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Interested in this query also.
we have not yet got our date, we are in Jardines 9 (formally 8).
I cannot believe that on completion the electricity and water will be turned off and we will have to wait x number of weeks for them to be turned on and set up in new owners name.
Iam sure something must be in place so once the property is handed over there is still water/elec avail.
Can the first people completing let us all know whats happening re. this.
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Hi Mandy,
You are right - it says it in the completion paperwork. Polaris state it takes between 30 to 60 days from completion but I don't see how they can issue a certificate of habitation without them connected. I spoke to Rachel in completions this morning and she said it usually takes a month but I will be asking my lawyer if she can find out about this. I asked Rachel if there would be temporary power and water supplies (mainly so our air con can be commissioned) but she said there wouldn't be any - I don't think she really understood what I was getting at! Anyway, looks like we might have an uninhabitable apartment that we have to pay the mortgage on for a couple of months!!
I'll let you know if I find out any more.
_______________________ 2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:
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Hi Tim
I also asked my Lawyer and was told that it is the norm to wait at least 1 mth for utilities and no wrk that needs electrical or water power can be carried out before that time - so yes we all have properties that we cant use until that day !!! Unfortunate really as it would have been nice to camp out after completion for a couple of days to 'feel the dream' ha ha Oh well another waiting game
Good luck all
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Their is nothing in place when you sign. They come onstream at different times. Don't worry about getting the aircon installed as Polarair (if that's who you are using) simply bring a generator with them and test it out ready for the off when your electricity is connected. I guess if they can do it then the other a/c contractors must be able to as well???
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Mmmm! Frustrating! Especially as we found out after we booked the flights on the assumption we would be able to stay there! Just hope the utilities companies get us all connected before they go on holiday in August.....
_______________________ 2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:
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Not sure where we read this so it will need checking but we thought that until the utilities are switched over you cannot have access to the property. So you cant put anything in the apartments until there is something to confirm the utilities have been passed over to the new owner. I suppose thats to avoid a confusion over who has used a few watts of electicity.
Had this conversation with someone at the LIverpool 'Taste of Murcia' evening who throught they'd be in the day they signed everything but they agreed they had read something about access after the sign over of utilities- it was just they thought that hapened at the Notary, which it doesnt.. Will try to find more out about this.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Everyone
not sure if this will help but there is a thread on the Hacienda Requelme site re: Utilities. The people on that site may be able to help you as they have, or are going through this now. This message was last edited by cuz on 5/12/2008.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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We were told by PW (and Parador Properties) that until the services have been connected we will not be able to put any furniture etc in the property - they mentioned something about this being because the service companies will need access to the property and there is the risk of damage to our furnishings etc! I got the clear impression that they were saying although we would have completed on the property, effectively we would not be able to use it until the services are connected, which is likely to be around 30 to 60 days later.
Whilst getting very excited now (our completion date is three weeks tomorrow), can't help but think we are being asked to complete too soon. The services are not connected, there are no facilities on site such as a supermarket, restaurants, bars etc and I feel that we will be paying the mortgage for at least a few months without having any real benefit. I would probably have preferred to wait another few months but have something more in the way of facilities when we do complete.
I think we should certainly put pressure on PW to provide the courtesy bus service between the resorts if only say between Condado and La Torre where there is a good choice of bars and restaurants.
I think we are completing during the first week of completions so will let you all know how it goes and update the forum with any useful information gathered whilst we are over there.
