help. This message was last edited by JHMurcia on 5/23/2008.
Jan & Mike
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Has anyone at all had the 'OK' on their mortgage apllication from CAM, I seem to be reading a lot about documents requested and then more requested but no one actually receiving confirmation that its been approved, I think there is a lot of us that are starting to panic, completion dates getting ever closer and I know they say ' No news is good news' But when you have solicitors telling you that if alls not in place by completion the best you can hope for is a postponement of no more than 2 weeks or lose everything you have already paid, its panic stations all round. We are all having the same problems with CAM - lackof communication, yes I know they are busy with processing all our paperwork but surely they are used to coping with this and should have been prepared.
Wishing us all the best of luck with this and hope we all get to completion without much more worry
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hi Jan,
There's so many pages to fax over, i'll have the number of you anyway just in case, thanks. I think i'll deliver them personally though. Just wish they would reply to my e-mails then i'd know for sure if they've had the documents. I've even phoned and no reply, it's really frustrating.
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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We have had our mortgage approved by CAM - I got a formal mortgage offer from them by e-mail a couple of weeks ago. I think it took about four to five weeks in total.
I tried scanning all the documents on to our home computer and sending them by e-mail but the attachments were too big and it jammed our server up for two days! Eventually I stood at the fax machine at work and faxed them all through - about 50 pages in all. It took ages but I got an e-mail back within about half an hour to say that all documents had been received.
I have not had any problems getting a response to e-mails from CAM Bank, although I have been dealing with someone different to most of you - she has always responded to me within about half an hour. I am happy to post her e-mail address on this thread in case any of you want to try contacting her but as it's on my computer at work, won't be able to do it until Tuesday now.
Debbie and Paul
Debbie and Paul 
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Hi Deb
Thanks for that, I would appreciate a different email addy see if I get any quicker responses. I have not got access to a fax machine so I am hoping that if they are having problems receiving scanned email docs that they would at least let me know so I at least try and sort something soon.
Thanks again
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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