The Comments |
I'm about to post a few photos from my visit to Condado on the 18th April.
Photo 1: The security entrances are underway.
Photo 2: Polaris World Site Offices coming along.
Photo 3: Shutters on Bedroom patio doors.
Photo 4: Outside lights.
Photo 5: Awning and curtains on ground floor Jardines. Gives a lovely private area when needed.
Photo 6: Nice Apartment Numbers
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Nice photos Migde, thankyou. We never managed to upload ours, so it must be something that we were doing wrong (What?????) but they are about the same as yours and others apart from the distance ones of Los Naranjos. This message was last edited by cuz on 4/28/2008.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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My mates got a top of the range digi camera and can't download photos due to the size & high quality. Not to sure how you can reduce them, my camera is just your std run of the mill.
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Thanks for the photos, makes me wish I was out there, pouring down here looking out of the office window.
I assume looking at the apartment no. that they are just going to stick with our original plot numbers and not going to rename each Jardine with a proper street name & new number.
For your pctures you can download free software on the net, just put a search in for pixresizer. It will reduce the pixel content in the photo.
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Thanks for the photos Iain, can you confirm that it is just the bedroom patio door that has shutters and not the patio door out of the living area to the front?
Regards Ken and Fiona
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Hi guys,
Yes it's only the bedroom windows & patio doors that have shutters and there all manually operated. We were previously told all windows & patio doors would have shutters and that the patio doors would be electrically operated.
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Which are the first Jardines set to complete? And is there anyone looking to let out their Jardin from completion?Interested in one of the first 4 of the Jardines, unless of course they are not completing in numerical order, as Polaris tend to do things a bit differently!
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Hi Mark,
Penthouses looked good from a distance but after viewing the Jardines I think our Guide was in a bit of rush. We did mention that we had bought a Penthouse but he drove straight passed Los Naranjos and we didn't get to take any photos. Bummer, but might have been something to do with Baby Iain filling his nappy, while in the people carrier and we were then forced to drive along with all windows fully down.
Did you see my notes regarding the possible relocation of the Jardines and Los Naranjos Town Centres? They may now end up next to us, just behind Phase 2 Penthouses.
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Hi Midge on your photo 1 security entrance is that situated around the temporary sales office area or is it in another area. Nice to see an outside tap where the washing machine is situated and the blinds look really nice and also the numbers. Very smart.
John & Val
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Hi John,
Yes the security entrance is at the sales office although I noticed several entrances at similar stages of construction all round the resort. I took a few photos showing all outside tap positions for ground and 1st floor Jardines. I'll add a few more shortly.
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Thanks for the update, we are going out to Mar Menor for the week at the end of June so will try and get some more pictures when we visit condado.
Its good to hear that the penthouses are progressing well, I met with my agent from Dream Coast Homes at the Excel show over the weekend, he has also brought in block 11, and was onsite last week and said the views out over the course and onto the mountains were stunning from the penthouses - cant wait !!!!!
He was also of the belief that the ready date will be Jan/Feb 09 - (sounds like everyone has a ready date !!) at least this would give us some time to sort out the mortage and boring financial stuff. Also from what I have gleaned elsewhere, it sounds like after you complete, it still takes a long time to get the services connected and up and running - I was hoping to complete and spend a few weeks onsite in the sunshine - be a bit tough with no power and water !!
Pip Pip
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All, I uploaded some pictures taken on 2nd May when I visited Condado Alhama. Haven't contributed to your blogs as yet, I just found out (perhaps most of you are from the UK, I am from Holland). I bought in Jardin 04 but the pictures are of Garden 12 or 13 in which the show houses are. My completion date is 22 July and I plan to rent-out from the point of utility connections.
All the best and thanks for all useful commentary.
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Hi Matthijs
Great pics thank you, I have bought on Jardin 13 and cant wait to move, completing 15th July - Happy days are getting closer
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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I got similar one yesterday Debs for Jardine 5, hope the pool is going to be larger than the pool in the smaller Jardines. Don't know what the area is in the middle, some sort of seating/meeting area?
Please see photos section for picture
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Can everyone on Jardin 13 please contact Polaris over the next few days and register their feelings about the removal of the 2nd pool from, what surely is, the largest of all the Jardins? I have already emailed my agent. Why oh why have they done this? Cost cutting? I can see no other reason. Please contact PW as it's the ONLY way we have a cat in hells chance of getting it back now. Thanks.
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Just read about a disappearing pool in Jardine 5 - NOT HAPPY.
One of the reasons we bought on this garden was because of two pools and this definitely influenced the particular apartment we purchased and the view. Now it looks as if all this has changed. Does anyone have a clearer picture of the "revised" layout so that we can see what we will now have infront of us?
Seems like a pretty cheap trick Polaris are playing with disappearing pools.
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