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I was told that there might now be electric and water in the apartment,does anyone know any solid answer to wether the electric/water will be on please?
Best Wishes.
This message was last edited by geoff359 on 6/1/2008.
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Polaris will give you between 30-60 WORKING days for utilities. That is after, of course, they manage to sort out Habitation certificates for us to complete in the first place....
_______________________ Property Rentals, Management, Key Holding and more on Polaris Resorts......
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I saw elsewhere that when the snagging company went in last week there was no water or electric on in the apartments and apparently the Polaris people could only say that it'd take 30-60 days (as we know) for these to be switched, they didnt know about owners using builders power etc. What happened to the builders power and water idea? Or is that very haphazard and only availabe sparodically through the day.- our agents seem to think that we'd get some water and electric but they didnt think (and they could be wrong) that you'd be able to stay on site because it wouldnt be in any way reliable. However I have been told by someone else in that position (another developer another development) that if a developer allows use of builders power and water its a bit unreliable but available. Which leaves this quite unclear.
Jan & Mike
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the concensous on other Polaris resorts is that if you shout loud enough and say you have renters then you may get builders utilties temporarily. At the end of the day, it is an expense to Polaris and they are in no financial position to be subsidising completed properties. You cannot legally have your own utilties until you complete and have a habitation certificate. I sense a few stand-off situations - anyone with a six-shooter?
_______________________ Property Rentals, Management, Key Holding and more on Polaris Resorts......
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Batfink- that makes sense except some weeks back we had a thread or comments on a thread suggesting that Polaris had agreed to the use of builders power and electric so that people could have their aircon etc fitted. What you are saying sort of matches our agents who seem to be using the 'unreliable' card. We want to have access to the apartment when we complete- not to stay but to do a clean and put in some basic (camping) furniture. Our son may actually stay once the utilities are switched on for deliveries and we hope to be there for Oct half term. However any delay in the 30-60 day suggestion puts that plan up in the air. It'll be back to the drawing board for us.
Jan & Mike
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I'm as confused as everyone else on this. I asked our Solictor to confirm exactly what "Builders Utilities" means... She contacted PW and they told her that this means that we WILL have water and elect from completion up to the point that the utilities get transferred over to us (i.e. 30-60 days later). The snagging guys (who obviously have experience of this) seem to think that would be a change of approach for PW, but I notice that several others on this Forum seem to have been in touch with PW direct and been told the same as my Solictor was... which still leaves us in a state of limbo.
I'm going to contact PW customer services myself and see what they say. Could anyone who has already spoken to them on this subject post here to say if they described what we'd get pls- at least we'd then be able to see if the response is consistent . I fully appreciate the "unrealiable" bit, - which is fair enough I suppose.
I complete mid July, and am planning on go back mid Aug to start moving a few flat packs etc in. Was hoping to stay in the Apartment itself (snagging dependant)), so am keen to know if that's going to be possible.
What would happen if you were selling a propery in a chain to move into one of these apartments? From what we're being told, it looks like you be in state of limbo for 30-60 days, and I'd assumed (a dangerous thing I know!) that the "builders utilities" arrangement was the way of plugging that gap?
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The longer you live in and with Polaris, the more you become aware of the feeds they give ot apease. Your solicitor is correct in that allowing water and electirc is not the norm and as Polaris are not quite so well off as they were in the past, hence the rush for completion at Condado without resolve, I doubt they will be allowing the masses free electric and water for long. As for the potential that they willswitch it on for you to get your air-con fitted - I would be very surprised at this.
Incidentally, if you have jkeys after completion, you can stay in your apartment if you like, with or without utilities, whether snagging is complete or not. Hopefully it will be cosmetic snaging and nothing major..... like a potentially leaking pipe that you will not know about until the water is turned on....!
_______________________ Property Rentals, Management, Key Holding and more on Polaris Resorts......
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Ok - still not 100%, but here's the latest.
I emailed PW customer services today, and got a phone call back in less than 15 minutes (very effecient?!). I spoke with a lady called Nica.
She advised that PW are TRYING to get builders utilities connected to ALL Jardins in advance of completion. She said that this isn't done as yet (so those who are completing this week are unlikely to have anything), but they are hopeful that water and electricity WILL be on for those completing in July and August. She stressed that this is dependant upon the utilities companies being able to deliver... fair enough I suppopse.