Debbie and Paul 
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I totally agree with you payton, like I said earlier on another thread I asked for an extention, even said I was on family holiday at that time but they were insistant I complete even if it meant by power of attorney
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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In 2 years time everyone will be chilled, like buying anything new there is frustration upon frustration.............. 
the 12 weeks to 6 months delivery for a new suite (why can't they have it in stock ?) 
the 4 weeks to break a new pair of shoes in (why can't they be hand made to fit my feet) 
the new car that goes back to the garage to fix the faults that a used car has already had sorted 
the new pans (that have to be washed in soapy water before use, then oiled to help seal them) 
the new microwave i bought the other day (had to be used on full power in grill mode for 10 mins to burn off the 'oil') 
that cup of tea in a morning when you're in such a rush that it won't cool down before you have to leave for work 
that new wife that's nothing like the girlfriend promised 
those damned new Polaris properties that are being completed in the same manner (except ahead of schedule as all the other Polaris properties too date . I was fully aware of the pre-installed aircon, the 1 to 3 month wait for utilities, their right to fix the completion date to suit them finishing 1500 properties in the space of 3 months, their attempt to make as much money as possible out of the gullible buyer (see any UK building coy for similar carry on), having to fight to get snaggs put right, the risks of buying off-plan basically........................ but i still bought, and bought for the long run, so if everything takes another 12 months or 2 years (or 5) to be perfect then i for one will still be content.
i am completing by power of attourney, my snagging will be done the same way, the snagging coy will snagg the aircon that i'll order over the net, i'll go out once that's all done with my sleeping bag and sort out the furniture............. chilled 
roll on the summer of 2010 
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Shampers- you are right. But I think many of us have been taken aback by unexpectedly having to complete far earlier than planned and whilst thats far far better than completing late everyone has needed time to get their heads around this- I know we have. I think we thought we'd be lucky to be in for Feb 2009 so now we can see that we can be sorted for well before that. I've looked back on the threads and it has been raised before that we cannot access the apartments until there is confirmation that the utilities have been swopped over and our advantage is that Polaris will do the legwork in making the applications for us. Very often the purchaser has to do that, utilities are not generally on at the properties for completion in Spain. I did see someone advertising their apartment for rent unfurnished for July, but I'd wonder if they can actually make those arrangements yet there will be no dates for the swop of the utilities.
Jan & Mike
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Hi Shamper........
Hope that we get to meet you when all is done and dusted cos your outlook is the same as this for the long haul and looking forward to completion. Don't doubt that there'll be a bit of head scratching along the way but believe it will be more than worth it in the years to come......
Gary & Angela
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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<<<<< wonders what c'est la vie is in Spanish >>>>>>
I've followed different forums for 2 years now, read the various watchdog sites and the only difference with Condado is the fact that they are way, way ahead of schedule, Polaris are like buses either early so you miss em, or late so you miss where you should be.
The early completion has caused me an issue or 2 on the money and holiday front as all hols booked till Feb 2009 already, and all money not in position for June 2008 hence the POA for everything, and yes i have got everything crossed to make sure it goes right.
The £ crashing against the € and the crash in our stock market has also changed the way i buy this from cash/share sale to Spanish mortgage (the builder's one i hope) via CAM Bank (and yes i'm still awaiting the decision, and completion is due in 6 weeks).
Loads for me to worry about, but i refuse to, as everyone needs this to work, us, the Banks and Polaris.
As for using the place straight away, then it's a building site (as with any initial buyers on any development in the UK) and will be for sometime afterwards, so my plans are to get it bought, get utilities and aircon in, sort furniture out over a 12mth period, and maybe have something usable by summer 2009 (still earlier than i expected).
Still rather be like this than 2 to 3 years late like the other developments (or never at all !)
 there's 2 bottles of vino and 4 glasses for Gary, Angela, Jan (& Mr Jan) for my apartment warming in summer 2009 
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Totally agree shampers, we seem to be in a similar situation to you.
We bought in Nov 06 and at the time originally went to view properties in Jumilla, a San Jose development, never even thought about Polaris, viewed the properties up there, they had show houses ready and the spec seemed good, my only concern was the distance in land from the airport. Our agent then showed me Polaris on the Sunday morning. We were sat on the terrace having a coffee at La Torre and thought that this was for us.
Since then the Jumilla development has never been built with them having hassle getting the building permits. There are also strong rumours that the company has gone into liquidation. Could have cost us 30-40,000€. How much would we have got through our bank guarantee? who knows, thats assuming we'd have got one.
We were lucky as to our holiday plans, already had two weeks booked in La Torre and managed to get completion dates to fall in with that in late July. Hopefully the water and electric will come within the 60 days as I'm back out in October to have the air-con fitted, some furniture delivered and to start asssembling shower screens etc.
The next few years will be exciting seeing how the resort develops with new features every time we go out. Glad the resort has come in earlier than planned so Dawn & myself can enjoy our 40th birthdays in sunny Spain.
Heres to the future, see you all on the terrace
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We agree with everything in the last few posts, we are so lucky compared to some that have bought in Spain and the biggest issue for us is how fast we are going to need the money now. That slightly changes plans, but again it's not so bad for us as we are on Naranjos so we have had a bit of warning that things were moving along at a faster pace. It would be nice to keep things positive and know that we can turn to each other if we need help with anything and not get negative responses all the time, unless they're constructive of course. Also, I think we have to remember that it isn't just our own sites that we should be concerned with, whether it be Jardines, Naranjos, Suites, Villas, Oasis, we are on the whole Condado de Alhama and we are all in it together. I know I have mentioned it before, but if you want to be uplifted, have a look at Lennies posts on Hacienda Requelme, he is living amongst the building and golf course construction and he is loving every minute of it.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Eso es vida! (I think!). Anyway, it's probably the right way to look at it all but it would have been helpful if Polaris or our agent mentioned this before.
We're in Jardin 4 as well and, if it's any consolation, in exactly the same situation as you with CAM and completion set for end of June. Fingers crossed eh? We'll probably rethink our plans for this year now but even with these little surprises (what next?) I'm sure it will be a great place in the long run.
Looks like I better add some more wine glasses to the furnishing budget!!!
_______________________ 2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:
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Totally agree with the positive thinking - wish I could be as chilled as Shampers!!! As JHMurcia says, it has caught a few people on the hop with the early completions. My mouth dropped to the floor at the end of March when we were told completion for the first week of June! We had been out to Spain only three weeks earlier and were told late summer or may be October for completion!
We have just received our formal mortgage offer from CAM BAnk - it has taken about four or five weeks to sort it out so that might be a guide for others with later completion dates.
Debbie and Paul 
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Looking forward to the 'apartment warming' Shampers, and of course the wine. Not in work today and have been able to get out in the garden trying to straighten it up and its a beaut of a day which made me remember why we have gone down the Condado route. We've really enjoyed Spain and the outside living which we get very little of over in the UK- especially last year when it rained forever. We've also gone with CAM Bank but only sent the doct back a week or so ago so are way behind other people- I think deliberating over that took the shine off things a bit because its suddenly real and I think we felt a bit out of our depth for some reason-. However, decision made, we are able to look ahead now- in fact has anyone seen any good prices for flights in Oct half term (25th Oct) our initial searches have them at about £400+ for 2 people? Jan
Jan & Mike
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Hi all,
Well I was feeling a bit stressed this last week or so, sending docs to cam bank, arranging snagging,reading all polaris' documents, not being able to speak to my solicitor about POA. Then I read shampers and Mike's post's and realised I'm not on my own. Everybody's starting to talk positive and look ahead to a better way of life. We have been given a shock with handover dates, mine's July 2nd, but like shampers i'm going to get all the boring and stressful paperwork over with and then for the rest of the year concentrate on furniture and air con etc. Probably go over in October and Jan 09 and hopefully have our first holiday easter next year.There's no rush. As was said earlier we will be the first on site and we can watch the place develop. Can't wait for the beer and wine to flow. Keep up the positive remarks. Going over to my Brother's apartment first 2 weeks in June and traveling down to condado on the 5th to take my first look. Any questions you have I'll ask.
Cheers, Chris and Tracey
_______________________ Chris and Tracey
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