I asked her exactly what "Builders Utiltiies" gave us - she confirmed that it means that the person moving into the propery would be able to use Water and Electricity without having to pay for the quantity that they use... but the maintainence charge for the utilities would start from completion though...
I also asked if this was a different arrangement to those that had completed at other PW developments - mentioning that I'd heard from other PW buyers that they had NO utilities until the switch over. She was a bit confused by that, but said that she couldn't confirm one way or the other.... which didn't really instill me in confidence.
I then said that I was completing mid July, and planning to go back mid Aug to stay in the apartement - so I needed to know that water and electric WOULD be on by then. She it would be - either builders or the permanent connection.....
So, this certainly seems to be consistent with everything else we've been told, but still differs to what the snagging companies would typically expect at a PW development.
For anyone who wants to try speaking with PW themselves and see if they get the same story (or any more details), contact details are -
0034 968 012 090
Hope that helps in some way.. I wouldn't go taking rental booking on the strength of this yet though!
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I work with someone who has bought on Hacienda and just stayed in their apartment for the first time. They have been connected to the builders supply, however they have mentioned that it is cold water only at the moment, something to do with a generator not up and running?????
Not sure if this is something that we will also need, I am not knowledgement about these things, but I do like to turn on a hot tap and have hot water!. Something worth checking if you can't cope with a cold shower!!!!!! Let's hope it will be so hot in Murcia so a cold shower won't bother us.
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Thanks Lindsey that's useful to know.
How long ago did you collegaue complete on Hacienda ? Interested to know if it was less that 30-60 days ago.
I don't know the utilities arrangements in Hacienda but perhaps they need gas connected for the hot water (just a guess). As Condado is gas free, perhaps this wouldn't be an issue for us.
If not, there's always the swimming pools for washing in!!
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Hi guys
I was condcuting further snagging on the Jardines resort yesterday and asked the question about utiities. What I was told by the Polaris representative, who seemed to be fairly knowlegable having worked for the last 7 months with the snagging team on Hacienda Requleme, was the following. Any owner who wishes to be connected to the builders supply of water and electricity can request this from the Polaris office on site. This can only be requested after completion. Although the utilities have not been up and running during our recent snagging visits this is due to the fact that they are currently working on how best to organise this and will hopefully have it functioning in the coming weeks. I will check again on this the next time we are down. If you are connected to builders supplies you will not have to pay for any bills as meters would not have been installed.
On another note I was told that the temporary supermarket, tennis courts and also hopefully a driving ranage will be open by July. I will shortly post some photos of jardin 11 which is next to the show garden. This will show a very similar looking jardine to 12. The swimming pool is full and the plants matruing nicely.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
Snagit Murcia This message was last edited by ebeechey on 6/4/2008.
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Thanks Emma for spending the time to keep us all informed.
Its great to hear things are moving along nicely.
What is your general feelings about the finish of the apartments at the moment?
so very excited
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Thanks Emma pretty useful info that your bringing us. Hows the snagging going? and are there any common issues that you have come across so far?...... IN your opinion do you think the pools you have seen so far are of an adequate size to cope with the amount of apts on each garden?....I am sure there will be lots more questions soon. Thanks again
Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 
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Hello again
In general the 3 properties that we have snagged I felt have been of a fairly high quality compared to the other properties we have worked on in other Polaris resorts.
There are some standard issues which I have found in all the properties.
On both the 3 bed properties the entrance gates are not hung properly and do not close.
There is always excess paint on patio tiles. and also where the bathroom wall tiles meet with the ceiling.
The grouting sometimes needs attention especially in bathrooms.
Polaris do not seem able to fit sockets which are level.
There seems to always be excess paint around door and window architraves.
The above are things that have been common on all 3 properties we have worked on.
Regarding the pools I feel that they are adequate given the size of the gardens. I cannot see that you would have every apartment fully occupied at any one time, and if one pool happens to be busy there is nothing to stop you walking a few hundred yards to another garden and using a quieter pool.
Snagit Murcia
This message was last edited by ebeechey on 6/4/2008.
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Hi Emma
Thanks for the updates on the utilities subject but can you tell me, what do you do about checking the plumbing if there is no water? And is there anything that can be done to check electrics before lights are fitted, and again if there is no supply?
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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